It is evident that properly powered and designed randomized trials are needed to support a new standard approach in RIF treatment that will safely be incorporated in national and international guidelines. The aim of this study was to discuss and illustrate the role age-conditional probability has in communicating risk of developing ocular and ocular adnexal malignancies. Cross-sectional incidence for retinoblastoma, uveal melanoma, conjunctival melanoma, and lacrimal gland carcinomas from 2000 to 2017 were obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database. Incidence rates were age-adjusted to the 2000 United States population. Age-adjusted incidence was converted to age-interval and cumulative risks. Outcomes were examined in 20-year intervals and cumulatively for adult cancers and yearly for retinoblastoma. The risk of each malignancy displayed age-dependent variation. For adult malignancies, men were at higher risk at most age intervals. Uveal melanoma had the greatest cumulative lifetime risk. The probability of developing retinoblastoma declines precipitously after age 3 years. Age-conditional probability of developing cancer is a conceptually friendly means of understanding and communicating risk. It is particularly useful in comparing the risks of uncommon or rare cancers, such as those found in and around the eye. The assessment of risk in terms of age-conditional probability is a versatile and an underutilized pedagogical tool. Age-conditional probability of developing cancer is a conceptually friendly means of understanding and communicating risk. It is particularly useful in comparing the risks of uncommon or rare cancers, such as those found in and around the eye. The assessment of risk in terms of age-conditional probability is a versatile and an underutilized pedagogical tool. The aim of this work was to report the annual incidence, incidence trend, histological types, and cause-specific survival of cutaneous melanoma of the eyelid from 1975 through to 2017. Cases were identified in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database using the ICD-0-3 standard codes for diagnosis and anatomic location. Cutaneous melanomas of the face and scalp/neck were studied as comparison groups. Incidence rates were calculated using the SEER*Stat statistical analysis software with 95% confidence intervals. Melanoma-specific survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier product-limited method. There was an increase in annual incidence of eyelid melanoma over the 43-year study period, ranging from a low of 0.2 × 10 population in 1978 (95% CI 0.04-0.6) to a high of 1.0 × 10 population in 2016 (95% CI 2.3-3.5). The average annual percent change was 1.2% (95% CI 0.5-1.8). Cause-specific survival of melanoma of the eyelid and facial skin were almost identical (approx. 91.7%) at that of the scalp/neck. To describe 2 cases of vitreoretinal metastases in patients treated with immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma. Retrospective case series. We pre-sent 2 patients with metastatic melanoma treated with systemic immunotherapy with subsequent development of ocular vitreoretinal metastasis. The first patient was a male with metastatic melanoma from a site of unknown origin that was in complete remission following a course of ipilimumab and nivolumab therapy. He presented to an outside provider for evaluation of vitritis and a pigmented lesion in the right eye that was presumed secondary to toxoplasmosis. After failing initial management with oral antibiotics, he underwent diagnostic pars plana vitrectomy, and vitreous biopsy was consistent with metastatic melanoma to the vitreous. He was additionally found to have an elevated pigmented retinal mass consistent with a retinal metastasis from melanoma that initially failed treatment with plaque brachytherapy and ultimately required enucleation. The second case can develop despite favorable systemic response to immunotherapy in patients with metastatic cutaneous melanoma. Lack of ocular penetration and extension of life span with immunotherapeutic agents may be the underlying mechanism for vitreoretinal metastasis. To describe our experience in performing biopsy of post-septal orbital masses with core needle under computerized tomography guidance (CT-CNB). The medical records of all patients who underwent this procedure were reviewed. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia on a day case basis under a peribulbar block. A planning non-contrast computerized tomography (CT) scan of the orbits was performed to localise the mass. A 6-cm 18-G Temno Evolution® semi-automated biopsy needle was inserted through the skin into the orbit. Prior to further advancement of the needle, a low-dose CT limited to the previously determined plane was performed to confirm its position. The needle was then advanced, and the cutting needle was deployed to obtain the biopsy. Five patients who underwent CT-CNB were identified. The CNB was successful in 4 patients and revealed a metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, a metastatic neuroendocrine tumour, and orbital inflammatory disease. The biopsy failed in the fifth patient when the needle failed to penetrate the tumour despite good localisation on CT. He was eventually diagnosed with fibrous meningioma of the greater wing of sphenoid on open biopsy. None of the patients had any complications other than peri-ocular bruising which was present in all of them. CT-CNB of mass lesions located in the lateral aspect of the orbit can be an alternative to open biopsy in selected cases. It avoids major surgery and allows the use of radiotherapy, if required, without any delay. CT-CNB of mass lesions located in the lateral aspect of the orbit can be an alternative to open biopsy in selected cases. It avoids major surgery and allows the use of radiotherapy, if required, without any delay. To define the characteristics of solitary idiopathic choroiditis (SIC) in a consecutive series of patients and propose a nomenclature change to idiopathic scleroma. Electronic patient records were retrospectively interrogated to identify all patients diagnosed with SIC between 2002 and 2019 in a tertiary referral ophthalmic hospital in the United Kingdom. Thirty-four eyes of 34 patients were found to have SIC. The mean age at diagnosis was 48 years (range 24-78) and 23 patients (68%) were female. All lesions were located posterior to the equator, most frequently in the inferotemporal quadrant (13 eyes, 38%). The lesions had a mean largest basal diameter of 1.2 ± 0.4 disc diameters (range 0.5-2) and their distance to the optic disc had a mean of 1.2 ± 0.9 disc diameters (range 0-3.3). All lesions were intrascleral on enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography, demonstrating a hypo-reflective zone within the sclera, with an underlying hyper-reflective zone in some cases. No lesion enlarged or developed features consistent with active inflammation after a median follow-up time of 0.