How to Buy a Driving License Without Advance Payment It is possible to purchase an automobile for a variety of reasons, including as an offer to someone else or as a vehicle to yourself. This can cause problems during the process of buying a car like getting an auto loan or acquiring insurance. Most dealerships will accept a valid paper license as evidence of identity, but policies differ depending on the location and the seller. You can also purchase an automobile with a cosigner, or pay cash. How to get an Learner's Permit The New York State driver's licensing process can be intimidating particularly for teens and adults who have never held a license prior to. If you're interested in becoming a responsible and safe driver, getting your permit is a good first step. This guide walks you through the requirements including documents, exams, and more that need to be completed to get your learners permit. First, you must meet the basic eligibility requirements. You must be 16 years old or older to apply for a learner's licence. Minors who are under 18 must have parental approval for their MV44 permit application. Teens who have completed a driver education program approved by the DMV might be eligible to waive this requirement. must also pass a vision test at the DMV or submit a valid eye test from an optometrist. Next, study for your written knowledge exam. You can utilize the NYS driver's manual, practice tests and a gamified learning experience on Zutobi to prepare for the test you'll be taking in the near future. If you fail the knowledge test, you can retake the exam within 30 days (though you may need to pay an extra fee). Visit your local DMV and complete the rest of your application. Bring all the documentation you need including identification proof and proof of residency and original copies of your Social Security card.