HPV-associated penile cancer malignancy: Effect of copy quantity modifications to miRNA/mRNA interactions and also possible druggable targets. The influence of environmental contaminant toluene and of plant fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) on reproduction are reported, but the mechanisms of their action and the protective effect of fennel on contaminant influence remain to be elucidated. In this study, we hypothesized that toluene and fennel directly affects basic ovarian cell functions, and that fennel can be used as an appropriate natural protective agent against the potential adverse effects of toluene. This study aimed to examine the action of toluene (20 μg/mL) and fennel extract (0, 1, 10, 100 μg/mL), and assess their combination on viability, proliferation, apoptosis, and hormone release by cultured healthy mare ovarian granulosa cells. Viability, proliferation (percentage of PCNA-positive cells), apoptosis and release of progesterone, oxytocin and prostaglandin F were evaluated by using Trypan blue exclusion tests, immunocytochemistry and enzyme immunoassays, respectively. Toluene, when given alone, inhibited viability, proliferation, apoptosis, progesterone, prostaglandin F and IGF-I. However, it did not affect oxytocin release. Moreover, Fennel, when given alone, inhibited viability, progesterone, and prostaglandin F release, as well as stimulating proliferation and oxytocin release. In addition, Fennel did not affect apoptosis. When given in combination with toluene, fennel was able to suppress, and even invert, the effects of toluene on viability, proliferation, apoptosis, prostaglandin F, and IGF-I. However, it did not alter its effect on progesterone release. Moreover, fennel induced the inhibitory effect of toluene on oxytocin output. The findings of our study suggest direct adverse effects of toluene on the basic ovarian functions of mares. Lastly, we also observed the direct influence of fennel on these functions, as well as its ability to be a natural protector against the action of toluene on the ovarian functions of mares. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) exerts a profound role in regulating mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism. Mitochondrial STAT3 supports RAS-dependent malignant transformation and tumor growth. However, whether pharmacological blockade of STAT3 leads to metabolic lethality in KRAS-mutant lung cancer remains unclear. Pyrvinium pamoate, a clinical antihelminthic drug, preferentially inhibited the growth of KRAS-mutant lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistic study revealed that pyrvinium dose-dependently suppressed STAT3 phosphorylation at tyrosine 705 and serine 727. Overexpression mitochondrial STAT3 prominently weakened the therapeutic efficacy of pyrvinium. As a result of targeting STAT3, pyrvinium selectively triggered reactive oxygen species release, depolarized mitochondrial membrane potential and suppressed aerobic glycolysis in KRAS-mutant lung cancer cells. Importantly, the cytotoxic effects of pyrvinium could be significantly augmented by glucose deprivation both in vitro and in a patient-derived lung cancer xenograft mouse model in vivo. The combined efficacy significantly correlated with intratumoural STAT3 suppression. Our findings reveal that KRAS-mutant lung cancer cells are vulnerable to STAT3 inhibition exerted by pyrvinium, providing a promising direction for developing therapies targeting STAT3 and metabolic synthetic lethality for the treatment of KRAS-mutant lung cancer. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Rapamycin is a potent immunosuppressant and anti-proliferative agent used clinically to prevent organ transplant rejection and for coating coronary stents to counteract restenosis. Rapamycin complexes with the immunophilin FKBP12, which subsequently binds and inhibits mTORC1. Despite several reports demonstrating that rapamycin affects platelet-mediated responses, the underlying mechanism of how it alters platelet function is poorly characterised. This study aimed to elucidate the effect of rapamycin on platelet procoagulant responses. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The effect of rapamycin on platelet activation and signalling was investigated alongside the catalytic mTOR inhibitors KU0063794 and WYE-687, and the FKBP12-binding macrolide FK506. KEY RESULTS Rapamycin affects platelet procoagulant responses by reducing externalisation of the procoagulant phospholipid phosphatidylserine, formation of balloon-like structures and local generation of thrombin. Catalytic mTOR kinase inhibitors did not alter platelet procoagulant processes, despite having a similar effect as rapamycin on Ca2+ signalling, demonstrating that the effect of rapamycin on procoagulant responses is independent of mTORC1 inhibition and not linked to a reduction in Ca2+ signalling. FK506, which also forms a complex with FKBP12 but does not target mTOR, reduced platelet procoagulant responses to a similar extent as rapamycin. Both rapamycin and FK506 prevented the loss of mitochondria integrity induced by platelet activation, one of the central regulatory events leading to PS externalisation. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Rapamycin suppresses platelet procoagulant responses by protecting mitochondrial integrity in a manner independent of mTORC1 inhibition. Rapamycin and other drugs targeting FKBP immunophilins could aid the development of novel complementary anti-platelet therapies. Citicoline or CDP-choline is a drug, made up by a cytidine 5'-diphosphate moiety and choline, which upon adsorption is rapidly hydrolyzed into cytidine 5'-diphosphate and choline, easily bypassing the blood-brain barrier. Once in the brain, these metabolites are used to re-synthesize citicoline in neurons and in the other cell histo-types which uptake them. https://www.selleckchem.com/ALK.html Citicoline administration finds broad therapeutic application in the treatment of glaucoma as well as other retinal disorders by virtue of its safety profile and neuro-protective and neuroenhancer activity, which significantly improves the visual function. Further, though supported by limited clinical studies, this molecule finds therapeutic application in neurodegenerative disease, delaying the cognitive decline in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Parkinson's Disease (PD) subjects. https://www.selleckchem.com/ALK.html In this work we show that citicoline greatly affects the proteolytic activity of the 20S proteasome on synthetic and natural substrates, functioning as a bimodal allosteric modulator, likely binding at multiple sites.