Metastatic, recurrent, or persistent disease in cervical cancer has a poor prognosis. Historically, this group of patients has had limited treatment options, even with the best cytotoxic treatments (platinum-based chemotherapy [CT] doublets). Therefore, investigating new medications that help improve the patient's quality of life and survival has been essential. Angiogenesis has been shown to play a critical role in tumor cell growth and survival. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal G1 immunoglobulin targeted against vascular endothelial growth factor. The combination of CT and bevacizumab is associated with an increase in overall survival as well as in progression-free survival and response rates.Purpose In this article, we review the role of retrieval practice on the word learning and retention of children with specific language impairment (SLI). Method Following a brief review of earlier findings on word learning in children with SLI and the assumptions behind retrieval practice, four experiments are described that compared novel words learned in a repeated spaced retrieval condition and those learned in either a repeated study condition or a repeated immediate retrieval condition. Preschool-age children with SLI and their same-age peers with typical language development were the participants in all experiments. The effects of repeated spaced retrieval were assessed through measures of recall of word form and meaning and, receptively, through both picture-pointing and electrophysiological measures. Results Repeated spaced retrieval resulted in greater recall of word form and meaning across the experiments. This advantage was seen not only for word-picture pairs used during the learning period but also when generalization of the word to new pictures was required. Receptive testing through picture pointing showed similar results, though in some experiments, ceiling effects rendered this measure less sensitive to differences. An alternative receptive measure-the N400 elicited during picture-word mismatches-showed evidence at the neural level favoring repeated spaced retrieval. The advantages of repeated spaced retrieval were seen in both children with SLI and their typically developing age mates. Conclusion Future efforts are warranted to refine and extend the experiments reviewed here. If these efforts prove successful, procedures that incorporate repeated spaced retrieval into more naturalistic clinical and educational activities might be an appropriate next step. Presentation Video https// report on strain engineering of superconductivity in RuO_2 single-crystal films, which are epitaxially grown on rutile TiO_2 and MgF_2 substrates with various crystal orientations. Systematic mappings between the superconducting transition temperature and the lattice parameters reveal that shortening of specific ruthenium-oxygen bonds is a common feature among the superconducting RuO_2 films. Ab initio calculations of electronic and phononic structures for the strained RuO_2 films suggest the importance of soft phonon modes for emergence of the superconductivity. The findings indicate that simple transition metal oxides such as those with a rutile structure may be suitable for further exploring superconductivity by controlling phonon modes through the epitaxial strain. Previous studies have revealed that sulfation, as mediated by the estrogen-sulfating cytosolic sulfotransferase (SULT) SULT1E1, is involved in the metabolism of 17β-estradiol (E2), 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OH-tamoxifen), and diethylstilbestrol in humans. It is an interesting question whether the genetic polymorphisms of SULT1E1, the gene that encodes the SULT1E1 enzyme, may impact on the metabolism of E2 and these two drug compounds through sulfation. In this study, five missense coding single nucleotide polymorphisms of the SULT1E1 gene were selected to investigate the sulfating activity of the coded SULT1E1 allozymes toward E2, 4OH-tamoxifen, and diethylstilbestrol. Corresponding cDNAs were generated by site-directed mutagenesis, and recombinant SULT1E1 allozymes were bacterially expressed, affinity-purified, and characterized using enzymatic assays. Purified SULT1E1 allozymes were shown to display differential sulfating activities toward E2, 4OH-tamoxifen, and diethylstilbestrol. Kinetic analysis revealed further distinct K (reflecting substrate affinity) and V (reflecting catalytic activity) values of the five SULT1E1 allozymes with E2, 4OH-tamoxifen, and diethylstilbestrol as substrates. Taken together, these findings highlighted the significant differences in E2-, as well as the drug-sulfating activities of SULT1E1 allozymes, which may have implications in the differential metabolism of E2, 4OH-tamoxifen, and diethylstilbestrol in individuals with different SULT1E1 genotypes. Taken together, these findings highlighted the significant differences in E2-, as well as the drug-sulfating activities of SULT1E1 allozymes, which may have implications in the differential metabolism of E2, 4OH-tamoxifen, and diethylstilbestrol in individuals with different SULT1E1 genotypes. Snapping hip is a common clinical condition, characterized by an audible or palpable snap of the hip joint. When the snap is perceived at the lateral side of the hip, this condition is known as external snapping hip or lateral coxa saltans, which is usually asymptomatic. Snapping hip syndrome (SHS) refers to a painful snap, which is more common in athletes who require increased hip range of motion. The aim of this article is to review the most common endoscopic techniques for the treatment of ESHS, as well as their results and limitations. This is a review of the current literature of endoscopic surgical procedures and of the results of the treatment of external snapping hip syndrome. The pathogenesis of SHS is mechanical. The initial treatment attempt is conservative, and usually provides good results. Patients who do not respond to conservative management are candidate for surgery. The endoscopic release of the ilio-tibial band or the endoscopic release of the femoral insertion of the gluteus maximum tendon is the most popular technique.