The importance of the findings lies in the need for exploring unique viable solutions to reduce risk for every community independently as opposed to embracing a generalized approach as is currently the case.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1098/rsos.192043.].Following the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the globe coerced their citizens to adhere to preventive health behaviours, aiming to reduce the effective reproduction numbers of the virus. Driven by game theoretic considerations and inspired by the work of US National Research Council's Committee on Food Habits (1943) during WWII, and the post-WWII Yale Communication Research Program, the present research shows how to achieve enhanced adherence to health regulations without coercion. To this aim, we combine three elements (i) indirect measurements, (ii) personalized interventions, and (iii) attitude changing treatments (IMPACT). We find that a cluster of short interventions, such as elaboration on possible consequences, induction of cognitive dissonance, addressing next of kin and similar others and receiving advice following severity judgements, improves individuals' health-preserving attitudes. We propose extending the use of IMPACT under closure periods and during the resumption of social and economic activities under COVID-19 pandemic, since efficient and lasting adherence should rely on personal attitudes rather than on coercion alone. Finally, we point to the opportunity of international cooperation generated by the pandemic.Microaneurysms (MAs) are one of the earliest clinically visible signs of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Vision can be reduced at any stage of DR by MAs, which may enlarge, rupture and leak fluid into the neural retina. Recent advances in ophthalmic imaging techniques enable reconstruction of the geometries of MAs and quantification of the corresponding haemodynamic metrics, such as shear rate and wall shear stress, but there is lack of computational models that can predict thrombus formation in individual MAs. In this study, we couple a particle model to a continuum model to simulate the platelet aggregation in MAs with different shapes. Our simulation results show that under a physiologically relevant blood flow rate, thrombosis is more pronounced in saccular-shaped MAs than fusiform-shaped MAs, in agreement with recent clinical findings. Our model predictions of the size and shape of the thrombi in MAs are consistent with experimental observations, suggesting that our model is capable of predicting the formation of thrombus for newly detected MAs. This is the first quantitative study of thrombosis in MAs through simulating platelet aggregation, and our results suggest that computational models can be used to predict initiation and development of intraluminal thrombus in MAs as well as provide insights into their role in the pathophysiology of DR.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons form the final pathway for the central neuronal control of fertility. GnRH is released in pulses that vary in frequency in females, helping drive hormonal changes of the reproductive cycle. In the common fertility disorder polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), persistent high-frequency hormone release is associated with disrupted cycles. We investigated long- and short-term action potential patterns of GnRH neurons in brain slices before and after puberty in female control and prenatally androgenized (PNA) mice, which mimic aspects of PCOS. A Monte Carlo (MC) approach was used to randomize action potential interval order. Dataset distributions were analysed to assess (i) if organization persists in GnRH neuron activity in vitro, and (ii) to determine if any organization changes with development and/or PNA treatment. GnRH neurons in adult control, but not PNA, mice produce long-term patterns different from MC distributions. Short-term patterns differ from MC distributions before puberty but become absorbed into the distributions with maturation, and the distributions narrow. These maturational changes are blunted by PNA treatment. Firing patterns of GnRH neurons in brain slices thus maintain organization dictated at least in part by the biologic status of the source and are disrupted in models of disease.The zeolite monoliths were synthesized by a facile polymer scaffold template assisted hydrothermal method. The selected foam-shaped template of a polyurethane (PU) foam monolith, was used to prepare the self-standing zeolite foam (ZF) monolithic materials. The obtained ZF products can preserve the same size, shape and macroporous network structure of the original PU foam scaffold template, although the zeolite nano-crystallites had been fully substituted for the PU template to form the new skeleton struts and walls. The as-synthesized ZF products demonstrated abundant hierarchical porosity (involving triple micro-, meso- and macropores). Meanwhile, compared with the conventional zeolite powders, the self-standing ZF monolithic materials exhibited greater total pore volume and nearly three times higher mesopore volume, suggesting wider applications as catalysts, catalyst supports and adsorbents in industry.In social mammals, social integration is generally assumed to improve females' reproductive success. Most species demonstrating this relationship exhibit complex forms of social bonds and interactions. However, female eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) exhibit differentiated social relationships, yet do not appear to cooperate directly. It is unclear what the fitness consequences of such sociability could be in species that do not exhibit obvious forms of cooperation. Using 4 years of life history, spatial and social data from a wild population of approximately 200 individually recognizable female eastern grey kangaroos, we tested whether higher levels of sociability are associated with greater reproductive success. Contrary to expectations, we found that the size of a female's social network, her numbers of preferential associations with other females and her group sizes all negatively influenced her reproductive success. These factors influenced the survival of dependent young that had left the pouch rather than those that were still in the pouch.