These results demonstrate that the acceptors with nearly identical absorption spectra could result in a significant difference in photovoltaic performance, which stress the importance of end-capping units. Furthermore, few NFA-based devices achieve large Voc and high Jsc simultaneously as one based on PM6BDTN-BF, indicating that nitrogen hybridization of NFAs may be an efficient strategy to realize high and balanced Voc and Jsc.Traditional results from toxicogenomics studies are complex lists of significantly impacted genes or gene sets, which are challenging to synthesize down to actionable results with a clear interpretation. Here, we defined two sets of 21 custom gene sets, called the functional and statistical EcoToxModules, in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) to (1) re-cast predefined molecular pathways into a toxicological framework and (2) provide a data-driven, unsupervised grouping of genes impacted by exposure to environmental contaminants. The functional EcoToxModules were identified by re-organizing KEGG pathways into biological processes that are more relevant to ecotoxicology based on the input from expert scientists and regulators. The statistical EcoToxModules were identified using co-expression analysis of publicly available microarray data (n = 303 profiles) measured in livers of fathead minnows after exposure to 38 different conditions. Potential applications of the EcoToxModules were demonstrated with two case studies that represent exposure to a pure chemical and to environmental wastewater samples. In comparisons to differential expression and gene set analysis, we found that EcoToxModule responses were consistent with these traditional results. Additionally, they were easier to visualize and quantitatively compare across different conditions, which facilitated drawing conclusions about the relative toxicity of the exposures within each case study.The structures of three proton-bound dimers (Met2H+, MetTrpH+, and Trp2H+) are investigated in the gas phase with infrared multiple photon disassociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy in combination with quantum chemical calculations. Their IRMPD spectra in the range of 600-1850 cm-1 are obtained experimentally using an FT-ICR mass spectrometer and the CLIO free electron laser as an IR light source. The most abundant conformers are elucidated by comparing the IRMPD spectra with harmonic frequencies obtained at the B3LYP-GD3BJ/6-311++G** level of theory. Discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical data in the region of 1500-1700 cm-1 are attributed to the anharmonicity of the amino bending modes. We confirm the result of a previous IRMPD study that the structure of gas-phase Trp2H+ is charge-solvated but find that there are more stable structures than originally reported (Feng, R.; Yin, H.; Kong, X. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2016, 30, 24-28). In addition, gas-phase Met2H+ and MetTrpH+ have been revealed to have charge-solvated structures. For all three dimers, the most stable conformer is found to be of type A. The spectrum of Met2H+, however, cannot be explained without some abundance of type B charge-solvated conformers as well as salt-bridged structures.Biochars function as electron transfer mediators and thus catalyze redox transformations of environmental pollutants. A previous study has shown that bone char (BC) has high catalytic activity for reduction of chlorinated ethylenes using layered Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxide (green rust) as reductant. In the present study, we studied the rate of trichloroethylene (TCE) reduction by green rust in the presence of BCs obtained at pyrolysis temperatures (PTs) from 450 to 1050 °C. The reactivity increased with PT, yielding a maximum pseudo-first-order rate constant (k) of 2.0 h-1 in the presence of BC pyrolyzed at 950 °C, while no reaction was seen for BC pyrolyzed at 450 °C. TCE sorption, specific surface area, extent of graphitization, carbon content, and aromaticity of the BCs also increased with PT. The electron-accepting capacity (EAC) of BC peaked at PT of 850 °C, and EAC was linearly correlated with the sum of concentrations of quinoid, quaternary N, and pyridine-N-oxide groups measured by XPS. Moreover, no TCE reduction was seen with graphene nanoparticles and graphitized carbon black, which have high degrees of graphitization but low EAC values. Further analyses showed that TCE reduction rates are well correlated with the EAC and the C/H ratio (proxy of electrical conductivity) of the BCs, strongly indicating that both electron-accepting functional groups and electron-conducting domains are crucial for the BC catalytic reactivity. The present study delineates conditions for designing redox-reactive biochars to be used for remediation of sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents.This study introduced sandwich-structured copper-glass substrates for standardization of laser desorption and plasma ionization. For standardized quantitative analysis, cavities were constructed which allow better reproducibility in droplet deposition and for laser application. Applying the diode laser, molten substrate material is incorporated into the glass, being trapped inside. Therefore, this method can be separated from laser ablation, achieving high ion signals without ablating material from the surface. Flexible microtube plasma (FμTP) was selected as the ionization source, this being the first time that laser desorption and FμTP ionization are coupled. This laser-plasma interface was applied to the detection of cholesterol, which showed a significantly improved limit of detection of 0.46 ng and linear dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude in positive ion mode compared to other (ambient air mass spectrometry) methods. The main reason was the change of phase on the copper surface. The dehydrated molecule [M-H2O+H]+ was the base peak of the spectrum and no further dissociation or fragmentation was observed. Blood plasma was spiked with cholesterol. In a 1100 chloroform dilution, the presence of the plasma was neglectable and led to the same detection limits and linear dynamic range as in the cholesterol standard. No sample preparation or internal standards were needed for calibration. The physical effects of the surface modification were investigated, including the calculation of the laser beam waist to simplify the comparison and reproducibility of results.