Visual hallucinations (VH) are a common symptom of Parkinson's disease with dementia (PDD), affecting up to 65% of cases. Integrative models of their etiology posit that a decline in executive control of the visuo-perceptual system is a primary mechanism of VH generation. The role of bottom-up processing in the manifestation of VH in this condition is still not clear although visual evoked potential (VEP) differences have been associated with VH at an earlier stage of PD. Here we compared the amplitude and latency pattern reversal VEPs in healthy controls (n = 21) and PDD patients (n = 34) with a range of VH severities. PDD patients showed increased N2 latency relative to controls, but no significant differences in VEP measures were found for patients reporting complex VH (CVH) (n = 17) compared to those without VH. Our VEP findings support previous reports of declining visual system physiology in PDD and some evidence of visual system differences between patients with and without VH. However, we did not replicate previous findings of a major relationship s between the integrity of the visual pathway and VH.Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1-DS) is a rare neurometabolic disorder caused by mutations of the SLC2A1 gene. Paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia is regarded as a representative symptom of Glut1-DS. Paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia is usually caused by aberrations of the MR1 and KCNMA1 genes, but it also appears in Glut1-DS. We herein document a patient with Glut1-DS who suffered first from paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia and subsequently paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia and experienced a recent worsening of symptoms accompanied with a low fever. The lumbar puncture result showed a decreased glucose concentration and increased white blood cell (WBC) count in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The exacerbated symptoms were initially suspected to be caused by intracranial infection due to a mild fever of less then 38.0°C, decreased CSF glucose, and increased CSF WBC count. However, the second lumbar puncture result indicated a decreased glucose concentration and normal WBC count in CSF with no anti-infective agents, and the patient's symptoms were not relieved apparently. The continuous low glucose concentration attracted our attention, and gene analysis was performed. According to the gene analysis result, the patient was diagnosed with Glut1-DS finally. This case indicates that the complex paroxysmal dyskinesia in Glut1-DS may be confusing and pose challenges for accurate diagnosis. Except intracranial infection, Glut1-DS should be considered as a differential diagnosis upon detection of a low CSF glucose concentration and dyskinesia. The case presented here may encourage clinicians to be mindful of this atypical manifestation of Glut1-DS in order to avoid misdiagnosis.Significant structural, developmental, and financial constraints exist in Scottish soccer that may predicate a different approach to talent identification and development. To our knowledge, no published reports exist evaluating the prevalence of the relative age effect (RAE) in Scottish soccer players. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the RAE among varied playing levels and ages of male Scottish youth soccer players. Birthdates of male youth players (n = 1,230) from U10 to U17 age groups and from playing levels "Amateur" (n = 482), "Development" (n = 214), and "Performance" (n = 534), alongside a group of male Scottish senior professional players (n = 261) were recorded and categorized into quartiles (Q1 = January-March; Q2 = April-June; Q3 = July-September; and Q4 = October-December) and semesters (S1 = January-June and S2 = July-December) from the start of the selection year. Birthdates were analyzed for (a) each playing level and (b) each age group irrespective of playing level. For the varied playing levels examined, an RAE was evident in "Development" and "Performance" playing levels only at youth level. When examining each age group, an RAE was observed in U12-U17 players only. While there was a slight asymmetry favoring Q1 born senior professional players, the RAE was not present within this group of our sample. Results from our study suggest that a bias in selecting individuals born earlier in the selection year may exist within male soccer academy structures, but not at amateur level. The asymmetry favoring chronologically older players at youth but not professional level questions the efficacy of this (un)conscious bias within male Scottish soccer players.The purpose of this paper is to examine how feedback seeking impact safety performance through feedback environment and the moderating role of consideration of future consequence. Correlation data were collected from 202 participants in three industries of China. Results indicate that feedback seeking is positively associated with feedback environment and safety performance, the feedback environment mediated the relationship between feedback seeking and safety performance. However, the positive effect of feedback environment on safety performance is more significant when consideration of future consequence is high. Overall, the findings highlight the critical importance of individual features in the research on safety performance. The conclusion is conducive to a more detailed understanding of the antecedents that affect safety performance and provides a new perspective for the improvement of safety performance.We have recently found that nondirective meditation facilitates stress reduction. This supplementary study investigated whether defensive functioning would moderate these beneficial effects. We explored the occurrence of defense mechanisms and the impact of defensive functioning on the outcome of companies' stress management programs regarding worries nervousness, mental distress, sleep problems, and muscle pain. The sample was a population of active, working professionals recruited from Norwegian companies (n = 105). The intervention group obtained significant benefits on all outcome measures, but there were no effects in the control group. We analyzed defensive functioning with the self-report questionnaire, Life Style Index, at four time points. The healthy adults who participated had a low level of defense scores at the outset. There was a significant reduction in the level of defenses in both groups over the study period, 6 months. Defensive functioning significantly moderated the change of the outcome measures from baseline to follow-up in the intervention group, but not in the control group.