X-ray diffraction is the main source of three-dimensional structural information. In total, more than 1.5 million crystal structures have been refined and deposited in structural databanks (PDB, CSD and ICSD) to date. Almost 99.7% of them were obtained by approximating atoms as spheres within the independent atom model (IAM) introduced over a century ago. In this study, X-ray datasets for single crystals of hydrated α-oxalic acid were refined using several alternative electron density models that abandon the crude spherical approximation the multipole model (MM), the transferable aspherical atom model (TAAM) and the Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) model as a function of the resolution of X-ray data. The aspherical models (MM, TAAM, HAR) give far more accurate and precise single-crystal X-ray results than IAM, sometimes identical to results obtained from neutron diffraction and at low resolution. Hence, aspherical approaches open new routes for improving existing structural information collected over the last century.Charge density waves spontaneously breaking lattice symmetry through periodic lattice distortion, and electron-electron and electron-phonon inter-actions, can lead to a new type of electronic band structure. Bulk 2H-TaS2 is an archetypal transition metal dichalcogenide supporting charge density waves with a phase transition at 75 K. Here, it is shown that charge density waves can exist in exfoliated monolayer 2H-TaS2 and the transition temperature can reach 140 K, which is much higher than that in the bulk. The degenerate breathing and wiggle modes of 2H-TaS2 originating from the periodic lattice distortion are probed by optical methods. The results open an avenue to investigating charge density wave phases in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides and will be helpful for understanding and designing devices based on charge density waves.Cryogenic X-ray diffraction is a powerful tool for crystallographic studies on enzymes including oxygenases and oxidases. Amongst the benefits that cryo-conditions (usually employing a nitro-gen cryo-stream at 100 K) enable, is data collection of di-oxy-gen-sensitive samples. Although not strictly anaerobic, at low temperatures the vitreous ice conditions severely restrict O2 diffusion into and/or through the protein crystal. Cryo-conditions limit chemical reactivity, including reactions that require significant conformational changes. By contrast, data collection at room temperature imposes fewer restrictions on diffusion and reactivity; room-temperature serial methods are thus becoming common at synchrotrons and XFELs. However, maintaining an anaerobic environment for di-oxy-gen-dependent enzymes has not been explored for serial room-temperature data collection at synchrotron light sources. This work describes a methodology that employs an adaptation of the 'sheet-on-sheet' sample mount, which is suitable for the low-dose room-temperature data collection of anaerobic samples at synchrotron light sources. The method is characterized by easy sample preparation in an anaerobic glovebox, gentle handling of crystals, low sample consumption and preservation of a localized anaerobic environment over the timescale of the experiment ( less then 5 min). The utility of the method is highlighted by studies with three X-ray-radiation-sensitive Fe(II)-containing model enzymes the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent l-arginine hy-droxy-lase VioC and the DNA repair enzyme AlkB, as well as the oxidase isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), which is involved in the biosynthesis of all penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.Neutrons are valuable probes for various material samples across many areas of research. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gbd-9.html Neutron imaging typically has a spatial resolution of larger than 20 µm, whereas neutron scattering is sensitive to smaller features but does not provide a real-space image of the sample. A computed-tomography technique is demonstrated that uses neutron-scattering data to generate an image of a periodic sample with a spatial resolution of ∼300 nm. The achieved resolution is over an order of magnitude smaller than the resolution of other forms of neutron tomography. This method consists of measuring neutron diffraction using a double-crystal diffractometer as a function of sample rotation and then using a phase-retrieval algorithm followed by tomographic reconstruction to generate a map of the sample's scattering-length density. Topological features found in the reconstructions are confirmed with scanning electron micrographs. This technique should be applicable to any sample that generates clear neutron-diffraction patterns, including nanofabricated samples, biological membranes and magnetic materials, such as skyrmion lattices.Cryo-electron microscopy of protein complexes often leads to moderate resolution maps (4-8 Å), with visible secondary-structure elements but poorly resolved loops, making model building challenging. In the absence of high-resolution structures of homologues, only coarse-grained structural features are typically inferred from these maps, and it is often impossible to assign specific regions of density to individual protein subunits. This paper describes a new method for overcoming these difficulties that integrates predicted residue distance distributions from a deep-learned convolutional neural network, computational protein folding using Rosetta, and automated EM-map-guided complex assembly. We apply this method to a 4.6 Å resolution cryoEM map of Fanconi Anemia core complex (FAcc), an E3 ubiquitin ligase required for DNA interstrand crosslink repair, which was previously challenging to interpret as it comprises 6557 residues, only 1897 of which are covered by homology models. In the published model built from this map, only 387 residues could be assigned to the specific subunits with confidence. By building and placing into density 42 deep-learning-guided models containing 4795 residues not included in the previously published structure, we are able to determine an almost-complete atomic model of FAcc, in which 5182 of the 6557 residues were placed. The resulting model is consistent with previously published biochemical data, and facilitates interpretation of disease-related mutational data. We anticipate that our approach will be broadly useful for cryoEM structure determination of large complexes containing many subunits for which there are no homologues of known structure.