Medical practice is a noble profession that bears with it critical responsibilities on the practitioner and expectations from the public. Few studies originating from low-income countries like Nepal indicate a greater extent of dissatisfaction in relation to workload, financial and social circumstances among doctors leading to lower Quality of life. In addition, there has been a rise in doctor's migration to developed nations in aspire of better living standards and job satisfaction which has aggravated the already resource-constrained healthcare systems in those countries. This challenges both access and equity in healthcare. There are indications, based on first-hand experiences and the socio-political situation, that Quality of Life may be alarmingly poor among doctors working in Nepal. The first step towards a comprehensive effort to addressing this issue would be to carry out researches on doctors to gauge the scale and dimensions of the issue.Septic arthritis of the knee is rare in adults. This leads to difficulty in making early diagnosis that invariably leads to delayed treatment with consequent destruction of the joint. The delay in diagnosis is largely attributed to absence of clinical signs of flagrant infection. Reported are three adult patients who presented with painful swollen knee and inability to walk few weeks after intra-articular injection for osteoarthritis. This paper discusses the cases in which the difficulties in the early diagnosis of septic arthritis of knee in adults led to the development of osteomyelitis.Intradural spinal epidermoid cysts are rare, benign lesions either acquired from trauma, surgery, lumbar puncture or arise as congenital lesions, particularly associated with spinal dysraphism. Epidermoid cyst arising from the spine with expansile destruction of vertebrae has not been reported yet in the literature. We report a case of 36-years male presented with history of fall 8 years back with progressive symptoms of lower back pain, weakness of left lower limb and bladder/bowel incontinence. Computed tomography revealed large lytic expansile, midline sacral vertebral lesion with soft tissue component and multiple calcific foci. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated large non-enhancing heterogeneous mass showing restricted diffusion on diffusion weighted images. The patient underwent biopsy confirming the diagnosis of an epidermoid cyst. The possibility of an epidermoid tumor should be kept in the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with post-traumatic sacral mass.Eosinophilic cholecystitis is a rare post-cholecystectomy inflammatory histopathological condition characterized by more than 90% eosinophilic infiltrate in the gallbladder. We present a case of 27-year female presented with abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, altered mental status, shock, leucocytosis, deranged liver function test, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. The patient underwent cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration. She developed adult respiratory distress syndrome and hospital-acquired pneumonia. From this, we want to emphasize that eosinophilic cholecystitis and cholangiopathy should be a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with allergy, peripheral eosinophilia, obstructive jaundice that are planned to undergo cholecystectomy that will have early critical care intervention.Thanatophoric skeletal dysplasiais the most lethal, rare, sporadic birth defect due to de novo mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor-3. Clinically this is characterized by shortening of the limbs (micromelia), small conical thorax, flat vertebral bodies and macrocephaly at birth. We encountered a similar case with ultrasonographic findings suggestive of Thanatophoric Skeletal Dysplasia which resulted in the death of the baby within an hour of birth. Almost all cases of this condition have been reported to have died interuterinally or a few days after birth.Dermatomyositis is an idiopathic muscle disease characterized by proximal muscle weakness, raised muscle enzymes, characteristic changes in electromyography and typical skin rash and biopsy findings. Dermatological features like Gottron's sign and papules are considered as pathognomonic for dermatomyositis. Panniculitis is one of the rare findings in dermatomyositis. Here, we report a case of dermatomyositis in 37 years old female who presented with only panniculitis and the diagnosis was delayed by more than a year.Potter sequence is a rare congenital malformation that primarily affects male fetuses and is characterized by pulmonary hypoplasia, skeletal malformation, and kidney abnormalities. The pressure of the uterine wall due to oligohydramnios leads to an unusual facial appearance, abnormal limbsor limbs in abnormal positions or contractures. The fetus generally dies soon after birth due to respiratory insufficiency. We presented a male baby of 35 wks gestation with birth weight 1200gms delivered by primi mother. She had severe oligohydramnios and virtually there was no liquor during birth. The baby had severe perinatal depression at birth requiring resuscitation. Multiple congenital anomalies like absence of left eye, congenital cataract on the right eye, right-sided choanal atresia, micrognathia, low set ears, beaked nose, bilateral clubbed foot with hip deformity were noted. After 2 hours of life,baby developed fast breathing and cyanosis and died due to respiratory failure.Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor is a rare benign odontogenic tumor which accounts for approximately 1% of the entire odontogenic tumor. It was firstly described by Pindborg, and thus, is also referred to as the "Pindborg tumor". Histologically, Pindborg tumor consists of three distinct histological compo-nents sheets of polyhedral epithelial cells, amyloid like deposits, and calcifications. This case report describes a case of Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor in 26 years old female patient presented with the swelling in right posterior region of mandible. Taking into account of the aggressive nature of the lesion segmental resection of the mandible followed by reconstruction was planned for treatment. This case report highlights the importance of appropriate clinical, radiographical and histological correlation for the correct diagnosis and treatment of Pindborg tumor.