The MFO explained 38% and 46% of RERpeak and TFO's associated variance (p less then 0.01) while TFO and RERpeak were inversely related (R2 = 0.54, p less then 0.01). Body fatness positively correlated with MFO (r = 0.64, p less then 0.01) and TFO (r = 0.63, p less then 0.01) but inversely related with RERpeak (r = -0.67, p less then 0.01). This study shows that MFO and RERpeak are valid indicators of TFO during steady-state exercise at FATmax. The fat oxidation capacity is directly associated with body fatness in males with obesity.Access to opportunities for physical activity and sports, and therefore potential benefits of participation, are distributed inequitably. The aims of this study were to describe and compare youth experiences related to sport and physical activity by socioeconomic factors. A cross-sectional survey was conducted of students in 5-12th grades in King County, Washington, USA. Students were asked about physical activity and sports experiences and about demographic factors including family affluence, which was categorized as low, medium, and high. Participants were 1038 youth (50% girls, 58% non-White, and 32% from homes where languages other than English are spoken). Children from low-affluence families reported fewer days/week of physical activity, fewer sports sampled, and lower rates of ever playing sports. Greater proportions of children from low-affluence families reported these barriers to sports (1) don't want to get hurt, (2) don't feel welcome on teams, (3) too expensive, and (4) transportation. Middle school children from high-affluence families had three times higher odds of meeting physical activity recommendations, and high-affluence high schoolers had three times higher odds of ever participating in sports compared to peers from low-affluence families. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with outcomes related to youth physical activity and sports participation. The disproportionately reported barriers to sports participation are modifiable, and cross-sector solutions can help promote play equity.Tough hydrogels were made by hydrolysis of a neutral interpenetrating network (IPN) of poly (N-vinyl formamide) PNVF and polyacrylamide (PAAm) networks to form an IPN of polyvinylamine (PVAm) and poly (acrylic acid) (PAAc) capable of intermolecular ionic complexation. Single network (SN) PAAm and SN PNVF have similar chemical structures, parameters and physical properties. The hypothesis was that starting with neutral IPN networks of isomeric monomers that hydrolyze to comparable extents under similar conditions would lead to formation of networks with minimal phase separation and maximize potential for charge-charge interactions of the networks. Sequential IPNs of both PNVF/PAAm and PAAm/PNVF were synthesized and were optically transparent, an indication of homogeneity at submicron length scales. Both IPNs were hydrolyzed in base to form PVAm/PAAc and PAAc/PVAm IPNs. These underwent ~5-fold or greater decrease in swelling at intermediate pH values (3-6), consistent with the hypothesis of intermolecular charge complexation, and as hypothesized, the globally neutral, charge-complexed gel states showed substantial increases in failure properties upon compression, including an order of magnitude increases in toughness when compared to their unhydrolyzed states or the swollen states at high or low pH values. There was no loss of mechanical performance upon repeated compression over 95% strain.Cisplatin (CP) is extensively used in the medical oncology field for malignancy treatment, but its use is associated with neurological side effects that compromise the patients' quality of life. Cytotherapy is a new treatment strategy for tissue damage that has recently emerged. The use of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) was investigated for its therapeutic potential against CP-induced chemobrain as well as various models of brain damage. This study was carried out to elucidate, for the first time, the role of the intravenous injection (IV) of BM-MSCs against CP-induced neurotoxicity in a rat model through investigation of the parameters of oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in brain tissue. A rat model of neurotoxicity was generated by intraperitoneal injection of 7.5 mg/kg CP while 2 × 106 BM-MSCs was given by IV as a therapeutic dose. Injection of CP led to a significant rise in malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels accompanied by a marked depletion of superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione content in brain tissue in comparison to the normal control (NC) rats. Furthermore, a remarkable rise in the brain levels of inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6, together with the expression of apoptotic marker caspase-3, and the downregulation of the brain expression of proliferating marker Ki-67 in brain tissue were detected in the CP group compared to the NC group. Histopathological alterations were observed in the brain tissue of the CP group. BM-MSCs mitigated the biochemical and histopathological alterations induced by CP without affecting brain cell proliferation. BM-MSCs could be used as a promising neuroprotective agent against CP-induced neurotoxicity.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been regulating human islets for allotransplantation as a biologic drug in the US. Consequently, the requirement of a biological license application (BLA) approval before clinical use of islet transplantation as a standard of care procedure has stalled the development of the field for the last 20 years. Herein, we provide our commentary to the multiple FDA's position papers and guidance for industry arguing that BLA requirement has been inappropriately applied to allogeneic islets, which was delivered to the FDA Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee on 15 April 2021. We provided evidence that BLA requirement and drug related regulations are inadequate in reassuring islet product quality and potency as well as patient safety and clinical outcomes. As leaders in the field of transplantation and endocrinology under the "Islets for US Collaborative" designation, we examined the current regulatory status of islet transplantation in the US and identified several anticipated negative consequences of the BLA approval.