Studies have demonstrated that autopsy is the gold standard for determining cause and manner of death. Indeed, the current National Association of Medical Examiners standard B3.7 states that a forensic pathologist (FP) shall perform a forensic autopsy when the death is by apparent intoxication by alcohol, drugs, or poison. Unfortunately, the recent increase in drug-related deaths has led to some question about the feasibility of maintaining compliance with standard B3.7. We constructed a voluntary survey to address consensus on standard B3.7 and the use of supervised accredited pathologists' assistants (PAs) in performing select medicolegal autopsies. Additional questions were included to help characterize variables related to FP's workload and experience. Each of these variables was predicted to influence FP's attitudes toward B3.7 and the use of PAs. Our respondent pool (n = 107) consisted primarily of actively practicing FPs with administrative responsibilities (42%) and actively practicing FPs without administrative responsibilities (41%). Sixty-five percent agreed that standard B3.7 is appropriate. Opinion on the use of PAs was split between those who agreed (45%) and those who did not (44%). Tendency to agree with either B3.7 or the use of PAs was not a function of FP's individual or office workload; however, respondents were more likely to agree with B3.7 if they previously experienced a case where internal autopsy findings radically altered diagnosis in an otherwise suggestive overdose case (P less then 0.001). In certain offices and under certain conditions, the use of PAs may be one solution to ensuring all potential overdose deaths receive an autopsy. © 2019 The Authors.This paper examines violence against women, with a special focus on domestic violence, along with sexual violence and sexual assault, in multidimensional perspective for the period of two years so as to understand its magnitude and its impact on the rights of women in the northern part of India. Among all such cases, there were 57.2% cases of domestic violence, 20.3% cases of sexual violence and sexual assault, 17.8% cases of attempted poisoning, 1.5% cases of homicidal burns, and 1.2% cases of attempted suicide. The greatest number of cases was recorded during the spring, followed by summer. It was observed that the greatest number of cases (60.24%) was recorded under the homemaker (housewife) category of women followed by the working category (26.80%). The greatest number of cases is seen in the age group of 20 to 30 years (42.77%), followed by the age group of 30 to 40 years (23.49%). A slightly higher number of cases (51.20%) was reported from rural areas. The greatest number of cases was recorded under the domestic violence category. The second highest percentage of cases reported involved sexual violence and sexual assault. The greatest number of married cases had a duration of zero to ten years (43.37%), followed by the unmarried category (19.87%). With reference to duration of violence, the greatest number of cases is seen in the age group of zero to six months (32.53%). The greatest number of cases is seen under the no child category (40.96%). Regarding the alleged perpetrator, the greatest number of cases is seen under the husband category (23.79%), followed by unknown category (22.28%). © 2019 The Authors.Background Determination of time passed since burn injury in the living is critical in forensic science. Autophagy biomarkers and vitronectin can play an important role in determination of the age of burn injuries through their levels in the tissue. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the role of autophagy biomarkers in dating burn injury and to correlate them with the histopathological effects of deep second-degree thermal burn. Method Fifty-four male rats were used in this study after infliction of second-degree thermal burns to their skin. Samples were taken from them after 30 minutes and one, four, 24, 48, and 72 hours following burn to be examined histologically and also for autophagy biomarkers and vitronectin. Results Significant reduction in the autophagy biomarkers (p less then 0.001) over the first 24 hours then began to increase but still not reach the normal level up to 72 hours after burn. Vitronectin level increased after burn infliction 1.5-fold after first hour, then up to four-fold after four hours and after that began to decline but still did not reach the normal level up to 72 hours. Conclusion Autophagy biomarkers can be used as a forensic tool in determination of the time passed since burn infliction in living. © 2019 The Authors.Although the arcus corneae (AC) has long been used as an age indicator for forensic purposes, its diagnostic value has not been evaluated. To evaluate the AC as a predictor of chronological age, the author has studied the correlation of AC with respect to age of the deceased. A cross-sectional study was conducted of 342 Thai corpses at the Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, Thailand. AC was graded into three levels no AC, incomplete ring, and complete ring. One-way analysis of variance, chi-square test, binomial logistic regression, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and likelihood ratios were used for analysis. The Cohen's kappa was used to determine the intraobserver and interobserver reliability. The prevalence of AC and the probability of complete AC were significant higher in corpses aged 60 years and above than in those under 60 years. Consequently, this study confirmed that the prevalence of AC was significantly correlated with the age of Thai individuals. If the complete AC is used as an indicator of age of 60 years and above, complete AC has high sensitivity (92.56%) but low specificity (72.85%), low positive predictive value (65.12%), but high negative predictive value (94.71%). For diagnostic value, the presence of AC can be used for age screening but not for absolute confirmation. The absence of AC indicates young age, incomplete AC indicates middle age, and complete AC indicates old age. The high intraobserver and interobserver reliability provides assurance of the value of AC as a means to estimate personal age. © 2019 The Authors.