Vaccines work by stimulating the immune system, and their immunogenicity is key in achieving protection against specific pathogens. Questions have been raised whether in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients they could induce disease exacerbation and whether vaccines could possibly act as a trigger in the onset of MS in susceptible populations. So far, no correlation has been found between the vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus, human papillomavirus, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella zoster, tuberculosis, yellow fever, or typhoid fever and the risk of MS. Further research is needed for the potential protective implications of the tetanus and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccines in MS patients. Nowadays with the emerging coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and recent vaccinations approval and arrival, the risk-benefit in MS patients with regards to safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination in those treated with immunosuppressive therapies is of paramount importance. In this manuscript, we demonstrate how different vaccine types could be related to the immunopathogenesis of MS and discuss the risks and benefits of different vaccinations in MS patients.Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is critical for cancer development, invasion, and metastasis. Its activity influences metabolic reprogramming, tumor aggressiveness, and patient survival. Abnormal tumor metabolism has been identified as a cancer hallmark and is considered a potential therapeutic target. We profiled distinct metabolic signatures by EMT activity using data from 9452 transcriptomes across 31 different cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Our results demonstrated that ~80 to 90% of cancer types had high carbohydrate and energy metabolism, which were associated with the high EMT group. Notably, among the distinct EMT activities, metabolic reprogramming in different immune microenvironments was correlated with patient prognosis. Nine cancer types showed a significant difference in survival with the presence of high EMT activity. Stomach cancer showed elevated energy metabolism and was associated with an unfavorable prognosis (p less then 0.0068) coupled with high expression of CHST14, indicating that it may serve as a potential drug target. Our analyses highlight the prevalence of cancer type-dependent EMT and metabolic reprogramming activities and identified metabolism-associated genes that may serve as potential therapeutic targets.Background and Objectives Sentinel surveillance in the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico represented a significant cost reduction and was useful in estimating the population infected with SARS-CoV-2. However, it also implied that many patients were not screened and therefore had no accurate diagnosis. In this study, we carried out a population-based SARS-CoV-2 screening in Mexico to evaluate the COVID-19-related symptoms and their weighting in predicting SARS-CoV-2 infection. We also discuss this data in the context of the operational definition of suspected cases of COVID-19 established by the Mexican Health Authority's consensus. Materials and Methods One thousand two hundred seventy-nine subjects were included. They were screened for SARS-CoV-2 using RT-PCR. The weighting of COVID-19 symptoms in predicting SARS-CoV-2 infection was evaluated statistically. Results Three hundred and twenty-five patients were positive for SARS-CoV-2 and 954 were negative. Fever, asthenia, dysgeusia, and oxygen sa19 diagnosis, so becoming a potential source of virus spread.Although the trends of international reports show an increase in overweight and obesity, even in developing countries, there are still areas of the world, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, strongly affected by undernutrition. Specifically, in Madagascar, the percentage of stunted children under 5 is extremely high. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to increase the risk of all forms of malnutrition, especially in low-income countries, including Madagascar, with serious intergenerational repercussions. This narrative review aims at investigating eating habits and cooking methods of the Malagasy population, addressing sustainable healthy diets through promotion of novel foods. While novel foods are a recent concept, there are data that describe how they may contribute to counteract food insecurity and malnutrition considering context and place. Efforts to promote native, traditional foods as Moringa oleifera, an indigenous plant in Asia and Africa including Madagascar, rich in protein and micronutrients, as well as edible insects, alternative sustainable source of protein, lipids, iron, and zinc, would provide not only nutritional but also cultural and economic benefits. The potential synergies between food traditions and agroecology have the potential to impact health addressing larger issues of sustainability and food security. Regional, national, and international policies are needed to develop and support one health approach actions.This study analysed dangerous driving behaviours in twenty young occasional cannabis users through objective and self-reported data, studying the relationship between the two aspects. Visual function was assessed in a baseline session and after smoking cannabis, as well as speed-related behaviour in a driving simulator. The participants responded to questionnaires on sociodemographic factors, their consumption profile, and the incidence of dangerous behaviours (Dula Dangerous Driving Index; DDDI). After cannabis use, the results revealed a significant deterioration in visual function. In terms of speed management, they showed significantly greater acceleration force in the two different sections of the route, and they drove significantly faster. Our correlations indicate that males and heavier users display more risky speed management. Likewise, the heavier cannabis users admitted to increased dangerous driving behaviour, and an accident in the preceding year was associated with a trend towards aggressive driving behaviour according to the DDDI questionnaire. The findings of this study suggest that cannabis users adopt dangerous behaviours when driving, despite the effect this drug has on certain important functions, such as vision. The results suggest a need for awareness-raising and information campaigns.