anding pathogenicity of the pathogens in question. Globally, the prevalence of HIV among transgender women remains much higher than that of the general population, and a large proportion of them are unaware of their HIV status. Transgender women are exposed to gender-based violence and social stigma and discrimination in different settings that may create significant barriers to receiving HIV prevention and care services. This study aimed to identify factors associated with recent HIV testing among transgender women in Cambodia. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in 2016 among 1375 transgender women recruited from 13 provinces using a peer-based social network recruitment method. We used a structured questionnaire for face-to-face interviews and performed rapid HIV/syphilis testing onsite. We used a multiple logistic regression analysis to identify factors associated with recent HIV testing. Of the total, 49.2% of the participants reported having an HIV test in the past six months. After controlling for other covariates, the odds of having an HIV tesocial media may have the potential to be promoted and utilized among transgender women populations in order to improve HIV testing and other prevention measures. Despite the widely available free HIV testing services, more than half of transgender women in this study had not received an HIV test in the past six months. Our findings suggest that a tailored and comprehensive combination prevention program, in which HIV testing is linked to care continuum and beyond, maybe an essential next step. Social media may have the potential to be promoted and utilized among transgender women populations in order to improve HIV testing and other prevention measures.Supervised classification methods often assume the train and test data distributions are the same and that all classes in the test set are present in the training set. However, deployed classifiers often require the ability to recognize inputs from outside the training set as unknowns. This problem has been studied under multiple paradigms including out-of-distribution detection and open set recognition. For convolutional neural networks, there have been two major approaches 1) inference methods to separate knowns from unknowns and 2) feature space regularization strategies to improve model robustness to novel inputs. Up to this point, there has been little attention to exploring the relationship between the two approaches and directly comparing performance on large-scale datasets that have more than a few dozen categories. Using the ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 large-scale classification dataset, we identify novel combinations of regularization and specialized inference methods that perform best across multiple open set classification problems of increasing difficulty level. We find that input perturbation and temperature scaling yield significantly better performance on large-scale datasets than other inference methods tested, regardless of the feature space regularization strategy. Conversely, we find that improving performance with advanced regularization schemes during training yields better performance when baseline inference techniques are used; however, when advanced inference methods are used to detect open set classes, the utility of these combersome training paradigms is less evident.Intensive management of C. oleifera has produced many pure C. oleifera plantations. The transmission of C. oleifera plantation will potentially affect soil C, N, and P pools as well as their stoichiometric characteristics both in top soil layer and vertical soil profile due to the intensive management. To understand changes in vertical pools and stoichiometric characteristics of soil C, N, and P as affected by intensive management of C. oleifera plantations, both mixed and pure C. oleifera plantations were studied. We conducted studies in five locations in Jiangxi, China with both pure and mixed C. oleifera plantations, to compare changes in vertical pools and stoichiometry of C, N, and P. Both C and N pools were significantly different between mixed and pure plantation types of C. oleifera. However, the ratio of CN, CP, and NP was consistently higher in mixed plantations with CP and NP altered but CN ratio did not change with soil depth. The intensive management significantly impact both C and N pools and the stoichiometry of C, N, and P. Intensive management of C. oleifera plantations decreased both C and N pools, especially at the depth of 30-50 cm soil layer. C. oleifera plantation alteration from mixed to pure should be considered in future forest management practice considering the substantial effects on soil element cycling and distribution along vertical soil profile.Microbial dysbiosis in the upper digestive tract is linked to an increased risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Overabundance of Porphyromonas gingivalis is associated with shorter survival of ESCC patients. We investigated the molecular mechanisms driving aggressive progression of ESCC by P. gingivalis. Intracellular invasion of P. gingivalis potentiated proliferation, migration, invasion, and metastasis abilities of ESCC cells via transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)-dependent Drosophila mothers against decapentaplegic homologs (Smads)/Yes-associated protein (YAP)/Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) activation. Smads/YAP/TAZ/TEA domain transcription factor1 (TEAD1) complex formation was essential to initiate downstream target gene expression, inducing an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and stemness features. Furthermore, P. gingivalis augmented secretion and bioactivity of TGFβ through glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP) up-regulation. Accordingly, disruption of either the GARP/TGFβ axis or its activated Smads/YAP/TAZ complex abrogated the tumor-promoting role of P. gingivalis. P. gingivalis signature genes based on its activated effector molecules can efficiently distinguish ESCC patients into low- and high-risk groups. Targeting P. gingivalis or its activated effectors may provide novel insights into clinical management of ESCC.