In an inhibition test against orchard grass pollen with rice bran, inhibition was not observed. Conversely, an inhibition test against rice bran with orchard grass pollen, inhibition was observed in a concentration-dependent manner. This is extremely rare case of FDEIA in children, caused by rice bran. Furthermore, it might be induced by percutaneous sensitization. In FDEIA, it is necessary to scrutinize the possibility that rice bran may be the cause even in children. Suspicion of beta-lactam (BL) hypersensitivity is often based on parental report. Evaluation is important as incorrect labelling has clinical consequence. To describe the outcomes of drug provocation test (DPT) in children with suspected hypersensitivity. A retrospective study of patients who completed BL DPT from 1 August 2016 to 31 December 2017 at a paediatric allergy centre in Singapore. Suspected hypersensitivity reactions were classified as immediate (onset ≤1 hour) or delayed (onset > 1 hour). Patients with immediate reactions underwent skin prick test (SPT) followed by DPT if SPT was negative. Patients with delayed reactions underwent DPT directly. We identified 120 children who reported 121 suspected hypersensitivity reactions. The median age at reaction was 2.0 years (interquartile range [IQR], 1.0-5.0 years) and the median age at DPT was 7.4 years (IQR, 4.2-11.1 years). The timing of suspected hypersensitivity reaction was immediate in 21% (25 of 121), delayed in 66% (80 of 121), and uncapproach in the evaluation of suspected childhood BL hypersensitivity.Standard therapy for food allergies involves avoiding causative foods until a patient has outgrown their allergies. Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is an optional treatment for children unlikely to outgrow their food allergy. However, information about OIT in adult patients with food allergies is very limited. We present a case of severe hen's egg allergy (HEA) in an adult who tried home-based, slow up-dosing OIT, reported to have been tolerable and effective in children. A 20-year-old woman with HEA experienced repeated anaphylaxis since childhood when she consumed a small quantity of hen's egg, so she completely avoided hen's eggs. She underwent inpatient oral food challenge (OFC) with 10-g boiled egg yolk and presented lip swelling and abdominal pain. OFC with 1-g boiled egg yolk the following day induced no adverse reaction. OIT was initiated using a home-based, slow up-dosing protocol. She consumed 1 g of boiled egg yolk at home every day, increasing this by 5%-10% every 2 weeks. She started 0.5-g boiled egg white after reaching a whole egg yolk. If adverse reactions occurred, the daily dose was decreased. After 59 months, she was able to eat an entire boiled egg. Anaphylaxis occurred 3 times during OIT due to accidental consumptions of egg products or insufficient heating of egg. Home-based, slow up-dosing OIT might be applicable for adults with severe HEA. It should be performed with appropriate equipment and education for patients, in case of emergency. Adrenaline autoinjectors (AAInj) facilitates early administration of adrenaline and remains the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis. However, only a minority of anaphylaxis survivors in Hong Kong are prescribed AAInj and formal guidance do not exist. International anaphylaxis guidelines have been largely based on Western studies, which may not be as relevant for non-Western populations. To formulate a set of consensus statements on the prescription of AAInj in Hong Kong. Consensus statements were formulated by the Hong Kong Anaphylaxis Consortium by the Delphi method. Agreement was defined as greater than or equal to 80% consensus. Subgroup analysis was performed to investigate differences between allergy and emergency medicine physicians. A total of 7 statements met criteria for consensus with good overall agreement between allergy and emergency medicine physicians. AAInj should be used as first-line treatment and prescribed for all patients at risk of anaphylaxis. This should be prescribed prior tolergist review when treating patients at risk of anaphylaxis in Hong Kong. Consensus statements support the prescription of AAInj by front-line physicians with subsequent allergist review when treating patients at risk of anaphylaxis in Hong Kong. Effective inventory management ensures an uninterrupted supply of safe, effective, and affordable pharmaceuticals which could be achieved through developing ABC-VEN (Always, Better, Control-Vital, Essential, Desirable) and FSN-XYZ (Fast, Slow, Non-moving-High, Medium, Low Value) matrix analysis. ABC-VEN matrix analysis is used to control inventory according to their annual consumption and on their functional importance whereas, FSN-XYZ matrix analysis is applied to control inventory by identifying the items to be discarded and the amount saved during the closing of annual accounts. To evaluate inventory management in selected health facilities of West Arsi zone, Oromia regional state for the year 2016-2018. Facility-based cross-sectional descriptive study complemented with a qualitative study was conducted in fourteen health facilities. Data were collected from goods issuing vouchers for the year 2016-2018 to perform ABC-VEN matrix analysis. The frequency of issue was collected to perform FSN analysis a saving.Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects up to 1.2% of children and adolescents. The treatment options for childhood psoriasis are often based on the same principles as in adults. However, most data on safety and efficacy derive from adult studies, and only a few of the frequently used treatments have achieved approval for use in children. The aim of this study was to review the current literature on off-label treatments for psoriasis in children and adolescents. We searched PubMed and identified 50 studies on off-label treatments. Of these, 23 studies were clinical trials (four randomized). There are only a small number of available studies on off-label treatments for children and adolescents with psoriasis, and many of these are retrospective reviews with few participants. Despite the current lack of studies, we still recommend the use of unapproved treatments since we have clinical experience with treatments such as topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, and methotrexate that have shown promising effects.