UV-LED curable coatings represent an up-to-date attractive field due to the high curing efficiency even in the presence of high filler loadings, as well as to the absence of infrared wavelengths that may negatively impact on heat-sensitive substrates. The addition of carbonaceous materials, such as biochar (BC) and/or multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) could positively improve both the rheological and thermal properties. In this study we report on the synthesis and characterization of carbon-reinforced films containing nanometric (MWCNTs) and micrometric (BC) carbon-based materials. We analyze the rheological properties of the UV-LED curable dispersions, as well as the thermal and optical properties of the resulting films, establishing some correlations between filler dispersion/loading with the main observed properties.In the last two decades, the mortality rate in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) has decreased significantly, resulting in an almost normal longevity in this population. However, a large portion of this population still endures a poor quality of life, mostly due to an increased inclination for substance abuse, including tobacco smoking. The prevalence of smoking in PLWHA is consistently higher than in HIV negative persons. A predisposition to cigarette smoking in the setting of HIV potentially leads to exacerbated HIV replication and a higher risk for developing neurocognitive and other CNS disorders. Oxidative stress and inflammation have been identified as mechanistic pathways in smoking-mediated HIV pathogenesis and HIV-associated neuropathogenesis. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), packaged with oxidative stress and inflammatory agents, show promise in understanding the underlying mechanisms of smoking-induced HIV pathogenesis via cell-cell interactions. This review focuses on recent advances in the field of EVs with an emphasis on smoking-mediated HIV pathogenesis and HIV-associated neuropathogenesis. This review also provides an overview of the potential applications of EVs in developing novel therapeutic carriers for the treatment of HIV-infected individuals who smoke, and in the discovery of novel biomarkers that are associated with HIV-smoking interactions in the CNS.It has been long recognized that cancer cells reprogram their metabolism under hypoxia conditions due to a shift from oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) to glycolysis in order to meet elevated requirements in energy and nutrients for proliferation, migration, and survival. However, data accumulated over recent years has increasingly provided evidence that cancer cells can revert from glycolysis to OXPHOS and maintain both reprogrammed and oxidative metabolism, even in the same tumor. This phenomenon, denoted as cancer cell metabolic plasticity or hybrid metabolism, depends on a tumor micro-environment that is highly heterogeneous and influenced by an intensity of vasculature and blood flow, oxygen concentration, and nutrient and energy supply, and requires regulatory interplay between multiple oncogenes, transcription factors, growth factors, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), among others. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) represent key modulators of a switch between reprogrammed and oxidative metabolism. The present review focuses on cross-talks between HIF-1, glucose transporters (GLUTs), and AMPK with other regulatory proteins including oncogenes such as c-Myc, p53, and KRAS; growth factor-initiated protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, phosphatydyl-3-kinase (PI3K), and mTOR signaling pathways; and tumor suppressors such as liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and TSC1 in controlling cancer cell metabolism. The multiple switches between metabolic pathways can underlie chemo-resistance to conventional anti-cancer therapy and should be taken into account in choosing molecular targets to discover novel anti-cancer drugs.Highly variable changes in cognitive functions occur as people get older, and socio-economically disadvantaged older adults are more likely to suffer from cognitive decline. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/zidesamtinib.html This study aims to identify the longitudinal trend in cognitive functions among different socio-economic groups of older adults. The Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) followed up 32,323 individuals aged 65 years and older over a 12-year period. A series of mixed-effects models was used to explicitly assess cohort trend and its socio-economic disparity in the cognitive functions of older adults. Scores for significant increase in cognitive functions by birth cohort were smaller by 0.49, 0.28, and 0.64 among older adults with more educational experience, a lower household income, or economic dependence relative to their counterparts. Scores for differences in cognitive function between older adults with higher and lower incomes were smaller by 0.46 among those living in urban areas than among those living in rural areas. Although there were larger cohort growth trends in cognitive functions among older adults with lower educational attainment, lower household income, and who were economically dependent, effective public intervention targeting these socio-economically disadvantaged populations is still necessary.The delivery of nebulized medications to preterm infants during Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) remains an unmet clinical need. In this regard, the effective delivery of nebulized surfactant has been particularly investigated in preclinical and clinical studies. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of delivering nebulized surfactant through various commercially available nasal prong types. We first performed a compendial characterization of surfactant aerosols generated by the eFlow Neos nebulizer, customized to be used in neonates, determining the amount of surfactant delivered by the device as well as the aerodynamic characteristics of surfactant aerosols. Additionally, we extended the compendial characterization by testing the effect of different nasal prong types on the estimated lung dose using a realistic Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) circuit that included a cast of the upper airways of a preterm neonate. The compendial characterization of surfactant aerosols delivered through different nasal prongs achieved relatively high delivered surfactant doses (in the range 63-74% of the nominal dose), with aerodynamic characteristics displaying mass median aerodynamic diameters ranging between 2.