Changes in frequency and severity of heat waves due to climate change pose a considerable challenge to livestock production systems. Although it is well known that heat stress reduces feed intake in cattle, effects of heat stress vary between animal genotypes and climatic conditions and are context specific. To derive a generic global prediction that accounts for the effects of heat stress across genotypes, management and environments, we conducted a systematic literature review and a meta-analysis to assess the relationship between dry matter intake (DMI) and the temperature-humidity index (THI), two reliable variables for the measurement of feed intake and heat stress in cattle, respectively. We analysed this relationship accounting for covariation in countries, breeds, lactation stage and parity, as well as the efficacy of various physical cooling interventions. Our findings show a significant negative correlation (r =  - 0.82) between THI and DMI, with DMI reduced by 0.45 kg/day for every unit increase in THI. Although differences in the DMI-THI relationship between lactating and non-lactating cows were not significant, effects of THI on DMI varied between lactation stages. Physical cooling interventions (e.g. provision of animal shade or shelter) significantly alleviated heat stress and became increasingly important after THI 68, suggesting that this THI value could be viewed as a threshold for which cooling should be provided. Passive cooling (shading) was more effective at alleviating heat stress compared with active cooling interventions (sprinklers). Our results provide a high-level global equation for THI-DMI across studies, allowing next-users to predict effects of heat stress across environments and animal genotypes.Premature infants are at high risk of haemorrhage and thrombosis. Our understanding of the differences between the neonatal and adult haemostatic system is evolving. There are several limitations to the standard coagulation tests used in clinical practice, and there is currently a lack of evidence to support many of the transfusion practices in neonatal medicine. The evaluation of haemostasis is particularly challenging in neonates due to their limited blood volume. The calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT) is a global coagulation assay, first described in 2002, which evaluates both pro- and anti-coagulant pathways in platelet-rich or platelet-poor plasma. In this review, the current applications and limitations of CAT in the neonatal population are discussed.Conclusion CAT has successfully elucidated several differences between haemostatic mechanisms in premature and term neonates compared with adults. Moreover, it has been used to evaluate the effect of a number of haemostatic drugs in a pre-clinical model. However, the lack of evidence of CAT as an accurate predictor of neonatal bleeding, blood volume required and the absence of an evidence-based treatment algorithm for abnormal CAT results limit its current application as a bedside clinical tool for the evaluation of sick neonates. What is Known • The Calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT) is a global coagulation assay which evaluates pro- and anti-coagulant pathways. • CAT provides greater information than standard clotting tests and has been used in adults to evaluate bleeding risk. What is New • This review summarises the physiological differences in haemostasis between neonates and adults described using CAT. • The haemostatic effect of several drugs has been evaluated in neonatal plasma using CAT.As a natural phenolic acid product of plant source, caffeic acid displays diverse biological activities and acts as an important precursor for the synthesis of other valuable compounds. Limitations in chemical synthesis or plant extraction of caffeic acid trigger interest in its microbial biosynthesis. Recently, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported for the biosynthesis of caffeic acid via episomal plasmid-mediated expression of pathway genes. However, the production was far from satisfactory and even relied on the addition of precursor. In this study, we first established a controllable and stable caffeic acid pathway by employing a modified GAL regulatory system to control the genome-integrated pathway genes in S. cerevisiae and realized biosynthesis of 222.7 mg/L caffeic acid. Combinatorial engineering strategies including eliminating the tyrosine-induced feedback inhibition, deleting genes involved in competing pathways, and overexpressing rate-limiting enzymes led to about 2.6-fold improvement in the caffeic acid production, reaching up to 569.0 mg/L in shake-flask cultures. To our knowledge, this is the highest ever reported titer of caffeic acid synthesized by engineered yeast. This work showed the prospect for microbial biosynthesis of caffeic acid and laid the foundation for constructing biosynthetic pathways of its derived metabolites. KEY POINTS Genomic integration of ORgTAL, OHpaB, and HpaC for caffeic acid production in yeast. Feedback inhibition elimination and Aro10 deletion improved caffeic acid production. The highest ever reported titer (569.0 mg/L) of caffeic acid synthesized by yeast.Recently, thermophilic Thermoanaerobacterium species have attracted increasing attentions in consolidated bioprocessing (CBP), which can directly utilize lignocellulosic materials for biofuels production. Compared to the mesophilic process, thermophilic process shows greater prospects in CBP due to its relatively highly efficiency of lignocellulose degradation. In addition, thermophilic conditions can avoid microbial contamination, reduce the cooling costs, and further facilitate the downstream product recovery. However, only few reviews specifically focused on the microbial applications of thermophilic Thermoanaerobacterium species in lignocellulosic biorefinery. Accordingly, this review will comprehensively summarize the recent advances of Thermoanaerobacterium species in lignocellulosic biorefinery, including their secreted xylanases and bioenergy production. Furthermore, the co-culture can significantly reduce the metabolic burden and achieve the more complex work, which will be discussed as the further perspectives.