We demonstrate a method of generating instantaneous and uniform total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) excitation by using an annular fiber bundle and spatially incoherent light sources. We show the flexibility of our method in that it can generate TIRF excitation with either a laser light source or an LED of different wavelengths, and facilitate switching between TIRF and epi illumination. In this report we detail the design of the fiber bundle, then demonstrate the performance via single-molecule imaging in the presence of high background and high throughput, and uniform TIRF imaging of cells over a large field of view. Our versatile method will enable quantitative shadowless TIRF imaging.We study both theoretically and experimentally the effect of nonlinearity on topologically protected linear interface modes in a photonic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) lattice. It is shown that under either focusing or defocusing nonlinearity, this linear topological mode of the SSH lattice turns into a family of topological gap solitons. These solitons are stable. However, they exhibit only a low amplitude and power and are thus weakly nonlinear, even when the bandgap of the SSH lattice is wide. As a consequence, if the initial beam has modest or high power, it will either delocalize, or evolve into a soliton not belonging to the family of topological gap solitons. These theoretical predictions are observed in our experiments with optically induced SSH-type photorefractive lattices.We present quantum cascade laser (QCL) frequency comb devices with engineered waveguides for managing the dispersion. The QCL waveguide consists of multiple sections with different waveguide widths. The narrow and wide sections of the waveguide are designed in a way to compensate the group velocity dispersion (GVD) of each other and thereby produce a flat and slightly negative GVD for the QCL. The QCL exhibits continuous comb operation over a large part of the dynamic range of the laser. Strong and narrow-linewidth intermode beatnotes are achieved in a more than 300 mA wide operation current range. The comb device also features considerably high output power (>380mW) and wide optical bandwidth (>55cm-1).In this Letter, we report an octave-spanning mid-infrared (MIR) comb generation with a difference frequency generation (DFG) approach optimized for aperiodically poled MgLiNbO3 and nonlinear spectral broadening. An Erfiber comb is delivered to two branches and amplified in an Ybfiber and an Erfiber amplifier, respectively. We demonstrate that the two-branch DFG can yield the spectrum tuned over an octave in a fan-out periodically poled lithium niobate. Thus, we obtain an optimized poling period profile and design the aperiodically poled MgLiNbO3. The results demonstrate that broadband combs can be generated in the MIR atmospheric window.A high power mid-infrared (MIR) supercontinuum (SC) is demonstrated in a strictly all-fiberized Er-doped ZBLAN fiber amplifier (EDZFA). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/wrw4.html The EDZFA is seeded by a 2.0-3.5 µm fiber-based SC laser and pumped at 976 nm. At pulse repetition rate of 500 kHz, the output SC spanning from 2.7 to 4.2 µm reaches a record output power of 4.96 W with an overall slope efficiency of 17.3%. This Letter, to the best of our knowledge, demonstrates the first all-fiberized in-amplifier SC generation in the MIR region, which has significant potential for further power scaling.Highly efficient tandem organic light-emitting diodes (TOLEDs) were achieved based on a non-doped charge generation unit (CGU) consisting of LiF/Al/C60/4,4',4"-tris(N-3-methylphenyl-N-phenyl-amino) triphenylamine (m-MTDATA) and ultrathin emitting layers. The current-voltage characteristics of the CGU devices and electron-only devices and the capacitance-voltage characteristics of the CGU-based capacitance devices were characterized to explore the charge generation and injection mechanisms. The charge generation process occurs at the interface of C60/m-MTDATA through electron transferring from the highest occupied molecular orbital of m-MTDATA to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of C60. It is found that the thinner C60 layer contributes to efficient electron injection. Under the optimal structure, the blue TOLEDs exhibit a maximum current efficiency (CEmax) of 43.3 cd/A. The CEmax and maximum external quantum efficiency (EQEmax) of the white TOLEDs reach 84.6 cd/A and 26.7%, respectively.We report a method to control, disrupt, and restore a regime of unidirectional soliton generation in a bidirectionally pumped ring microresonator. This control, i.e., the soliton blockade, is achieved by tuning the pump frequency of the counterrotating field. The blockade effect is correlated with the emergence of a dark-bright nonlinear resonance of cw states.In emerging open photonic resonators that support quasinormal eigenmodes, fundamental physical quantities and methods have to be carefully redefined. Here, we develop a perturbation theory framework for nonlinear material perturbations in leaky optical cavities. The ambiguity in specifying the stored energy due to the exponential growth of the quasinormal mode field profile is lifted by implicitly specifying it via the accompanying resistive loss. The capabilities of the framework are demonstrated by considering a third-order nonlinear ring resonator and verified by comparing against full-wave nonlinear finite element simulations. The developed theory allows for efficiently modeling nonlinear phenomena in contemporary photonic resonators with radiation and resistive loss.Diffractive optical surfaces have attractive properties for use in optical systems, like reducing weight and correcting for chromatic aberrations, but fabrication of high-quality glass diffractive optics is challenging, preventing it from being widely adopted in commercial applications. In this Letter, we report on a fabrication method to address molding challenges for high-surface-quality diffractive glass optics at molding temperatures up to 550°C, including selection of mold material, mold fabrication, precision glass molding, durability, and stability of the mold. To enable optimal mold machining and easy mold release, nickel phosphorous (NiP) is chosen as the plating material for its cutting performance and anti-adhesion properties, and copper-nickel C71500 (CuNi) is selected as the mold substrate because its coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is close to NiP. By the proposed method, diffractive glass optics with 2 nm Sa surface roughness is demonstrated.