After review, RVP alone has limited value to antimicrobial stewardship; however, when used in conjunction with procalcitonin, RVP has the potential to reduce antibiotic use and duration. After review, RVP alone has limited value to antimicrobial stewardship; however, when used in conjunction with procalcitonin, RVP has the potential to reduce antibiotic use and duration. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) donation is becoming inefficient and we recently proposed the estimated fetal weight percentile (EFWp) ≥60th as a predictor for a prenatal selection of donors. The aim of this study is to prospectively validate this and to identify new potential prenatal predictive parameters. Prospective cohort study of low-risk pregnancies undergoing third trimester ultrasound, whose UCB was collected at delivery (2016-2018) and compared with a historical cohort (2013-2016, N = 869). Several ultrasound parameters (EFWp, amniotic fluid, Doppler evaluation, placental thickness) were assessed ultrasound and perinatal data were collected. The association with standard of high quality of UCB was assessed by logistic regression analysis. Among 297 cases, 161 (54%) were selected according to the EFWp ≥60th for UCB units' collection. Cellular criteria for banking was achieved in 27 cases (16.8%), with an average increase of 1.7 times compared to the historical cohort (9.8%, P = .009). Selecting donors according to the 60th EFWp resulted in a higher probability of collecting clinical suitable UCB (P = .025). Among prenatal and perinatal parameters, EFWp, amniotic fluid, umbilical vein (UV) velocity, newborn weight and percentile and placental weight were significantly associated with a higher cellular content. At logistic regression analysis, significant contributors of UCB collection, were EFWp at 37-38 weeks ultrasound (OR 1.04; 95% CI 1-1.08; P = .042) and UV velocity (OR 1.14; 95% CI 1-1.29; P = .037). The evaluation of the EFWp equal or above 60 and the increased UV velocity can result in higher efficiency of public UCB donation programs. The evaluation of the EFWp equal or above 60 and the increased UV velocity can result in higher efficiency of public UCB donation programs. Widespread use of angiotensin receptor blocker and neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) remains low, and many patients are unable to tolerate the medication due to hypotension at the currently recommended starting dose. The aim of this study is to assess if lower than standard doses of ARNI, sacubitril/valsartan (S/V), significantly reduces NT-proBNP and leads to any change in diuretic dose, serum potassium, or creatinine. In a retrospective study of 278 patients who were started on a low dose S/V at a single medical center, 45 patients were selected for the study cohort. Patients were subcategorized to Group 1 (n = 10) very low dose S/V (half a tab of 24/26 mg BID), Group 2 (n = 10) very low dose titrated to low dose S/V, and Group 3 (n = 25) low dose S/V (24/26 mg BID). NT-proBNP, diuretic dose, serum potassium, and creatinine were compared before and after initiation of S/V. Among all groups, there was a significant reduction in NT-proBNP level (Group 1 p < .01, Group 2 p < .01, and Group 3 p < .001). In addition, there was a significant reduction in diuretic dose across all groups combined (furosemide 53 mg/day vs. 73 mg/day; p = .03), with 17.8% (8/45) patients being able to discontinue their diuretic completely. There was no significant change in potassium or creatinine. Lower than standard dose of S/V significantly reduces NT-proBNP and diuretic requirement without change in potassium or creatinine, which provides hope that patients who cannot tolerate standard doses of S/V due to hypotension may be able to receive the benefits of S/V therapy. Lower than standard dose of S/V significantly reduces NT-proBNP and diuretic requirement without change in potassium or creatinine, which provides hope that patients who cannot tolerate standard doses of S/V due to hypotension may be able to receive the benefits of S/V therapy.In the past two decades, three highly pathogenic human coronaviruses severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and, recently, SARS-CoV-2, have caused pandemics of severe acute respiratory diseases with alarming morbidity and mortality. Due to the lack of specific anti-CoV therapies, the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) poses a great challenge to clinical management and highlights an urgent need for effective interventions. Drug repurposing is a rapid and feasible strategy to identify effective drugs for combating this deadly infection. In this review, we summarize the therapeutic CoV targets, focus on the existing small molecule drugs that have the potential to be repurposed for existing and emerging CoV infections of the future, and discuss the clinical progress of developing small molecule drugs for COVID-19.Group swimming size influences metabolic energy consumption and swimming behaviour in fishes. Hydrodynamic flows and vortices of other fish are thought to be beneficial in terms of the energetic costs of swimming. Similarly, abiotic obstructions have been shown to have similar benefits with respect to metabolic consumption in swimming fish such as rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. The current study works to examine metabolic rates and swimming behaviours as a function of group swimming with bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus and O. mykiss. Fishes were subjected to individual and group swimming in a respiratory swim tunnel to determine oxygen consumption as a proxy for the metabolic rate of swimming fish. In addition, fish movements within the swim tunnel test chamber were tracked to examine group swimming behaviour. We hypothesized that fish would benefit metabolically from group swimming. In the case of O. mykiss, we also hypothesized that groups would benefit from the presence of an abiotic structure, as has been previously observed in fish swimming individually. Our results suggest that the influence of group size on swimming metabolism is species specific. While L. macrochirus show decreased metabolic rate when swimming in a group compared to individually, O. mykiss did not show such a metabolic benefit from group swimming.