Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and in vitro binding assays showed that five CrFBX proteins could bind to CrSKP1-e, which is an ortholog of SSK1 (SLF-interacting-SKP1-like), a non-S-factor responsible for the SI reaction. Luciferase complementation imaging (LCI) and in vitro binding assays also showed that CrSKP1-e interacts with the N-terminal region of both CrCUL1A and CrCUL1B. These results indicate that CrSKP1-e may serve as a functional member of the SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in 'Wuzishatangju'. Recently, SARS-CoV-2 virus with the D614G mutation has become a public concern due to rapid dissemination of this variant across many countries. Our study aims were (1) to report full-length genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 collected from four COVID-19 patients in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces, Indonesia; (2) to compare the clade distribution of full-length genome sequences from Indonesia ( = 60) from March to September 2020 and (3) to perform phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 complete genomes from different countries, including Indonesia. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed using next-generation sequencing (NGS) applied in the Illumina MiSeq instrument. Full-length virus genomes were annotated using the reference genome of hCoV-19/Wuhan/Hu-1/2019 (NC_045512.2) and then visualized in UGENE v. 1.30. For phylogenetic analysis, a dataset of 88 available SARS-CoV-2 complete genomes from different countries, including Indonesia, was retrieved from GISAID. All patients were hospitalized with various severities of COVID-19. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that one and three virus samples belong to clade L and GH. These three clade GH virus samples (EPI_ISL_525492, EPI_ISL_516800 and EPI_ISL_516829) were not only located in a cluster with SARS-CoV-2 genomes from Asia but also those from Europe, whereas the clade L virus sample (EPI_ISL_516806) was located amongst SARS-CoV-2 genomes from Asia. Using full-length sequences available in the GISAID EpiCoV Database, 39 of 60 SARS-CoV-2 (65%) from Indonesia harbor the D614G mutation. These findings indicate that SARS-CoV-2 with the D614G mutation appears to become the major circulating virus in Indonesia, concurrent with the COVID-19 situation worldwide. These findings indicate that SARS-CoV-2 with the D614G mutation appears to become the major circulating virus in Indonesia, concurrent with the COVID-19 situation worldwide.Anthropogenic emission of CO2 into the atmosphere has been increasing exponentially, causing ocean acidification (OA) and ocean warming (OW). The "business-as-usual" scenario predicts that the atmospheric concentration of CO2 may exceed 1,000 µatm and seawater temperature may increase by up to 3 °C by the end of the 21st century. Increases in OA and OW may negatively affect the growth and survival of reef corals. In the present study, we separately examined the effects of OW and OA on the corals Acropora digitifera and Montipora digitata, which are dominant coral species occurring along the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, at three temperatures (28 °C, 30 °C, and 32 °C) and following four pCO2 treatments (400, 600, 800, and 1,000 µatm) in aquarium experiments. In the OW experiment, the calcification rate (p = 0.02), endosymbiont density, and maximum photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) (both p less then 0.0001) decreased significantly at the highest temperature (32 °C) compared to those at the lower temperatures (28 °C and 30 °C) in both species. In the OA experiment, the calcification rate decreased significantly as pCO2 increased (p less then 0.0001), whereas endosymbiont density, chlorophyll content, and Fv/Fm were not affected. The calcification rate of A. digitifera showed greater decreases from 30 °C to 32 °C than that of M. digitata. The calcification of the two species responded differently to OW and OA. These results suggest that A. digitifera is more sensitive to OW than M. digitata, whereas M. digitata is more sensitive to OA. Thus, differences in the sensitivity of the two coral species to OW and OA might be attributed to differences in the endosymbiont species and high calcification rates, respectively. Rosacea is a common inflammatory disease of facial skin. Dysregulation of innate immunity with enhanced inflammation and increased abundance of LL-37 at the epidermal site is a characteristic feature of rosacea. Cinnamtannin B1 (CB1) is a condensed tannin with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities. The aims of the study were to evaluate the potential of CB1 as a therapy for rosacea and to characterize the potential mechanisms of action. We intraperitoneally administered 20 mg/kg CB1 once daily for 2 days into the LL-37-induced mouse model of rosacea. The effects of CB1 in vivo were evaluated by the observations of lesions, histology, immunohistochemistry, and the transcription and translation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Human keratinocyte HaCaT and monocyte THP-1 were used to characterize the effects of CB1 on LL-37-induced inflammation in vitro. The changes in pro-inflammatory chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8) were quantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the expressions of genes involved were determined by Western blotting. CB1 attenuated local redness, inflammation, and neutrophil recruitment in the mouse model of rosacea in vivo. CB1 suppressed myeloperoxidase (MPO) and macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) production, a functional homolog of interleukin-8 (IL-8), at the lesions. In vitro experiments confirmed that CB1 reversed the LL-37-induced IL-8 production in human keratinocytes HaCaT and monocyte THP-1 cells. CB1 inhibited IL-8 production through downregulating the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. CB1 attenuated LL-37-induced inflammation, specifically IL-8 production, through inhibiting the phosphorylation of ERK. CB1 has potential as a treatment for rosacea. CB1 attenuated LL-37-induced inflammation, specifically IL-8 production, through inhibiting the phosphorylation of ERK. CB1 has potential as a treatment for rosacea.