In this study, we developed a method to analyze liposomal binding to a cell membrane receptor using fluorescence-labeled liposomes and demonstrated that scavenger class B type 1 (SR-B1) plays a crucial role in binding of liposomes containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) to HEK293T cell membrane and phosphatidic acid (PA) can modulate it. Site-directed mutagenesis of SR-B1 revealed that S112F and T175A mutations in its ectodomain abrogated binding and endocytosis of PC liposomes in HEK293T cells. K151A and K156A mutations attenuated their binding and endocytosis too. Although the effects of mutations on binding and endocytosis were similar between PC liposomes and PC/PA and PA liposomes, SR-B1 dependency appeared to be PC > PC/PA > PA liposomes. Our data indicate that (i) nanoparticles including high-density lipoprotein (HDL), silica, and liposomes bind to a common or close site of SR-B1, and (ii) PC/PA and PA liposomes bind not only to SR-B1 but also other receptor(s) in HEK293T cells. In addition, PC/PA liposomes induced lipid droplet (LD) formation in HEK293T cells more than PC liposomes. Treatment of HEK293T cells with SR-B1 siRNA suppressed PC/PA liposome-induced LD formation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that SR-B1 plays an essential role in binding PC-containing liposomes and the subsequent induction of cellular responses, while PA can modulate them.Fungal polyketide synthases play important and differential roles in synthesizing secondary metabolites and regulating several cell events, including asexual development, environmental adaptation, and pathogenicity. This study shows the important functions of a highly reducing polyketide synthase, Pks11, in Beauveria bassiana, a filamentous fungal insect pathogen used worldwide for pest biocontrol. The deletion of pks11 led to severe defects in conidial yields on different media and a decrease of 36.27% in the mean thickness of conidial cell wall under normal conditions. Compared with the wild-type, Δpks11 showed higher tolerance to oxidation and increased sensitivity to high temperature during colony growth. Moreover, the lack of pks11 caused a decrease in conidial germination after exposure to UV radiation but did not affect the virulence of B. bassiana against Galleria mellonella larvae via typical cuticle infection. These findings concurred with the alteration in the transcript levels of some phenotype-related genes. These data suggested that pks11 played vital roles in the asexual development, cell wall integrity, and fungal responses to oxidation, high temperature, and UV irradiation of B. bassiana.Pangolins are the most trafficked wild mammals, with their scales in high demand. Scales are often the only part of the animal confiscated from the trade, but they represent accessible material for forensic investigations, including for sexing. This study aimed to develop a sexing tool for Temminck's pangolin, using scales for hormone quantification. Scales from males and females were liquidised using keratinase and the resulting suspension analysed for progestagen and androgen metabolite (scPM and scAM) concentrations. Scale PM and scAM concentrations were compared between sexes, while overall median values for scPM and scAM, as well as a ratio of scPM to scAM (P/A) were used as boundary values for sex identification. Neither scPM nor scAM concentrations were significantly different between the sexes and concentrations of a juvenile and sub-adult male overlapped with females, possibly indicating later sexual maturity in males. Boundary values for scAM concentrations and the P/A ratio predicted sex with 100% accuracy for females and 78% for males, while the accuracies for the scPM boundary value were lower. When only adult individuals are considered, scAM and P/A ratio boundaries are 100% accurate for both sexes. Therefore, scale hormone ratios show promise as a sex identification tool for Temminck's pangolin, particularly applicable in forensic investigations on the pangolin trade.The endocrine system is known to mediate responses to environmental change and transitions between different life stages (e.g., a non-breeding to a breeding life stage). Previous works from the field of environmental endocrinology have primarily focused on changes in circulating hormones, but a comprehensive understanding of endocrine signaling pathways requires studying changes in additional endocrine components (e.g., receptor densities) in a diversity of contexts and life stages. Migratory birds, for instance, can exhibit dramatic changes in their physiology and behavior, and both sex steroids as well as glucocorticoids are proposed mediators of the transition into a migratory state. However, the role of changes in endocrine signaling components within integral target tissues, such as flight muscles, in modulating the transition into a migratory state remains poorly understood. Here, we examined changes in gene expression levels of and correlational patterns (i.e., integration) between 8 endocrine signalinid, however, differ between the two life stages, suggesting the contrasting demands of different life stages may shape entire endocrine signaling networks within target tissues rather than individual components. Our work aligns with previous endocrine studies on pine siskins and, viewed together, suggest additional studies are needed to understand the endocrine system's role in mediating the development and progression of the vernal migratory state in this species. Further, the patterns observed in pine siskins, a nomadic migrant, differ from previous studies on obligate migrants and suggest that different mechanisms or interactions between endocrine signaling components may mediate the migratory transition in nomadic migrants.Over the last century, wild tiger (Panthera tigris) numbers have declined from over 100 000 individuals to fewer than 4 000, with animals now confined to less than 5% of their historic range due to habitat loss, persecution, inadequate management, and poaching. In contrast, 15 000-20 000 tigers are estimated to be housed in captivity, experiencing conditions vastly different than their wild counterparts. A total of 280 tigers are currently held at 44 different facilities within South Africa, including zoos, semi-captive 're-wilded' populations, and pets; these animals provide a unique opportunity to measure the impact of extrinsic factors, found in exotic habitats, on the adrenocortical activity of tigers. By monitoring and comparing stress-related faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (fGCM) concentrations of tigers housed at different locations, and free ranging tigers in natural tiger reserves, this project aimed to get a better understanding of the impact of extrinsic factors on adrenocortical function as a measure of stress.