The time risk of Hubei province on the following day was 1.960 times that on the previous day. The number of cases in some cities was relatively low, but the time risk appeared to be continuously rising. The correlation coefficient between the provincial number of cases and emigration from Wuhan was up to 0.943. The lockdown of 17 cities in Hubei province and the implementation of nationwide control measures efficiently prevented an exponential growth in the number of cases. CONCLUSIONS The population that emigrated from Wuhan was the main infection source in other cities and provinces. Some cities with a low number of cases showed a rapid increase in case load. Owing to the upcoming Spring Festival return wave, understanding the risk trends in different regions is crucial to ensure preparedness at both the individual and organization levels and to prevent new outbreaks.BACKGROUND Since early December 2019, the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei province of China. This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the progression of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients. Associated results will be used to evaluate the prognosis and to find the optimal treatment regimens for COVID-19 pneumonia. METHODS Patients tested positive for the COVID-19 based on nucleic acid detection were included in this study. Patients were admitted to 3 tertiary hospitals in Wuhan between December 30, 2019, and January 15, 2020. Individual data, laboratory indices, imaging characteristics, and clinical data were collected, and statistical analysis was performed. Based on clinical typing results, the patients were divided into a progression group or an improvement/stabilization group. Continuous variables were analyzed using independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-squared test or Fisher exact tes95% CI 1.036-78.147, P = 0.046), respiratory failure (OR, 8.772, 95% CI 1.942-40.000; P = 0.016), albumin (OR, 7.353, 95% CI 1.098-50.000; P = 0.003), and C-reactive protein (OR, 10.530; 95% CI 1.224-34.701, P = 0.028) were risk factors for disease progression. CONCLUSIONS Several factors that led to the progression of COVID-19 pneumonia were identified, including age, history of smoking, maximum body temperature on admission, respiratory failure, albumin, C-reactive protein. These results can be used to further enhance the ability of management of COVID-19 pneumonia.BACKGROUND A patient's infectivity is determined by the presence of the virus in different body fluids, secretions, and excreta. The persistence and clearance of viral RNA from different specimens of patients with 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remain unclear. This study analyzed the clearance time and factors influencing 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) RNA in different samples from patients with COVID-19, providing further evidence to improve the management of patients during convalescence. METHODS The clinical data and laboratory test results of convalescent patients with COVID-19 who were admitted to from January 20, 2020 to February 10, 2020 were collected retrospectively. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results for patients' oropharyngeal swab, stool, urine, and serum samples were collected and analyzed. Convalescent patients refer to recovered non-febrile patients without respiratory symptoms who had two successive (minimum 24 h sampling interval) negative RT-Pin patients' stools was delayed compared to that in oropharyngeal swabs, it is important to identify viral RNA in feces during convalescence. Because of the delayed clearance of viral RNA in the glucocorticoid treatment group, glucocorticoids are not recommended in the treatment of COVID-19, especially for mild disease. The duration of RNA detection may relate to host cell immunity.BACKGROUND Surgical procedures interfering with the draining nodes in the inguinal region carry the intrinsic risk of lymphatic complications. Lesions of the inguinal lymphatic network can lead to lymphocele or lymphocutaneous fistulas and can eventually be associated to limb lymphedema with consequent high morbidity. OBJECTIVES This article describes a new surgical algorithm based on wound properties to properly address lymphatic complications of the inguinal area. Based on our experience, surgical solutions ranged from selective lymphatic vessel ligation to microsurgical lymphatic fistula treatment and free tissue transfer. METHODS Fourteen consecutive patients underwent surgery in our department following failed attempts to address persistent lymphatic leaks. Patient characteristics such as smoking, previous surgeries, comorbidities, and wound properties were considered. Identification of the leak was performed using blue patent dye and indocyanine green fluorescence. Surgical reconstruction occurred, according to our algorithm. RESULTS Lymphatic leaks were visualized in 11 of 14 patients. Direct closure of the wound after leak ligation could be performed in 4 of 14 patients. Multilymphatic into vein anastomosis was performed in 3 of 14 patients, and the remaining patients benefited from flap surgery based on the wound defects. All 14 patients had successful outcomes (100%) with early drain removal (average, 6 [SD, 6] days) and definitive wound healing 2 weeks postoperatively. After a mean follow-up of 12 (SD, 2.9) months, no clinical infection, lymphatic complication, or wound breakdown occurred. One patient had a partial recurrence that did not require surgical intervention. CONCLUSIONS A stepwise approach, combining lymphatic surgery principles and plastic surgery flap techniques, can lead to an effective treatment algorithm where surgical options are wound tailored to guarantee the best functional outcomes.In this review, we share our experience attending the 15th International North East Flap course as delegates, and discuss how it has changed since its seventh edition in 2011.BACKGROUND Venous compromise is still the most common cause of free flap failure. The need of a second venous anastomosis to prevent free flap failure is controversial. It is proposed that the use of dual venous anastomoses reduces venous compromise. However, some surgeons suggest that dual venous drainage reduces venous blood flow causing a potential risk of thrombosis. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to compare the frequency of reexploration secondary to venous thrombosis in free flap surgeries in reconstruction of soft tissue defects with 1-vein versus 2-vein anastomosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS We performed a retrospective cohort study including 298 flaps. In 180 of these patients, 2-vein anastomosis was done, and in 118, 1-vein anastomosis was done. The study was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital from January 2017 to December 2018. RESULTS The number of venous anastomosis was not associated with flap survival. The group with dual anastomosis required more frequent reexploration as compared with 1 venous anastomosis group (8% vs 1.