Despite mounting evidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) engagement with immune cells, most express little, if any, of the canonical receptor of SARS-CoV-2, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Here, using a myeloid cell receptor-focused ectopic expression screen, we identified several C-type lectins (DC-SIGN, L-SIGN, LSECtin, ASGR1, and CLEC10A) and Tweety family member 2 (TTYH2) as glycan-dependent binding partners of the SARS-CoV-2 spike. Except for TTYH2, these molecules primarily interacted with spike via regions outside of the receptor-binding domain. Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of pulmonary cells from individuals with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) indicated predominant expression of these molecules on myeloid cells. Although these receptors do not support active replication of SARS-CoV-2, their engagement with the virus induced robust proinflammatory responses in myeloid cells that correlated with COVID-19 severity. We also generated a bispecific anti-spike nanobody that not only blocked ACE2-mediated infection but also the myeloid receptor-mediated proinflammatory responses. Our findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2-myeloid receptor interactions promote immune hyperactivation, which represents potential targets for COVID-19 therapy.Host genetic landscapes can shape microbiome assembly in the animal gut by contributing to the establishment of distinct physiological environments. However, the genetic determinants contributing to the stability and variation of these microbiome types remain largely undefined. Here, we use the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to identify natural genetic variation among wild strains of C. elegans that drives assembly of distinct microbiomes. To achieve this, we first established a diverse model microbiome that represents the strain-level phylogenetic diversity naturally encountered by C. elegans in the wild. Using this community, we show that C. elegans utilizes immune, xenobiotic, and metabolic signaling pathways to favor the assembly of different microbiome types. Variations in these pathways were associated with enrichment for specific commensals, including the Alphaproteobacteria Ochrobactrum. Using RNAi and mutant strains, we showed that host selection for Ochrobactrum is mediated specifically by host insulin signaling pathways. Ochrobactrum recruitment is blunted in the absence of DAF-2/IGFR and modulated by the competitive action of insulin signaling transcription factors DAF-16/FOXO and PQM-1/SALL2. Further, the ability of C. elegans to enrich for Ochrobactrum as adults is correlated with faster animal growth rates and larger body size at the end of development. These results highlight a new role for the highly conserved insulin signaling pathways in the regulation of gut microbiome composition in C. elegans.It is widely held that the hippocampus provides a cognitive map in which event-related information, such as an object, location, and their significance, is organized. However, how an organism's motivational experience is coded in the hippocampus is mostly unknown. Here, we investigated whether dorsal and intermediate regions of the hippocampus are differentially involved in representing changes in the motivational significance of a place. Rats were run in tasks in which various rewards with different degrees of palatability were associated with the same locations while single units were simultaneously recorded along the dorsoventral axis of the hippocampus. Place cells in the intermediate hippocampus remapped immediately after motivational significance decreased and shifted their fields dynamically toward high-value locations. In contrast, place cells in the dorsal hippocampus were mostly unresponsive to the same manipulations. Our findings suggest that the motivational significance of place is uniquely coded in the intermediate hippocampus in goal-directed tasks.Damaged mitochondria need to be cleared to maintain the quality of the mitochondrial pool. Here, we report mitocytosis, a migrasome-mediated mitochondrial quality-control process. We found that, upon exposure to mild mitochondrial stresses, damaged mitochondria are transported into migrasomes and subsequently disposed of from migrating cells. Mechanistically, mitocytosis requires positioning of damaged mitochondria at the cell periphery, which occurs because damaged mitochondria avoid binding to inward motor proteins. Functionally, mitocytosis plays an important role in maintaining mitochondrial quality. Enhanced mitocytosis protects cells from mitochondrial stressor-induced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and mitochondrial respiration; conversely, blocking mitocytosis causes loss of MMP and mitochondrial respiration under normal conditions. Physiologically, we demonstrate that mitocytosis is required for maintaining MMP and viability in neutrophils in vivo. We propose that mitocytosis is an important mitochondrial quality-control process in migrating cells, which couples mitochondrial homeostasis with cell migration.Endometriosis is a common condition associated with infertility that causes chronic pain in many, but not all, women. It is defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. Although the cause and natural history of the disorder remain uncertain, hormonal, neurological, and immunological factors are all implicated in the mechanisms contributing to development of symptoms. Because definitive diagnosis requires surgery, there is often a long diagnostic delay after onset of symptoms. Current interventions for endometriosis have limited efficacy and unacceptable side effects/risks and are associated with high rates of symptom recurrence. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of the etiology of endometriosis, discuss current diagnostic and treatment strategies, highlight current clinical trials, and consider how recent results offer new avenues for the identification of endometriosis biomarkers and the development of effective non-surgical therapies that are fertility-sparing.The functional regulatory elements of agronomically important plant genomes have been long sought after. Marand et. al. generate a comprehensive atlas of cis-regulatory elements at single cell resolution in maize, providing a powerful resource for inquiries into the rules of multicellular development and for precision crop engineering.