In addition, the size of the investigated microgels plays a pivotal role. The charge-dependent difference in compressibility at low compression is only observed for small but not for large microgels, while the behavior at high compression does not depend on the size. Our results highlight the complex nature of soft polymer microgels as compared to rigid colloidal particles. We clearly demonstrate that electrostatic interactions affect the interfacial properties of polyelectrolyte microgels.An unconventional Ag(I)-catalyzed intramolecular cyclopropanation of prochiral alkyne-tethered cyclohexadienones has been developed using simple perchloric acid as an external oxidant. The transformation involves the formation of a perchloryloxy vinyl-silver species, which then proceeds through either intramolecular conjugate addition or an α-oxo silver carbene pathway to yield cyclopropane fused tricyclic enones with high diastereoselectivity. In the case of C-tethered cyclohexadienones, the reaction proceeds further via acid mediated semipinacol-type rearrangement to give complex and highly strained tricyclo[]nonanediones. This cascade annulation has wide functional-group tolerance and broad substrate scope. Late-stage functionalization of estrone was also demonstrated with excellent diastereoselectivity.Water is renowned for its anomalous behaviors, which can be linked to a distributed H-bond network in bulk water. Ultraconfinement of the water molecule can remove H-bonding, leaving only molecular water. In natural cordierite crystals, water is trapped in an orthorhombic channel with an average diameter of 5.7 Å, running through the center of the unit cell parallel to the c-axis. Calorimetric measurements reveal the existence of a one-dimensional (1D) glass linked to this water. In these channels, water molecules in truncated, sparse 1D strings interact only via dipole-dipole correlations. A physical 1D glass is formed from these strings. This unusual state can be explained by a modified Ising model. This model predicts a dependence of the glass transition temperature, Tg, on the size of these domains. This is confirmed experimentally.Cyclic RGD (cRGD) peptide-conjugated boronated albumin was developed to direct toward integrin αvβ3, which overexpresses on many cancer cells. A stepwise conjugation of c[RGDfK(Mal)] and maleimide-conjugated closo-dodecaborate (MID) to bovine serum albumin (BSA) afforded cRGD-MID-BSA, which was noncytotoxic toward both U87MG and A549 cells. As compared with l-BPA, selective antitumor activity of cRGD-MID-BSA toward U87MG cells overexpressing integrin αvβ3 was identified after thermal neutron irradiation. In vivo fluorescence live imaging of Cy5-conjugated cRGD-MID-BSA and MID-BSA revealed that both cRGD-MID-BSA and MID-BSA similarly reached the maximum accumulation during 8-12 h after injection. The selective accumulation and retention of Cy5-cRGD-MID-BSA was more pronounced than Cy5-MID-BSA after 24 h. An in vivo boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) study revealed that the cRGD peptide ligand combination enhanced accumulation of MID-BSA into tumor cells in U87MG xenograft models. The significant tumor growth suppression was observed in U87MG xenograft models at a dose of 7.5 mg [10B]/kg after neutron irradiation.Messenger RNA (mRNA) has immense potential for developing a wide range of therapies, including immunotherapy and protein replacement. As mRNA presents no risk of integration into the host genome and does not require nuclear entry for transfection, which allows protein production even in nondividing cells, mRNA-based approaches can be envisioned as safe and practical therapeutic strategies. Nevertheless, mRNA presents unfavorable characteristics, such as large size, immunogenicity, limited cellular uptake, and sensitivity to enzymatic degradation, which hinder its use as a therapeutic agent. While mRNA stability and immunogenicity have been ameliorated by direct modifications on the mRNA structure, further improvements in mRNA delivery are still needed for promoting its activity in biological settings. In this regard, nanomedicine has shown the ability for spatiotemporally controlling the function of a myriad of bioactive agents in vivo. Direct engineering of nanomedicine structures for loading, protecting, and releasing mRNA and navigating in biological environments can then be applied for promoting mRNA translation toward the development of effective treatments. Here, we review recent approaches aimed at enhancing mRNA function and its delivery through nanomedicines, with particular emphasis on their applications and eventual clinical translation.Dark exciton as the lowest-energy (ground) exciton state in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals is a subject of much interest. This is because the superior performance of perovskites as the photon source combined with long lifetime of dark exciton can be attractive for many applications of exciton. However, the direct observation of the intense and long-lived dark exciton emission, indicating facile access to dark ground exciton state, has remained elusive. Here, we report the intense photoluminescence from dark exciton with microsecond lifetime in strongly confined CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and reveal the crucial role of confinement in accessing the dark ground exciton state. This study establishes the potential of strongly quantum-confined perovskite nanostructures as the excellent platform to harvest the benefits of extremely long-lived dark exciton.Molecular beam mass spectrometry was used to follow model triglyceride pyrolysis with temperature. A selectively formed set of PAHs (276, 352, 444 amu) arose with increasing temperature. They were attributed to association of up to five C7-C8 sized fragments (observed in abundance by pyrolysis with gas chromatography), presumably due to their propensity to form stable benzyl radicals. Results were surprisingly similar regardless of triglyceride fatty acids (FAs), containing 0-2 C=C double bonds (14 to 18 carbon atoms). However, the absence of C=C double bonds shifted the process to higher temperatures. Shorter FA chains, particularly 140, enhanced generation of shorter size fragments, facilitating the alternate formation of nonselective PAH homology series. An increase in the length of the glass wool filled sample stage enhanced the formation of two more PAHs, 316 and 388 amu. They appear to involve the formation of indenyl in addition to benzyl radicals as key intermediates.