The fish group adapted to low-ionic strength water (OF) showed the highest sensitivity to cadmium, with the allometric constants being a = 0.0045 and b = -1.11, while the group of air-breathing fishes such as Channa marulius and Hepteroneustes fossillis exhibited the lowest sensitivity, with the allometric constants being a = 42.04 and b = -0.44.The effect of the intrinsic parameters can be easily combined with known toxicological models, thus contributing to the construction of models suitable for a wider range of species.Hepatic glucuronidation represents an important phase II biotransformation reaction in both mammals and fish. The kinetic characteristics of uridine 5'-diphosphate (UDP) glucuronosyltransferases (UDPGTs) in rainbow trout liver microsomes were examined using p-nitrophenol (p-NP) as an aglycone and UDP-glucuronic acid (UDPGA) as a glucuronyl donor according to an existing protocol. The kinetic data obtained with varying concentrations of p-NP best fit the Hill equation and UDPGT activity was successfully induced following an i.p. injection of β-naphthoflavone (β-NF). The assay was subsequently adapted to a microplate method for determination of UDPGT activity in microsomal samples obtained from rainbow trout as well as Nile tilapia. In contrast to rainbow trout, UDPGT activity of Nile tilapia was best described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Based on the linearity of p-NP glucuronide formation, a p-NP concentration of 0.60 mM and a UDPGA concentration of 6.89 mM were determined to be suitable for assaying UDPGT activity in samples from rainbow trout and Nile tilapia. The microplate method offers several advantages over the historical assay; most notably it enables the observation of successive kinetics which ensures that enzyme activity is calculated in the most linear (initial) rate of the reaction. It also provides practical advantages in terms of ease-of-use and efficiency. This may be relevant to researchers investigating exposure of wild or farmed fish to environmental or feed-borne contaminants which are substrates of UDPGTs.Plasmodium parasites cause malaria in mammalian hosts and are transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. Activated gametocytes in the mosquito midgut egress from erythrocytes followed by fertilization and zygote formation. Zygotes differentiate into motile invasive ookinetes, which penetrate the midgut epithelium before forming oocysts beneath the basal lamina. Ookinete development and traversal across the mosquito midgut wall are major bottlenecks in the parasite life cycle. In ookinetes, surface proteins and proteins stored in apical organelles have been shown to be involved in parasite-host interactions. A group of ookinete proteins that are predicted to have such functions are named PSOPs (putative secreted ookinete protein). PSOP1 is possibly involved in migration through the midgut wall, and here its subcellular localization was examined in ookinetes by immunoelectron microscopy. PSOP1 localizes to the micronemes of Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei ookinetes, indicating that it is stored and possibly apically secreted during ookinete penetration through the mosquito midgut wall.Overdiagnosis of anaphylaxis risk is an underappreciated aspect of anaphylaxis prevention. Whereas the benefits of anaphylaxis-risk prevention are well known, potential harms resulting from preemptive approaches to mitigate anaphylaxis-risk are not insignificant. Still, great progress has been made in recent years to avoid the unintended consequences of anaphylaxis-risk overdiagnosis. Reflection on recent advances in the use of diagnostic testing, as well as the application of diagnostic labels, provides an important perspective to understand how far the specialty of allergy and immunology has come in improving the lives of patients and families. Examples of recent paradigm shifts in anaphylaxis-risk management include approaches to peanut allergy prevention without screening, deferral of corticosteroids to prevent biphasic anaphylaxis reactions, reevaluation of reflex use of emergency medical services for resolved community anaphylaxis, and an approach to penicillin allergy delabeling with direct oral challenge. Routine medical practices to decrease anaphylaxis risk can have lifelong impacts for patients-beyond just preventing anaphylaxis. As our understanding of these trade-offs evolves, it becomes necessary to weigh both the benefits and the harms of past management approaches. Because medicine remains a science of uncertainty and an art of probability, a critical approach to risk mitigation remains necessary to find the often-elusive balance in anaphylaxis prevention.Renal denervation (RDN) is a new treatment option for resistant hypertension (RH), although it has been shown that reduced sympathetic nerve activity after RDN is the main cause of blood pressure decline. In view of the possible correlation between circRNA and hypertension and the metabolic state of the body after RDN, we investigated the potential role of circRNA in RDN treatment of RH. Serum samples of patients with RH were collected before and 48 h after RDN. We explored the mechanism underlying RDN with high-throughput integration of circRNA data. There were 338 circRNAs that were differentiated before and after RDN; 170 were upregulated and 168 downregulated (≥1.2-fold, P less then 0.05), and five of them changed significantly (≥1.5-fold, P less then 0.05). We used reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction to confirm these results in 13 other patients with RH. hsa_circRNA_000367 was upregulated and hsa_circRNA_405119 downregulated after RDN. We predicted their downstream miRNA-mRNA network and analyzed their putative function via circRNA-miRNA-mRNA pathway. GO/KEGG analysis showed that their functional annotation may be related to nerve injury and hypertension. We used the Venn Diagram Generator to obtain the intersection of predicted target and sympathetic-nerve-related genes( from GeneCards website). In conclusion, the mechanism underlying RDN may be closely related to upregulated hsa_circRNA_000367 or downregulated hsa_circRNA_405119 and involve regulated multiple pathways and multiple cellular and molecular biological processes. These circRNAs may potentially be used as treatment effect biomarkers in RDN.