Ubiquity of information technology is undoubtedly the most substantial change to society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has resulted in a paradigm shift in how business and social interactions are conducted universally. Information dissemination and acquisition is now effortless, and the way we visualise information is constantly evolving. The face of anatomy education has been altered by the advent of such innovation with Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) now commonplace in modern curricula.With the constant development of new computing systems, the temptation is to push the boundaries of what can be achieved rather than addressing what should be achieved. As with clinical practice, education in healthcare should be evidence driven. Learning theory has supplied educators with a wealth of information on how to design teaching tools, and this should form the bedrock of technology-enhanced educational platforms. When analysing resources and assessing if they are fit for purpose, the application of pedagogical theory should be explored and the degree to which it has been applied should be considered.Art-based activities are increasingly being regarded as an accessible and engaging way to understand the human body and its processes. Such activities include body painting (both regular and ultraviolet [UV]), clay and materials-based modelling and drawing-focused activities. Integrating art-based approaches into curricula can offer many benefits and are often cost-effective ways to engage students, and improve on clinical acumen and visual understanding of the body. In this chapter, we will introduce various art-based visualisation methods, suggested uses for their integration into curricula, as well as the associated pros and cons of each, in turn."All learning is in the learner, not the teacher." Plato was right. The adage has passed the test of time and is still true in an era where technol