Scyphozoan envenomation is featured as severe cutaneous damages due to the toxic effects of venom components released by the stinging nematocysts of a scyphozoan. However, the oedematogenic property and mechanism of scyphozoan venoms remain uninvestigated. Here, we present the oedematogenic properties of the nematocyst venom from Nemopilema nomurai (NnNV), a giant stinging scyphozoan in China, for the first time, using in vivo and in vitro models with class-specific inhibitors. NnNV was able to induce remarkable oedematogenic effects, including induction of significant oedema in the footpad and thigh of mouse, and increase in vascular permeability in the dorsal skin and kidney. Moreover, batimastat, a specific metalloproteinase inhibitor, could significantly reduce the Evan's blue leakage in the damaged organs and attenuate paw oedema after 12 h, but exerted no influence on NnNV-induced thigh oedema. These observations suggested a considerable contribution of NnNV metalloproteinase-like components to the increased vasopermeability, and the participation was strongly suggested to be mediated by destroying the integrity of the vascular basement membrane. Moreover, partial isolation combined LC-MS/MS profiling led to identification of the protein species Nn65 with remarkable metalloproteinase activity. This study contributes to the understanding of the effector components underlying the cutaneous damages induced by scyphozoan stings.A recent research emphasis has been placed on the development of highly crystallized nanostructures as a useful technology for many photocatalytic applications. With the unique construction of semiconductor transition metal oxide nanostructures in the form of nanopillars-artificially designed pillar-shaped structures grouped together in lattice-type arrays-the surface area for photocatalytic potential is increased and further enhanced through the introduction of dopants. This short review summarizes the work on improving the efficiency of photocatalyst nanopillars through increased surface area and doping within the applications of water splitting, removal of organic pollutants from the environment, photoswitching, soot oxidation, and photothermalization.Mastitis is the most prevalent and economically important disease caused by different etiological agents, which leads to increased somatic cell count (SCC) and low milk quality. Treating mastitis cases with antimicrobials is essential to reduce SCC and improve milk quality. Non-prudent use of antimicrobials in dairy farms increased the development of antimicrobial resistant bacteria. This study's objectives were (1) to isolate and identify etiological agents of mastitis and (2) to determine antimicrobial resistance profiles of bacterial isolates. A total of 174 quarter milk samples from 151 cows with high SCC and clinical mastitis from 34 dairy farms in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi were collected. Bacterial causative agents were determined by bacteriological and biochemical tests. The antimicrobial resistance of bacterial isolates against 10 commonly used antimicrobials was tested. A total of 193 bacteria consisting of six bacterial species, which include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated. Staphylococcus aureus was the predominant isolate followed by Strep. spp., E. coli, and Klebsiella spp. Results of this study showed that Gram-negatives (E. coli and Klebsiella spp.) were more resistant than Gram-positives (Staph. aureus and Streptococcus spp.). Continuous antimicrobial resistance testing and identification of reservoirs of resistance traits in dairy farms are essential to implement proper mitigation measures.Paramyotonia congenita (PMC) is a rare hereditary skeletal muscle disorder. The major symptom, muscle stiffness, is frequently induced by cold exposure and repetitive exercise. Mutations in human SCN4A gene, which encodes the α-subunit of Nav1.4 channel, are responsible for PMC. Mutation screening of SCN4A gene from two PMC families identified two missense mutations, p.T1313M and p.R1448H. To elucidate the electrophysiological abnormalities caused by the mutations, the p.T1313M, p.R1448H, and wild-type (WT) SCN4A genes were transient expressed on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells. The detailed study on the gating defects of the mutant channels using the whole-cell patch clamping technique was performed. The mutant Nav1.4 channels impaired the basic gating properties with increasing sustained and window currents during membrane depolarization and facilitated the genesis of resurgent currents during repolarization. The mutations caused a hyperpolarization shift in the fast inactivation and slightly enhanced the slow inactivation with an increase in half-maximal inactivation voltage. No differences were found in the decay kinetics of the tail current between mutant and WT channels. In addition to generating the larger resurgent sodium current, the time to peak in the mutant channels was longer than that in the WT channels. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the mutations p.T1313M and p.R1448H in Nav1.4 channels can enhance fast inactivation, slow inactivation, and resurgent current, revealing that subtle changes in gating processes can influence the clinical phenotype.Currently, for seemingly every type of cancer, dysregulated levels of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are reported and non-coding transcripts are expected to be the next class of diagnostic and therapeutic tools in oncology. Recently, alterations to the ncRNAs transcriptome have emerged as a novel hallmark of cancer. Historically, ncRNAs were characterized mainly as regulators and little attention was paid to the mechanisms that regulate them. The role of modifications, which can control the function of ncRNAs post-transcriptionally, only recently began to emerge. Typically, these modifications can be divided into reversible (i.e., chemical modifications m5C, hm5C, m6A, m1A, and pseudouridine) and non-reversible (i.e., editing ADAR dependent, APOBEC dependent and ADAR/APOBEC independent). The first research papers showed that levels of these modifications are altered in cancer and can be part of the tumorigenic process. Hence, the aim of this review paper is to describe the most common regulatory modifications (editing and chemical modifications) of the traditionally considered "non-functional" ncRNAs (i.