Results Nephrinuria was found to be present in 100% of patients with T2DM and macroalbuminuria, in 88% with microalbuminuria, as well as 82% of patients with T2DM and normoalbuminuria. A concentration of urinary nephrin was significantly increased in all groups of subjects with T2DM compared to the control group (p less then 0.05). Nephrinuria correlated statistically negative with eGFR (r=-0.54). ROC analysis showed that nephrin has a total predicted probability of 96% in patients with DN. Conclusions Urinary nephrin is earlier, more specific and sensitive marker than microalbumin in early detection of DN.Background Extreme leukocytosis is known to induce remarkable variations of some clinical chemistry tests, thus leading to possible clinical misinterpretation. This study aimed to define whether also moderate leukocytosis may influence the stability of glucose and blood gases. Methods Blood samples are sent to the local laboratory through a pneumatic tube system. Clinical chemistry testing is routinely performed using Lithium-heparin tubes (for glucose) and heparin blood gases syringes (for blood gas analysis). Stability of glucose (in uncentrifuged blood tubes) and blood gases (in syringes) was hence evaluated in samples maintained at room temperature. Results were also analyzed in 2 subgroups of samples with different leukocyte counts, i.e., those with leukocytes 15 × 109/L), while no difference was noted for other blood gases parameters (PCO2, PO2). Spurious and time-dependent hypoglycemia was noted in uncentrifuged blood tubes of patients with leukocytosis. Conclusions The results of our study suggest that even modest leukocytosis (i.e., around 15 × 109/L), which is frequently encountered in clinical and laboratory practice, may be associated with significant variations of both glucose and pH. This would lead us to conclude that results of these parameters shall be accompanied by those of hematologic testing to prevent clinical misinterpretation, namely with leukocyte counts.Background In a rare Gaucher disease, reduced activity of lysosomal b-glucocerebrosidase incompletely blocks glucosphingolipid catabolism. Accumulation of the unhydrolyzed substrate glucosylceramide within lysosomes results in progressive, multisystem Gaucher disease, classified into three types. Both parkinsonism and peripheral neuropathy are observed in cases of putative non-neuronopathic type 1 disease. In the current study we investigated whether the peripheral neural response in type 1 Gaucher disease patients, with no neural manifestations is conditioned by the influence of sex hormones. Methods The catalytic activity of b-glucocerebrosidase in peripheral blood leukocytes was determined spectrofluorometrically. Direct sequencing of the GBA1 gene was performed. Somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded after electrical stimulation of the median nerve of both arms. Stimuli of 0.2 ms duration at a frequency of 5 Hz were used. Sex hormones were determined by radioimmunoassay using a gamma scintillation counter. Results Analysis of the somatosensory evoked potentials revealed significant differences in peak latencies on periphery between men and women in both control and type 1 Gaucher disease groups. Analysis by gender showed significant associations between latencies and sex hormones only in female patients negative correlation between oestradiol concentration and N9 peak latency, and a strong negative correlation of testosterone levels with all peak latencies on the periphery (N9-N13). Conclusions A relationship between testosterone concentrations and the latencies of potentials evoked on peripheral nerves exists only in females with type 1 Gaucher disease. We point out sexual dimorphism in the development of this entity.Background Evaluation of possible relationship between platelet glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity and mental state of schizophrenia patients after antipsychotic pharmacotherapy. Methods Patients (n = 50) with chronic paranoid schizophrenia (F20.0) initially in acute psychotic state were examined before and after a treatment course with antipsychotics. When assessing the patients' states using PANSS, the "responder" category was attributed to those patients who had not less than 30% reduction in the score for the corresponding PANSS "subscale". The control group (n = 48) was ageand gender-matched with the patient group. Platelet glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity was measured in patients twice, before and after the treatment course, and once in controls. Results Significantly reduced GDH activity was found in patients compared with controls. The patient group was divided into two subgroups according to median GDH activity at baseline above and below the median GDH, subgroup 1 and subgroup 2, respectively. GDH activity significantly increased from its level at baseline after antipsychotic treatment in subgroup 2. Distribution of non responders / responders to antipsychotic treatment (by PANSS scores) was significantly uneven among subgroups 1 and 2. In subgroup 1, GDH activity levels significantly correlated with PANSS scores after the treatment course. Conclusions Baseline platelet GDH activity might serve as a predictor of antipsychotic therapy efficacy in schizophrenia patients.Background The objective of this work was to study the profile of fatty acids and to search for associations of fatty acids with oxidative-antioxidant parameters and an oxidative-inflammatory biomarker (lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2) in men with coronary atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Methods Analysis of 20 fatty acids was performed in 60 men with angiographically confirmed coronary atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and in a control group of men without coronary heart disease. Serum fatty-acid content was evaluated by high-performance gas-liquid chromatography. The blood levels of oxidative stress, total antioxidative defence, and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase 2 were analyzed. Results In the group of men with coronary atherosclerosis the levels of myristic and palmitic fatty acids were higher by 59% and 22%, respectively. An increase in the weight percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids was noted, such as palmitoleic, oleic, and octadecenic. Significantly lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linolic, eicosadienoic, eicosatrienoic, arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, glinolenic, docosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic were detected in the group with coronary atherosclerosis.