IPD retrieval and reporting was not satisfactory among the published IPDMA. Encouraging RCT owners to conduct or join in the IPDMA is a potential strategy to maximize the IPD retrieval. IPDMA are suggested to adhere to the PRISMA-IPD guideline during reporting. IPD retrieval and reporting was not satisfactory among the published IPDMA. Encouraging RCT owners to conduct or join in the IPDMA is a potential strategy to maximize the IPD retrieval. IPDMA are suggested to adhere to the PRISMA-IPD guideline during reporting.The aim of this study is to clarify absorption mechanisms after oral administration of ritonavir (RTV) from different types of lipid-based formulations (LBFs) with particular emphasis on the effect of lipid digestion and drug permeation/re-dissolution on the oral absorption. Four LBFs were prepared; three contained either long-chain (LC) or medium-chain (MC) lipids [lipid formulation classification system (LFCS) Type II-LC, Type IIIA-MC, and Type IIIB-MC] and the fourth contained only surfactant and co-solvent (Type IV). The solubility of RTV in those LBFs was determined and drug subsequently loaded at 85% w/w of the saturated solubility in the formulations. Then, each LBF containing drug was added into a model rat intestinal fluid at approximately 2.5% w/v for evaluation using an in vitro digestion model. In vitro digestion study showed the ability of Type II-LC and Type IIIA-MC to support continued solubilization of RTV, and moderate supersaturation was observed in Type IIIA-MC. In contrast, RTV partly precdetailed absorption mechanisms from LBFs with different compositions. Our findings may be useful for selecting appropriate excipients to design optimal LBFs for poorly water-soluble drugs.Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are important pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of innate immune system, playing crucial roles in immune defense against pathogens. TLR18, a member of TLR1 family, is fish-specific TLR and involves in the immune response against bacterial infection. Currently, the structural biology of fish TLR18 is poorly elaborated. In this study, the structure and ligand binding of TLR18 (smTLR18) of soiny mullet (Liza haematocheila), an economically valuable aquaculture mugilid species, were analyzed. The extracellular domain (ECD) of smTLR18 formed an open-loop horseshoe-shaped structure with the concave surfaces made up of 19 parallel β-strands (LRR1-LRR19), lacking Z-loop that seen in human TLR9. The intracellular Toll/interleukin (IL)-1 (TIR) domain contained a central 4-parallel β-sheet (βA-βD) surrounded by 5 α-helices (αA-αE). Molecular docking analysis revealed that both ECD domain and TIR domain of smTLR18 could form homodimers. For the ECD homodimer, the main residues involved in dimer formation were located from LRR10 to LRR14. For the TIR homodimer, the residues involved in dimer formation were located in BB loop, αB helix, αC helix and DD loop. Ligand binding analyses revealed that peptidoglycans (PGNs) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), two main bacterial pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), were the potential ligands of smTLR18. The van der Waals and Coulombic interactions contributed to the interactions between smTLR18 and PGNs, while only van der Waals dominated the interactions between smTLR18 and LPS. The residues involved in ligands binding were located from LRR9 to LRR13. Our results provided the structural bases for elucidate the ligand binding of fish TLR18.The tick Amblyomma testudinarium Koch, 1844 (Acari Ixodidae) is known as a vector of several pathogens such as Rickettsia tamurae and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus. This tick species is present in many Asian countries, including Japan, where its distribution is limited to the warm areas of Kanto region and the southwestern region. The present study reports the recovery of a partially engorged A. testudinarium from a wild brown bear captured in Shari town, Hokkaido. In addition to morphological identification, the specimen was genetically characterized by the complete mitochondrial genome sequencing. The results showed that the length of the obtained mitogenome is 14,835 bp that encodes 13 protein-coding, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) (12S and 16S), and 22 transfer RNA genes with two non-coding control regions. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that our sample clustered with A. testudinarium from Nara, Japan, but separated from A. testudinarium from China. Although the introduction of the tick through livestock transportation cannot be ruled out, the detection of A. testudinarium in Hokkaido prefecture, which is separated from the main island where A. testudinarium is present in the south, may suggest the introduction by migratory birds. This study provides important insights on the distribution and host range of A. testudinarium. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/neo2734.html This will be useful for the future taxonomic analysis of ticks based on the complete mitogenome sequencing. To our knowledge, this is the northernmost detection point of the tropical tick A. testudinarium.The comprehensive modeling and hierarchical positioning of a new concept in an ontology heavily relies on its set of proper subsumption relationships (IS-As) to other concepts. Identifying a concept's IS-A relationships is a laborious task requiring curators to have both domain knowledge and terminology skills. In this work, we propose a method to automatically predict the presence of IS-A relationships between a new concept and pre-existing concepts based on the language representation model BERT. This method converts the neighborhood network of a concept into "sentences" and harnesses BERT's Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) capability of predicting the adjacency of two sentences. To augment our method's performance, we refined the training data by employing an ontology summarization technique. We trained our model with the two largest hierarchies of the SNOMED CT 2017 July release and applied it to predicting the parents of new concepts added in the SNOMED CT 2018 January release. The results showed that our method achieved an average F1 score of 0.88, and the average Recall score improves slightly from 0.94 to 0.96 by using the ontology summarization technique.