Deliveries in a horizontal position were associated with a higher likelihood of performing an episiotomy.OBJECTIVE To describe the frequency of suspicion of minor psychic disorders and their symptoms in nursing workers at a psychiatric hospital. METHOD Cross-sectional study carried out in 2018 with nursing workers at a psychiatric hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were collected by using an instrument with sociodemographic, work, and health variables. The Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 was used to verify minor psychic disorders. RESULTS Ninety workers participated in the study. The frequency of minor psychic disorders in the sample was equal to 32.2%. The questions that showed the highest frequencies of affirmative answers were "Do you feel nervous, tense, or worried?" (51.1%), "Dou you often have headaches?" (41.1%), "Is your daily working suffering?" (37.8%), "Do you have uncomfortable feelings in your stomach?" (36.7%), "Do you find it difficult to enjoy your daily activities?" (27.8%), and "Are you unable to play a useful part in life?" (22.2%). CONCLUSION The predominance of symptoms of reduced vital energy and somatization suggest stress and risk of mental disorders.OBJECTIVE Understanding the reality of surgical site infections post-discharge surveillance in Brazilian teaching hospitals. METHOD A cross-sectional study conducted by sending an online questionnaire to nurses from the Hospital Infection Control Committee of Brazilian teaching hospitals registered in the National Registry of Health Establishments. RESULTS Of the 193 teaching hospitals in Brazil, eight declined to take part as they did not conduct post-discharge surveillance and 36 did not respond. Twenty five of the remaining 149 hospitals provided detailed responses and 96% of responding institutions performed surgical site infection surveillance during hospitalization; active search (29.3%) was the main method, while 84% reported performing post-discharge surveillance mainly by telephone (42.8%). Both surveillance actions have nurses as the main responsible professionals. CONCLUSION Nurses play a prominent role in surgical site infection identification/screening actions, and active search during hospitalization allied with post-discharge surveillance by telephone were the preferred methods.OBJECTIVE The main goal was the peer evaluation of the effectiveness of a health education intervention, also seeking the characterization of violent behaviors experienced by teens in intimate relationships. METHOD A pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study was performed with a non-probabilistic sample of 197 teens of both genders without control group. The intervention performed consisted of one peer-run forum theater session about intimate violence in dating relationships of teens. RESULTS Boys reported being both victims and perpetrators of violent behaviors more frequently than girls. The sample reported more behaviors associated with victimization than perpetration. Girls showed a higher level of knowledge on the topic and this knowledge increased after the intervention. CONCLUSION Psychological violence is highly prevalent in dating relationships, particularly in cases of victimization. It seems essential to understand and act upon adolescents' perceptions about what violent behavior is. This study confirmed the effectiveness of health education in acquiring knowledge on this topic.OBJECTIVE To understand the experience of maternal overload in caring for children with cancer from the mother's perspective. METHOD Symbolic Interactionism was adopted as a theoretical framework and the Grounded Theory as methodological framework. The study was conducted in a public hospital, which is reference in pediatric oncology. Data was collected from six mothers through semi-structured interviews in the second semester of 2017. RESULTS Mothers of children with cancer attributed meaning to the care experience when trying to cope with the emotional, social, physical, financial, family-related, information and moral overload. Maternal overload arises as a dynamic inter-relation process between the many types of overload. CONCLUSION The maternal figure is the main person involved in care and experiences overload in caring for their sick child, facing limitations and responsibilities. The research acted as a key element to broaden the analysis and intervention of the family nurse, not only contributing to the theoretical construct related to maternal overload, but also and mainly to the scope of practice in patient care.This study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of Brazilian-Portuguese versions of the Health Literacy in Dentistry (HeLD) scale in a sample of elderly Brazilian participants. HeLD was initially translated into and cross-culturally adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese language. The reliability and validity of HeLD were then assessed in a sample of 535 non-institutionalized older persons who also completed a questionnaire containing sociodemographic and health information. Data were then randomly separated into two sub-datasets, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed through structural equation modelling, with a maximum likelihood estimate to test the fit of the data to the factor structure of the long-and short-form HeLD (HeLD-29 and HeLD-14) versions of the instrument. The models were compared using the Akaike Information Criterion to assess goodness-of-fit and to determine which models were preferred. Internal consistency of HeLD was evaluated using Cronbach´s coefficient α. Both versions of HeLD were observed to demonstrate high internal reliability (Cronbach´s α ≥ 0.87 for all seven subscales), acceptable convergent (estimates of ≥ 0.50 for AVE and ≥ 0.70 for CR) and discriminant validity. However, the goodness-of-fit of the confirmatory factor analysis models demonstrated satisfactory results only for HeLD-14 subsamples (x2/df = 1.8-2.3; CFI = 0.97-0.98; GFI/NFI = 0.98-0.99; RMSEA = 0.05 and SRMR = 0.03). In conclusion, HeLD-14 was shown to be a reliable and valid instrument to measure oral health literacy in elderly Brazilian participants.