Vitamin B6, a cofactor in many biochemical reactions in the cells of living organisms, is an essential coenzyme for various catabolic and anabolic processes. Although vitamin B6 deficiency in young healthy women with a balanced diet is thought to be unusual, it can be seen with certain medications, health conditions, and dietary deficits, as well as aging. Vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with a variety of ill health effects, and correction of deficiency is considered beneficial. Women particularly are affected by unique health issues that are part of the array of disorders potentially alleviated through vitamin B6 supplementation.Garlic originated in West China and has been used for its health qualities since 2600 bc. Garlic was brought to Great Britain in 1548 from the Mediterranean Sea. Early uses of garlic were to treat gastric infections, fevers, and diarrhea. Fresh garlic has the most health benefits through the compound allicin. Health benefits of garlic include the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, antioxidant effects, antimicrobial effects, and reduction of cancer risks.Mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and insomnia, are leading causes of hospitalization and disability for young and middle-aged adults. Approximately one-half of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness during their lifetime. Plants and roots have been used as medicinal agents since the beginning of recorded time. Complementary and alternative medicine or complementary integrative medicine use has been increasing throughout most socioeconomic classes, cultures, and age categories. This article reviews herbal and alternative therapies used to treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Indications for use, patient education, and possible interactions with conventional prescribed psychotropic medications are analyzed.Herbs have been used for centuries to treat various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Herbs may be used by clients exclusively for disease management or in combination with conventional medications. This article increases provider awareness of certain herbs and their potential use by clients, as well as their impact on the cardiovascular system. It is important for the advanced practice nurse to collect information related to herb use during history retrieval. This information should prompt the nurse to discuss possible benefits and side effects that may occur taking herbs in isolation or in combination with cardiovascular prescription medications.Ginseng is one of the oldest documented herbs still in use today. It is known as a panacea for many disease states and for the enhancement of wellness affecting most body systems. Very few side effects are experienced, but there are considerations with its use. Three major types of ginseng are described. Asian ginseng is more potent than American ginseng; however, most supplements come from American and Asian types of ginseng. Purchases should be made from reputable sources owing to the lack of standardization of the production of herbal supplements.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies herbal preparations as food supplements. New herbal supplements and products are not governed by the strict FDA drug approval process and there is no premarket approval required. The FDA prohibits manufacturers and distributors from marketing adulterated or misbranded products but does not rigorously define safe practices. Scientific evidence related to herbal supplements is limited. Herbal supplements have been associated with adverse reactions and herbal-drug interactions. Information and precautions for 20 common herbal supplements, including St. John's wort, ginseng, echinacea, and ginkgo, are reviewed. Resources for consumers and health care professionals are highlighted.Dysphagia, which is a geriatric syndrome affecting 10% to 33% of older adults, is commonly seen in older adults who have experienced a stroke or neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer or Parkinson disease. Patients diagnosed as having dysphagia can experience malnutrition, pneumonia, and dehydration. Patients can also experience increased rates of mortality and long-term care admission. Providers can identify the specific type of dysphagia for treatment in approximately 80% of patients by asking 5 questions in the patient's history What happens when you try to swallow? Do you have trouble chewing? Do you have difficulty swallowing solids, liquids, or both? Describe the symptom onset, duration, and frequency? What are the associated symptoms? Providers can then request a videofluoroscopic swallow study or a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing for further evaluation of oropharyngeal dysphagia. If providers are diagnosing esophageal dysphagia, barium esophagraphy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) can be used as part of the assessment. Patients can be treated for oropharyngeal dysphagia by using compensatory interventions, including behavioral changes, oral care, dietary modification, or rehabilitative interventions such as exercises and therapeutic oral trials. Providers often address treatment of esophageal dysphagia by managing the underlying etiology, which could include removal of caustic medications or using EGD as a therapeutic modality for esophageal rings. High-quality, large research studies are necessary to further manage the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of this growing geriatric syndrome.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is characterized by heterogeneity in susceptibility to the disease and severity of illness. Understanding inter-individual variation has important implications for not only allocation of resources but also targeting patients for escalation of care, inclusion in clinical trials, and individualized medical therapy including vaccination. In addition to geographic location and social vulnerability, there are clear biological differences such as age, sex, race, presence of comorbidities, underlying genetic variation, and differential immune response that contribute to variability in disease manifestation. These differences may have implications for precision medicine. Specific examples include the observation that androgens regulate the expression of the enzyme transmembrane protease, serine 2 which facilitates severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 viral entry into the cell; therefore, androgen deprivation therapy is being explored as a treatment option in males infected with COVID-19.