Objectives To evaluate the prevalence of sleep disturbance and its relationship with auditory processing (AP) and co-morbidities in children diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD). Methods Data from 109 children (Males = 59, Females = 50) with mean non-verbal intelligence quotient (NVIQ) of 89.44 (SD18.16), aged between 6 and 16 years (mean 10 years 7 months; SD 2 years 9 months) with a diagnosis of APD were analysed. Participants performed ≤1.33 SD below the mean in two or more out of five SCAN-3 diagnostic APD tests that included 'Filtered Words' (FW), 'Auditory Figure Ground 0 dB' (AFG0), 'Competing Words-Directed Ear' (CW-DE), 'Competing Sentences' (CS) and 'Time Compressed Sentences' (TCS). Concern about sleep in addition to other symptoms and medical history were documented from structured parental history sheet which forms part of the routine APD assessment. Language impairment (LI), attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and anxiety were evacted by pragmatic language impairment and anxiety, but not by ADHD symptoms or ODD.Objective This research examines how YouTube recommends vaccination-related videos. Materials and methods We used a social network analysis to evaluate how YouTube recommends vaccination related videos to its users. Results More pro-vaccine videos (64.75%) than anti-vaccine (19.98%) videos are on YouTube, with 15.27% of videos being neutral in sentiment. YouTube was more likely to recommend neutral and pro-vaccine videos than anti-vaccine videos. There is a homophily effect in which pro-vaccine videos were more likely to recommend other pro-vaccine videos than anti-vaccine ones, and vice versa. Discussion Compared to our prior study, the number of recommendations for pro-vaccine videos has significantly increased, suggesting that YouTube's demonization policy of harmful content and other changes to their recommender algorithm might