sion methods, benefits were most clear in their capacity to select a manageable subset of indicators. Preference to competing penalised logistic regression methods may therefore be guided by feature selection capability, and thus interpretative considerations, rather than predictive performance alone.Anthropogenic derived environmental change is challenging earth's biodiversity. To implement effective management, it is imperative to understand how organisms are responding over broad spatiotemporal scales. Collection of these data is generally beyond the budget of individual researchers and the integration and sharing of ecological data and associated infrastructure is becoming more common. However, user groups differ in their expectations, standards of performance, and desired outputs from research investment, and accommodating the motivations and fears of potential users from the outset may lead to higher levels of participation. Here we report upon a study of the Australian ornithology community, which was instigated to better understand perceptions around participation in nationally coordinated research infrastructure for detecting and tracking the movement of birds. The community was surveyed through a questionnaire and individuals were asked to score their motivations and fears around participation. ugh existing database infrastructure to form the foundation from which a national network could grow.Infectious disease management relies on accurate characterization of disease progression so that transmission can be prevented. Slowly progressing infectious diseases can be difficult to characterize because of a latency period between the time an individual is infected and when they show clinical signs of disease. The introduction of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the cause of Johne's disease, onto a dairy farm could be undetected by farmers for years before any animal shows clinical signs of disease. In this time period infected animals may shed thousands of colony forming units. Parameterizing trajectories through disease states from infection to clinical disease can help farmers to develop control programs based on targeting individual disease state, potentially reducing both transmission and production losses due to disease. We suspect that there are two distinct progression pathways; one where animals progress to a high-shedding disease state, and another where animals maintain a low-level of shedding without clinical disease. We fit continuous-time hidden Markov models to multi-year longitudinal fecal sampling data from three US dairy farms, and estimated model parameters using a modified Baum-Welch expectation maximization algorithm. Using posterior decoding, we observed two distinct shedding patterns cows that had observations associated with a high-shedding disease state, and cows that did not. This model framework can be employed prospectively to determine which cows are likely to progress to clinical disease and may be applied to characterize disease progression of other slowly progressing infectious diseases.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0238081.]. The accurate assessment of liver fibrosis among hemodialysis patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is important for both treatment and for follow up strategies. Applying the non-invasive methods in general population with viral hepatitis have been successful but the applicability of the aminotransferase/platelet ratio index (APRI) or the fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4) in hemodialysis patients need further evaluation. We conducted a prospective, multi-center, uremic cohort to verify the applicability of APRI and FIB-4 in identifying liver fibrosis by reference with the standard transient elastography (TE) measures. There were 116 CHC cases with valid TE were enrolled in our analysis. 46 cases (39.6%) were classified as F1, 35 cases (30.2%) as F2, 11 cases (9.5%) as F3, and 24 cases (20.7%) as F4, respectively. The traditional APRI and FIB-4 criteria did not correctly identify liver fibrosis. The optimal cut-off value of APRI was 0.28 and of FIB-4 was 1.91 to best excluding liver cirrhosis with AUC of 76% and 77%, respectively. The subgroup analysis showed that female CHC hemodialysis patients had better diagnostic accuracy with 74.1% by APRI. And CHC hemodialysis patients without hypertension had better diagnostic accuracy with 78.6% by FIB-4. This study confirmed the traditional category level of APRI and FIB-4 were unable to identify liver fibrosis of CHC hemodialysis patients. With the adjusted cut-off value, APRI and FIB-4 still showed suboptimal diagnostic accuracy. Our results suggest the necessary of TE measures for liver fibrosis in the CHC uremic population. This study confirmed the traditional category level of APRI and FIB-4 were unable to identify liver fibrosis of CHC hemodialysis patients. With the adjusted cut-off value, APRI and FIB-4 still showed suboptimal diagnostic accuracy. Our results suggest the necessary of TE measures for liver fibrosis in the CHC uremic population.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0199130.].The opportunistic pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae has dual lifestyles one of an asymptomatic colonizer in the human nasopharynx and the other of a deadly pathogen invading sterile host compartments. The latter triggers an overwhelming inflammatory response, partly driven via pore forming activity of the cholesterol dependent cytolysin (CDC), pneumolysin. Although pneumolysin-induced inflammation drives person-to-person transmission from nasopharynx, the primary reservoir for pneumococcus, it also contributes to high mortality rates, creating a bottleneck that hampers widespread bacterial dissemination, thus acting as a double-edged sword. Serotype 1 ST306, a widespread pneumococcal clone, harbours a non-hemolytic variant of pneumolysin (Ply-NH). Performing crystal structure analysis of Ply-NH, we identified Y150H and T172I as key substitutions responsible for loss of its pore forming activity. We uncovered a novel inter-molecular cation-π interaction, governing formation of the transmembrane β-hairpins (TMH) in the pore state of Ply, which can be extended to other CDCs.