Estradiol, however, decreased risky choice in both groups of males. Importantly, none of the effects of hormonal manipulation on risky choice were due to altered shock sensitivity or food motivation. These data show that gonadal hormones are required for maintaining sex-typical profiles of risk-taking behavior in both males and females, and that estradiol is sufficient to promote risk aversion in both sexes. The findings provide novel information about the mechanisms supporting sex differences in risk taking and may prove useful in understanding sex differences in the prevalence of psychiatric diseases associated with altered risk taking.The cognitive enhancing effects of methylphenidate are well established, but the mechanisms remain unclear. We recently demonstrated that methylphenidate boosts cognitive motivation by enhancing the weight on the benefits of a cognitive task in a manner that depended on striatal dopamine. Here, we considered the complementary hypothesis that methylphenidate might also act by changing the weight on the opportunity cost of a cognitive task, that is, the cost of foregoing alternative opportunity. To this end, 50 healthy participants (25 women) completed a novel cognitive effort-discounting task that required choices between task and leisure. They were tested on methylphenidate, placebo, as well as the selective D2-receptor agent sulpiride, the latter to strengthen inference about dopamine receptor selectivity of methylphenidate's effects. Furthermore, they also underwent an [18F]DOPA PET scan to quantify striatal dopamine synthesis capacity. Methylphenidate boosted choices of cognitive effort over leisure across the group, and this effect was greatest in participants with more striatal dopamine synthesis capacity. The effects of sulpiride did not reach significance. This study strengthens the motivational account of methylphenidate's effects on cognition, and suggests that methylphenidate reduces the cost of mental labor by increasing striatal dopamine.Altered synaptic plasticity is often associated with major depressive disorder (MDD). Disease-associated changes in synaptic functions are tightly correlated with altered microRNA (miRNA) expression. Here, we examined the role of miRNAs and their functioning at the synapse in MDD by examining miRNA processing machinery at synapse and sequencing miRNAs and analyzing their functions in synaptic and total tissue fractions obtained from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) of 15 MDD and 15 matched non-psychiatric control subjects. A total of 333 miRNAs were reliably detected in the total tissue fraction. Multiple testing following the Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate [FDR] showed that 18 miRNAs were significantly altered (1 downregulated 4 up and 13 downregulated; p  less then  0.05) in MDD subjects. Out of 351 miRNAs reliably expressed in the synaptic fraction, 24 were uniquely expressed at synapse. In addition, 8 miRNAs (miR-215-5p, miR-192-5p, miR-202-5p, miR-19b-3p, miR-423-5p, miR-219a-2-3p; miR-511-5p, miR-483-5p showed significant (FDR corrected; p  less then  0.05) differential regulation in the synaptic fraction from dlPFC of MDD subjects. In vitro transfection studies and gene ontology revealed involvement of these altered miRNAs in synaptic plasticity, nervous system development, and neurogenesis. A shift in expression ratios (synaptic vs. total fraction) of miR-19b-3p, miR-376c-3p, miR-455-3p, and miR-337-3p were also noted in the MDD group. Moreover, an inverse relationship between the expression of precursor (pre-miR-19b-1, pre-miR-199a-1 and pre-miR-199a-2) and mature (miR-19b-3p, miR-199a-3p) miRNAs was found. Although not significantly, several miRNA processing enzymes (DROSHA [95%], DICER [17%], TARBP2 [38%]) showed increased expression patterns in MDD subjects. Our findings provide new insights into the understanding of the regulation of miRNAs at the synapse and their possible roles in MDD pathogenesis.Impulsive and compulsive symptoms are common, tend to co-occur, and collectively account for a substantive global disease burden. Latent phenotyping offers a promising approach to elucidate common neural mechanisms conferring vulnerability to such symptoms in the general population. We utilised the Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network (NSPN), a cohort of young people (aged 18-29 years) in the United Kingdom, who provided questionnaire data and Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans. Partial Least Squares was used to identify brain regions in which intra-cortical myelination (measured using Magnetisation Transfer, MT) was significantly associated with a disinhibition phenotype, derived from bi-factor modelling of 33 impulsive and compulsive problem behaviours. The neuroimaging sample comprised 126 participants, mean 22.8 (2.7 SD) years old, being 61.1% female. Disinhibition scores were significantly and positively associated with higher MT in the bilateral frontal and parietal lobes. 1279 genes associated with disinhibition-related brain regions were identified, which were significantly enriched for functional biological interactions reflecting receptor signalling pathways. This study indicates common microstructural brain abnormalities contributing to a multitude of related, prevalent, problem behaviours characterised by disinhibition. Such a latent phenotyping approach provides insights into common neurobiological pathways, which may help to improve disease models and treatment approaches. Now that this latent phenotyping model has been validated in a general population sample, it can be extended into patient settings.Veterans experience chronic pain at greater rates than the rest of society and are more likely to receive long-term opioid therapy (LTOT), which, at high doses, is theorized to induce maladaptive neuroplastic changes that attenuate self-regulatory capacity and exacerbate opioid dose escalation. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to modulate frontal midline theta (FMT) and alpha oscillations that are linked with marked alterations in self-referential processing. These adaptive neural oscillatory changes may promote reduced opioid use and remediate the neural dysfunction occasioned by LTOT. In this study, we used electroencephalography (EEG) to assess the effects of a mindfulness-based, cognitive training intervention for opioid misuse, Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE), on alpha and theta power and FMT coherence during meditation. We then examined whether these neural effects were associated with reduced opioid dosing and changes in self-referential processing. Before and after 8 weeks of MORE or a supportive psychotherapy control, veterans receiving LTOT (N = 62) practiced mindfulness meditation while EEG was recorded.