Thus, the least-attenuated natural light can be further derived. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is satisfactory in producing more pleasing results under various circumstances.Fluorescent molecular tomography (FMT) is an important molecular imaging technique for medical diagnosis and treatment. In FMT, a typical forward model is the diffusion approximation. However, this approximation is not valid in biological tissues with low-scattering regions. To overcome this problem, a Bayesian method in combination with the model error is proposed. Further, an iteration method of boundary measurements is incorporated into the reconstruction process to improve the efficiency of reconstruction for FMT. Simulation results obtained demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively improve the quality of the reconstructed results and speed up the reconstruction process.The modified rigorous coupled-wave analysis technique is developed to describe the optical characteristics of the plasmonic structures with the grating-gated delta-thin conductive channel in the far- and near-field zones of electromagnetic waves. The technique was applied for analysis of the resonant properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures combined with a deeply subwavelength metallic grating, which facilitates the excitation of the two-dimensional plasmons in the terahertz (THz) frequency range. The convergence of the calculations at the frequencies near the plasmon resonances is discussed. The impact of the grating's parameters, including filling factor and thickness of the grating, on resonant absorption of the structure was investigated in detail. The spatial distributions of the electromagnetic field in a near-field zone were used for the evaluation of total absorption of the plasmonic structures separating contributions of the grating-gated two-dimensional electron gas and the grating coupler.When two visual patterns moving in opposite directions are superimposed on the same depth plane, they appear to have two transparent surfaces moving independently (transparent motion). Additionally, the direction of the slow phase of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) corresponds to the direction of motion that dominates the perceptual appearance. This study examines whether pupil changes correspond to the luminance of the dominated objects related to the transition of the slow-phase direction in OKN following objects. Stimuli consisted of two random dot patterns of different luminance that moved in opposite directions. The results showed that pupil size changed in accordance with the luminance of the pattern in the slow phase of OKN immediately after OKN transition. This suggests that pupil size is modulated with OKN in transparent motion.In this paper, a compact waveguide eyeglass integrating freeform surfaces and volume holographic gratings (VHGs) is proposed for full-color display with high energy utilization. The in-coupler with four freeform surfaces collimates the light emitting from the micro image source (MIS) and couples them into the waveguide. The six-layer VHGs as an outcoupler are designed to modulate the light propagating toward the user's eye. The chromatic aberrations and aberrations are well optimized and compensated by the in-coupler. The diffraction angular bandwidth of the gratings matches the angular range of the light propagating in the waveguide. The simulation results show that our proposed eyeglass achieves a diagonal field of view (FOV) of 39.5°, the average diffraction efficiency of the outcoupler achieves 95.22%, and the diffraction uniformity is about 0.95. Because of the integrated designs and compact stable structures, the optimized display system is expected to be flexibly used in various applications.Described over 100 years ago, the Gouy phase anomaly refers to the additional π phase shift that is accumulated as a wave passes through focus. It is potentially useful in analyzing any type of phase-sensitive imaging; in light microscopy, digital holographic microscopy (DHM) provides phase information in the encoded hologram. One limitation of DHM is the weak contrast generated by many biological cells, especially unpigmented bacteria. We demonstrate here that the Gouy phase anomaly may be detected directly in the phase image using the z-derivative of the phase, allowing for precise localization of unlabeled, micrometer-sized bacteria. The use of dyes that increase phase contrast does not improve detectability. This approach is less computationally intensive than other procedures such as deconvolution and is relatively insensitive to reconstruction parameters. The software is implemented in an open-source FIJI plug-in.The method and corresponding optical scheme for the registration and reconstruction of digital volume holograms are considered. It is shown that a set of digital holograms recorded with a scanning reference beam makes it possible to reconstruct the complex amplitude of the object field. The proposed method for registering digital holograms is considered a digital analog of Denisyuk's holography. In particular, a condition is obtained connecting the number of steps (number of holograms) with the quantity of the phase step, when the background and conjugate image are eliminated after the reconstruction procedure of an object field according to the suggested algorithm. Experimental results are presented validating the proposed approach.We present a holographic imaging approach for the case in which a single source-detector pair is used to scan a sample. The source-detector pair collects intensity-only data at different frequencies and positions. By using an appropriate illumination strategy, we recover field cross correlations over different frequencies for each scan location. The problem is that these field cross correlations are asynchronized, so they have to be aligned first in order to image coherently. This is the main result of the paper a simple algorithm to synchronize field cross correlations at different locations. Thus, one can recover full field data up to a global phase that is common to all scan locations. The recovered data are, then, coherent over space and frequency so they can be used to form high-resolution three-dimensional images. Imaging with intensity-only data is therefore as good as coherent imaging with full data. In addition, we use an ℓ1-norm minimization algorithm that promotes the low dimensional structure of the images, allowing for deep high-resolution imaging.