Necropsies and histopathology were performed to evaluate pathology associated with contrast. For the CT examinations, precontrast, immediate postcontrast, and 5-m delayed postcontrast CT scans were obtained. Contrast in coelomic organs and circulatory system was measured using Hounsfield units. The caudal kidney was the most contrast-enhancing organ. Both doses produced good vascular enhancement and similar distribution. The delayed postcontrast scans showed repeatable parenchymal enhancement of organs. No mortality was encountered. No abnormalities were detected on blood smears, necropsies, or histopathology. Results suggest IV contrast administration is feasible, both contrast doses provided valuable anatomical information in the study with CT of coelomic organs, and no contraindications of contrast administration were detected.Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) are an endangered equid species. Anesthesia administered by remote delivery is often needed to provide medical care. Behavioral and physiologic parameters were prospectively compared in 14 horses (8 females and 6 males, 3-18 yr) after a single-dart or staged two-dart anesthesia induction protocol with intramuscular medetomidine (0.06 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.05 mg/kg), thiafentanil (0.02 mg/kg), and ketamine (1 mg/kg). Seven horses were randomly assigned to receive all drugs in a single dart, and the other seven to receive medetomidine and butorphanol 10 min prior to thiafentanil and ketamine in a second dart. Induction and recovery quality were scored on a scale from 1 to 5 (worst to best), and video recordings were assessed for frequency of specific behaviors. Need for supplemental propofol was recorded. Median induction score was significantly better (P = 0.01) after two darts (4/5) compared to a single dart (3/5). Degree of muscle fasciculation (undesirable) during induction was significantly lower (P= 0.006) with the two-dart protocol. During the transition to recumbency, 71% versus 14% of horses transitioned headfirst (undesirable) after a single dart versus two darts, respectively (P= 0.07). Supplemental propofol administration was necessary in 43% of horses after two darts and in 100% of horses after a single dart (P= 0.10) to facilitate intubation and reach a working depth of anesthesia. Physiologic and recovery parameters were not significantly different between groups. Improved induction quality was observed clinically using a staged two-dart versus a single-dart protocol and should be considered when anesthetizing captive Przewalski's horses using this drug combination.Great ape anesthesia is reported to carry a significant risk. Therefore, techniques aiming to reduce stress and increase welfare, such as hand injection of anesthesia induction agents, have received considerable attention in zoo, laboratory, and captive wildlife environments. However, there is little evidence to support the superiority of such techniques. To investigate this issue, anesthesia records of healthy zoo-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) between 2012 and 2017 in which the animal was either darted or hand injected were analyzed (n = 50). Sex, age, induction, muscle relaxation, and overall anesthesia quality as well as recovery ratings, heart rate, systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, end-tidal CO2, oxygen saturation (SpO2), and body temperature were analyzed. Chimpanzees that were darted showed statistically significantly higher heart rate, SpO2, and body temperature than those that were hand injected. It was found that darted chimpanzees were also significantly more likely to have poorer perianesthetic muscle relaxation and overall anesthesia rating scores. This study provides further evidence that the use of hand injection can reduce factors associated with stress and improve the quality of chimpanzee anesthesia.Evaluation and improvement of immobilization methods are important for wildlife welfare and biodiversity conservation. The sedative and physiological effects of xylazine (50-110 mg per elephant; 0.09-0.15 mg/kg IM) were evaluated in 15 juvenile Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Sri Lanka. The time from xylazine injection until first sign of sedation, handling, and reversal with yohimbine (0.009-0.03 mg/kg IV) were recorded. Behavioral signs, level of sedation (no effect, light, moderate, or deep) and response to handling were assessed. Rectal temperature, pulse, and respiratory rates were recorded and arterial blood samples were analyzed 30 and 45 min after xylazine injection. The first sign of sedation occurred within 5-18 min. Standing sedation was induced in all elephants, but the level of sedation varied differently over time for each elephant. Twelve elephants remained standing throughout the sedation period, while 3 elephants became laterally recumbent. Sedative effects included lowered head and trunk, droopy ears, snoring, and penis protrusion. Pulse rate, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature ranged between 30-45 beats/min, 4-12 breaths/min, and 35.6-37.2°C, respectively, at 30 min after xylazine injection, and there were no changes over time. Pulmonary function and acid-base balance were adequate (range partial pressures of arterial oxygen 73-123 mmHg and carbon dioxide 33-52 mmHg, arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation 96-99%, pH 7.34-7.54, lactate 0.9-2.5 mmol/L). Yohimbine was administered 46-110 min after the injection of xylazine, and the first sign of recovery occurred within 1-4 min. Resedation after reversal with yohimbine was observed in two elephants. In conclusion, xylazine at the doses used induced light to deep sedation with stable physiology and most elephants remained standing.The Association of Zoos and Aquariums Reproductive Management Center (RMC) in the US and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Reproductive Management Group (RMG) in Europe monitor efficacy of contraceptive products in participating institutions and use those results to inform contraceptive recommendations. This study used the joint RMC-RMG Contraception Database to analyze efficacy of deslorelin implants (Suprelorin®), a contraceptive used in a wide range of mammalian taxa. More recently its use has increased in birds and in some reptiles and fish. Deslorelin, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, stimulates the reproductive system before downregulating receptors on pituitary cells that produce hormones that stimulate gonadal steroids in both males (testosterone) and females (estradiol and progesterone), interrupting sperm production and ovulation, respectively. Nevertheless, it has been used mostly in females. Efficacy has been high in mammals, with failures resulting in offspring in only 1.