Autowatch Ghost Installers Near Me Autowatch Ghost is a device that acts as an anti-key replica. It connects directly to CAN data networks inside vehicles and requires a PIN for starting the vehicle. It also offers a feature called Valet/Service mode that prevents thieves from using device spoofing or signal spoofing. is simple and takes just a few hours using TASSA-registered installers. Ghost is quiet and doesn't require radio signals. It is easily transferred from one vehicle to the next. Installers registered with TASSA Ghost is a hidden car immobiliser that makes use of the buttons on your car to create PIN codes. This protects it from key cloning and relay theft. It is a cheaper alternative to car lock locks and wheel alarms. It also works without radio signals, and is therefore unnoticeable by modern thieves. The device is connected to the CAN network and is not detected by scans for diagnostics or code-grabbing technology. It can be put in any place within the vehicle and is an easy solution for many vehicles. A TASSA registered installer can assure that the system purchased is of the highest quality and has been tested by professionals. The company should be able provide assistance in the event you experience any issues with the product. This is crucial because if the system fails, you may be required to pay for any repairs. A reputable installer must be knowledgeable about vehicles and the best security solutions. Autowatch Ghost is among the most fool proof aftermarket car security devices available. This system will stop even the most experienced thieves in their tracks by requiring them enter an encrypted password to start your car. The password is made by using the original buttons on your vehicle. You decide on the password. The system can be set up in different places in your vehicle. It is weatherproof. The system is compatible with most CAN-bus driven cars. However it is recommended to ask your local installer if you vehi