Affiliate marketing programs get so many people interested in them because they look easy and inexpensive. The entire stocking, handling, and shipping process is seen to by the vendor, not the webmaster. That said, you need to dedicate a lot of time and energy into your marketing strategy before you'll see any sort of profit, let alone an income that alone will sustain you. When considering an affiliate program, you should determine how each one tracks and credits orders that were not purchased through their website. Some companies allow orders to be made my mail or phone. Those orders are only connected to an affiliate ID if actively mentioned. In these scenarios, you could miss out on commissions. When you find that you are generating notable income from your affiliate program, you will be able to ask for a higher commission. These programs want good employees so if you are doing a good job, it will not bother them to pay you a little more. Make sure you are keeping track of affiliate tasks assigned by email in an efficient way rather than wasting time with constant checking. Instead, become more productive by copying the key points that you need for future reference from the email and paste into one word processing program, so that in effect you'll have one list. This is a great way to save time and be organized. Limit your business dealings to affiliate companies that are fair and generous. If your affiliate company isn't offering you at least 20% of the proceeds from each sale, dump 'em. The top affiliate companies realize the benefits of repeat business and offer commissions to create this scenario. Choose affiliates that are supportive with resources to help you sell. Most companies who work with affiliates are very knowledgeable. They have done their homework, and researched their customers well. The better companies share that data with affiliates, so that the affiliates can customize their campaigns to sell more produ