The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of biochar diet supplementation for broiler chickens on (1) ammonia and odor emissions from manure, (2) feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain, and (3) selected meat quality and sensory parameters. Beechwood biochar (BC, 2 and 4%) and BC-glycerin-aluminosilicates mix (BCM, 3 and 6%) were tested as dietary additives. A total of 750 chicken broilers (Ross 308) were divided into five dietary groups with five replicates per group (n = 5, 30 birds in each replicate) and reared on a littered floor for 5 weeks. Both feed additives showed a significant reduction of ammonia emissions by up to 17%, while the reduction of odor emissions was not statistically significant. The feed conversion ratio increased by 8% for the highest concentration of the mixture. The change of the treated broilers' average body weight ranged in the last week of the experiment from 0 to -7%, with the most negative effect for the highest dose of the mixture. Sensory analysis of the sous-vide cooked breasts showed no significant differences.Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) is a major pest of several economically important crops with worldwide distribution. Use of insecticides is the principal strategy for its management, which has subsequently led to insecticide resistance and control failures. Functional response of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera Coccinellidae) at larval and adult stages was evaluated in this study, using S. litura eggs as the prey at various temperatures varying between 15 and 35 °C. Based on logistic model findings, linear parameters of various predatory stages of H. axyridis at various temperatures were significantly negative, which indicate a type II functional response. The theoretical maximum number (T/Th) of eggs consumed increased with increasing temperature for all predatory stages. According to the random predator equation, the coefficients of attack rate increased and that of handling time decreased as the temperature increased. The 4th instar and adult stages were superior candidates for biocontrol of the target prey, typically at higher temperatures. The maximum attack rate (0.546 ± 0.058 h) and lowest handling time (0.189 ± 0.004 h-1) were exhibited by the females at 30 and 35 °C, respectively, whereas these parameters were inferior for early instars. These findings clearly depict that the 4th instar and adult predators are efficient egg consumers and can serve as potential suppressors of S. litura field populations. The limitations of the predictions formulated by functional response trials are also discussed.Honeydew is a watery fluid excreted by plant sap-feeding insects. It is a waste product for the insect hosts. However, it plays important roles for other organisms, such as serving as a nutritional source for beneficial insects and bacteria, as well as elicitors and effectors modulating plant responses. In this study, shotgun LC-MS/MS analyses were used to identify the proteins in the honeydew from two important rice hemipteran pests, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens, BPH) and green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps, GRH). A total of 277 and 210 proteins annotated to insect proteins were identified in the BPH and GRH honeydews, respectively. These included saliva proteins that may have similar functions as the saliva proteins, such as calcium-binding proteins and apolipophorin, involved in rice plant defenses. Additionally, a total of 52 and 32 Oryza proteins were identified in the BPH and GRH honeydews, respectively, some of which are involved in the plant immune system, such as Pathogen-Related Protein 10, ascorbate peroxidase, thioredoxin and glutaredoxin. Coincidently, 570 and 494 bacteria proteins were identified from the BPH and GRH honeydews, respectively, which included several well-known proteins involved in the plant immune system elongation factor Tu, flagellin, GroEL and cold-shock proteins. The results of our study indicate that the insect honeydew is a complex fluid cocktail that contains abundant proteins from insects, plants and microbes, which may be involved in the multitrophic interactions of plants-insects-microbes.The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a three-dimensional network within which fundamental cell processes such as cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation occur driven by its inherent biological and structural cues. Hydrogels have been used as biomaterials as they possess many of the ECM characteristics that control cellular processes. However, the permanent crosslinking often found in hydrogels fails to recapitulate the dynamic nature of the natural ECM. This not only hinders natural cellular migration but must also limit cellular expansion and growth. Moreover, there is an increased interest in the use of new biopolymers to create biomimetic materials that can be used for biomedical applications. Here we report on the natural polymer poly-ε-lysine in forming dynamic hydrogels via reversible imine bond formation, with cell attachment promoted by arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) incorporation. Together, the mechanical properties and cell behavior of the dynamic hydrogels with low poly-ε-lysine quantities indicated good cell viability and high metabolic activity.A non-contact vision sensor system for monitoring structural displacements with advanced Zernike subpixel edge detection technique is suggested in this paper. Edge detection can detect features of objects effectively without using templates. Subpixel techniques provide more accurate and cost-effective results when compared to integer pixel methods. Built on these two techniques, a new version sensor method was developed to detect the vibrations of structures in this study. Satisfactory agreements were found between the displacements measured by the vision sensor system and those recorded by the Multipurpose Testing System (MTS). A field test was then carried out on a street sign using the proposed vision system. Satisfactory results were obtained using the new version of the sensor system at many points simultaneously without any manually marked targets. Moreover, the system was able to provide natural frequencies and mode shapes of the target instantaneously, which could be used to accurately locate damage.