Additionally, the decrease in S-nitrosoglutathione reductase protein abundance and the intensification of protein tyrosine nitration indicate Se-triggered nitrosative signalling. Collectively, these results suggest that Se supplementation alters Stevia shoot morphology without significantly affecting biomass yield and photosynthesis, but increasing Se content and performing antioxidant effects, which indicates that foliar application of Se may be a promising method in Stevia cultivation.Smartphone equipment has promoted the widespread use of new media communication, and users have changed from being passive to actively receiving information. This has changed people's lifestyles, and has enriched the convenience and entertainment value of knowledge acquisition. However, the new media communication systems can be too complex, and the interface design for users to interact with the new media may not be sufficiently intuitive, which causes interface usability problems. Therefore, this research study focuses on the concept of affordance and the impact of user perception pertinent to smartphone applications on frequency modulation (FM) new media interface design. The experiment is a between-subjects design using one-way ANOVA to examine three different operation modes, namely the Litchi, Himalayas and Archimedes types. The experimental data were obtained through task performance and subjective evaluation. The results indicate that (1) Visual information presentation methods, such as viewing and deleting, affect user perception. The three operating modes revealed significant differences, with the Himalayas type taking the least amount of task performance time. (2) There were significant differences among the different operation modes, with the Himalayas type the best in terms of the users' subjective evaluation. (3) The overall analysis of task performance and satisfaction consistently showed that the Himalayas type was better than the Litchi and Archimedes types in all aspects. (4) Smartphone user interface applications provide users with cognitive support, objects, functions, and sensory affordance, which enhance the user's interactive experience of FM new media.Sleeping Beauty (SB) is a transposon system that has been widely used as a genetic engineering tool. Central to the development of any transposon as a research tool is the ability to integrate a foreign piece of DNA into the cellular genome. Driven by the need for efficient transposon-based gene vector systems, extensive studies have largely elucidated the molecular actors and actions taking place during SB transposition. Close transposon relatives and other recombination enzymes, including retroviral integrases, have served as useful models to infer functional information relevant to SB. Recently obtained structural data on the SB transposase enable a direct insight into the workings of this enzyme. These efforts cumulatively allowed the development of novel variants of SB that offer advanced possibilities for genetic engineering due to their hyperactivity, integration deficiency, or targeting capacity. However, many aspects of the process of transposition remain poorly understood and require further investigation. We anticipate that continued investigations into the structure-function relationships of SB transposition will enable the development of new generations of transposition-based vector systems, thereby facilitating the use of SB in preclinical studies and clinical trials.Opuntia spp. is an economically important vegetable crop with high stress-tolerance and health benefits. However, proteomic analysis of the plant has been difficult due to the composition of its succulent cladodes; the abundant polysaccharides interfere with protein extraction. To facilitate proteomic analysis of this plant, we present a rapid and simple protein extraction method for Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller. The optimized method produced highly reproducible protein patterns and was compatible with a gel-free quantitative workflow without the need for additional purification. We successfully analyzed the cladode mesocarp and exocarp tissues, resulting in the identification of 319 proteins. In addition, we used this method to examine the relative changes in the Opuntia proteome in response to salt stress to determine whether physiological changes could be captured. Qualified observations were obtained, revealing that salt stress increased phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase abundance and decreased ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase in young O. ficus-indica plants. These findings suggest that Crassulacean acid metabolism is promoted under salinity. This study highlights the efficacy of our optimized protein extraction method for elucidating the metabolic adaptations of Opuntia using gel-free proteomic analysis.The relationship between chronic inflammation and neoplastic diseases is not fully understood. The inflammatory microenvironment of a tumor is an intricate network that consists of numerous types of cells, cytokines, enzymes and signaling pathways. Recent evidence shows that the crucial components of cancer-related inflammation are involved in a coordinated system to influence the development of cancer, which may shed light on the development of potential anticancer therapies. Since the last century, considerable effort has been devoted to developing gene therapies for life-threatening diseases. When it comes to modulating the inflammatory microenvironment for cancer therapy, inflammatory cytokines are the most efficient targets. In this manuscript, we provide a comprehensive review of the relationship between inflammation and cancer development, especially focusing on inflammatory cytokines. We also summarize the clinical trials for gene therapy targeting inflammatory cytokines for cancer treatment. Future perspectives concerned with new gene-editing technology and novel gene delivery systems are finally provided. To evaluate the potential added value of integrating anti-apoptotic molecules for improving the anti-tumor activity of CAR-T cells. Four small molecules inhibiting apoptosis were tested for their ability to prevent activated induced CAR-T cell death. Five CD20-targeting, CD137 (4-1BB) and CD3ΞΆ integrated CAR-T cells (20BBZ) with constitutively expressed anti-apoptotic genes were established, and we screened out the strongest proliferation enhancer Bcl-2. The memory subtype and the exhaustion markers of CAR-T cells were analyzed. The anti-tumor activities of Bcl-2 integrating CAR-T cells (20BBZ-Bcl-2) were evaluated in vitro and in a mouse xenograft lymphoma model. The 20BBZ-Bcl-2 CAR-T cells showed improved proliferation ability compared to 20BBZ CAR-T cells in vitro. In addition, activation-induced apoptosis was reduced in the 20BBZ-Bcl-2 CAR-T cells. Consistent with the enhanced proliferation in vitro, 20BBZ-Bcl-2 CAR-T cells exhibited improved anti-tumor activity in a mouse xenograft lymphoma model. The 20BBZ-Bcl-2 CAR-T cells showed improved proliferation ability compared to 20BBZ CAR-T cells in vitro.