Paranthropus robustus is a small-brained extinct hominin from South Africa characterized by derived, robust craniodental morphology. The most complete known skull of this species is DNH 7 from Drimolen Main Quarry, which differs from P. robustus specimens recovered elsewhere in ways attributed to sexual dimorphism. Here, we describe a new fossil specimen from Drimolen Main Quarry, dated from approximately 2.04-1.95 million years ago, that challenges this view. DNH 155 is a well-preserved adult male cranium that shares with DNH 7 a suite of primitive and derived features unlike those seen in adult P. robustus specimens from other chronologically younger deposits. This refutes existing hypotheses linking sexual dimorphism, ontogeny and social behaviour within this taxon, and clarifies hypotheses concerning hominin phylogeny. We document small-scale morphological changes in P. robustus associated with ecological change within a short time frame and restricted geography. This represents the most highly resolved evidence yet of microevolutionary change within an early hominin species.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Bacteria are encapsulated by a peptidoglycan cell wall that is essential for their survival1. During cell wall assembly, a lipid-linked disaccharide-peptide precursor called lipid II is polymerized and cross-linked to produce mature peptidoglycan. As lipid II is polymerized, nascent polymers remain membrane-anchored at one end, and the other end becomes cross-linked to the matrix2-4. How bacteria release newly synthesized peptidoglycan strands from the membrane to complete the synthesis of mature peptidoglycan is a long-standing question. Here, we show that a Staphylococcus aureus cell wall hydrolase and a membrane protein that contains eight transmembrane helices form a complex that may function as a peptidoglycan release factor. The complex cleaves nascent peptidoglycan internally to produce free oligomers as well as lipid-linked oligomers that can undergo further elongation. The polytopic membrane protein, which is similar to a eukaryotic CAAX protease, controls the length of these products. A structure of the complex at a resolution of 2.6 Å shows that the membrane protein scaffolds the hydrolase to orient its active site for cleaving the glycan strand. We propose that this complex functions to detach newly synthesized peptidoglycan polymer from the cell membrane to complete integration into the cell wall matrix.Bacteria use small signalling molecules such as (p)ppGpp or c-di-GMP to tune their physiology in response to environmental changes. It remains unclear whether these regulatory networks operate independently or whether they interact to optimize bacterial growth and survival. We report that (p)ppGpp and c-di-GMP reciprocally regulate the growth of Caulobacter crescentus by converging on a single small-molecule-binding protein, SmbA. While c-di-GMP binding inhibits SmbA, (p)ppGpp competes for the same binding site to sustain SmbA activity. We demonstrate that (p)ppGpp specifically promotes Caulobacter growth on glucose, whereas c-di-GMP inhibits glucose consumption. We find that SmbA contributes to this metabolic switch and promotes growth on glucose by quenching the associated redox stress. The identification of an effector protein that acts as a central regulatory hub for two global second messengers opens up future studies on specific crosstalk between small-molecule-based regulatory networks.Mitochondrial translation is essential for the biogenesis of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS) that synthesizes the bulk of ATP for the cell. Hypomorphic and loss-of-function variants in either mitochondrial DNA or in nuclear genes that encode mitochondrial translation factors can result in impaired OXPHOS biogenesis and mitochondrial diseases with variable clinical presentations. Compound heterozygous or homozygous missense and frameshift variants in the FARS2 gene, that encodes the mitochondrial phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, are commonly linked to either early-onset epileptic mitochondrial encephalopathy or spastic paraplegia. Here, we expand the genetic spectrum of FARS2-linked disease with three patients carrying novel compound heterozygous variants in the FARS2 gene and presenting with spastic tetraparesis, axial hypotonia and myoclonic epilepsy in two cases.Pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) describes a group of rare heterogeneous neurodegenerative diseases with prenatal onset. Here we describe eight children with PCH from four unrelated families harboring the homozygous MINPP1 (NM_004897.4) variants; c.75_94del, p.(Leu27Argfs*39), c.851 C > A, p.(Ala284Asp), c.1210 C > T, p.(Arg404*), and c.992 T > G, p.(Ile331Ser). The homozygous p.(Leu27Argfs*39) change is predicted to result in a complete absence of MINPP1. The p.(Arg404*) would likely lead to a nonsense mediated decay, or alternatively, a loss of several secondary structure elements impairing protein folding. The missense p.(Ala284Asp) affects a buried, hydrophobic residue within the globular domain. The introduction of aspartic acid is energetically highly unfavorable and therefore predicted to cause a significant reduction in protein stability. The missense p.(Ile331Ser) affects the tight hydrophobic interactions of the isoleucine by the disruption of the polar side chain of serine, destabilizing the structure of MINPP1. The overlap of the above-mentioned genotypes and phenotypes is highly improbable by chance. MINPP1 is the only enzyme that hydrolyses inositol phosphates in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen and several studies support its role in stress induced apoptosis. The pathomechanism explaining the disease mechanism remains unknown, however several others genes of the inositol phosphatase metabolism (e.g., INPP5K, FIG4, INPP5E, ITPR1) are correlated with phenotypes of neurodevelopmental disorders. Taken together, we present MINPP1 as a novel autosomal recessive pontocerebellar hypoplasia gene.DNA variants affecting mRNA expression and processing in genetic diseases are often missed or poorly characterized. We previously reported a generic assay to identify variants that affect mRNA expression and splicing in Pompe disease, a monogenic disorder caused by deficiency of acid α-glucosidase (GAA). However, this assay could miss mRNA that is subjected to degradation. Here, we inhibited mRNA degradation using cycloheximide and performed unbiased splicing analysis of all GAA exons using exon flanking RT-PCR and exon internal RT-qPCR. In four patients that were suspected of harboring splicing variants but for which aberrant splicing could not be detected in normally growing cells, we detected a total of 10 novel splicing events in cells treated with cycloheximide. In addition, we found that sequences of GAA introns 6 and 12 were naturally included in a subset of transcripts from patients and healthy controls, indicating inefficient canonical splicing. Identification of aberrant splicing caused by the common Asian variant c.