Despite all the benefits demonstrated, some gaps need to be filled, mainly related to the use of raw Artemisia extracts, such as its standardization and clinical trials on adverse effects and its health care efficacy.Exposure of the fruit surface to moisture during early development is causal in russeting of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.). Moisture exposure results in formation of microcracks and decreased cuticle thickness. Periderm differentiation begins in the hypodermis, but only after discontinuation of moisture exposure. Expressions of selected genes involved in cutin, wax and suberin synthesis were quantified, as were the wax, cutin and suberin compositions. Experiments were conducted in two phases. In Phase I (31 days after full bloom) the fruit surface was exposed to moisture for 6 or 12 d. Phase II was after moisture exposure had been discontinued. Unexposed areas on the same fruit served as unexposed controls. During Phase I, cutin and wax synthesis genes were down-regulated only in the moisture-exposed patches. During Phase II, suberin synthesis genes were up-regulated only in the moisture-exposed patches. The expressions of cutin and wax genes in the moisture-exposed patches increased slightly during Phase II, but the levels of expression were much lower than in the control patches. Amounts and compositions of cutin, wax and suberin were consistent with the gene expressions. Thus, moisture-induced russet is a two-step process moisture exposure reduces cutin and wax synthesis, moisture removal triggers suberin synthesis.Investigations by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction with the use of synchrotron radiation, as well as parallel extended finite element (XFEM) simulations, reveal the evolution of the 316L stainless steel microstructure in the vicinity of a macro-crack developing at the temperature of liquid helium (4.2 K). The fracture propagation induces a dynamic, highly localized phase transformation of face-centred cubic austenite into α' martensite with a body-centred cubic structure. Synchrotron studies show that the texture of the primary phase controls the transition process. The austenite grains, tending to the stable Brass orientation, generate three mechanisms of the phase transformation. EBSD studies reveal that the secondary phase particles match the ordered austenitic matrix. Hence, interphase boundaries with the Pitsch disorientation are most often formed and α' martensite undergoes intensive twinning. The XFEM simulations, based on the experimentally determined kinetics of the phase transformation and on the relevant constitutive relationships, reveal that the macro-crack propagates mainly in the martensitic phase. Synchrotron and EBSD studies confirm the almost 100% content of the secondary phase at the fracture surface. Moreover, they indicate that the boundaries formed then are largely random. As a result, the primary beneficial role of martensite as reinforcing particles is eliminated.Grilling activities release large amounts of hazardous pollutants, but information on restaurant grill workers' exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is almost inexistent. This study assessed the impact of grilling emissions on total workers' exposure to PAHs by evaluating the concentrations of six urinary biomarkers of exposure (OHPAHs) naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and benzo(a)pyrene. Individual levels and excretion profiles of urinary OHPAHs were determined during working and nonworking periods. Urinary OHPAHs were quantified by high-performance liquid-chromatography with fluorescence detection. Levels of total OHPAHs (∑OHPAHs) were significantly increased (about nine times; p ≤ 0.001) during working comparatively with nonworking days. Urinary 1-hydroxynaphthalene + 1-hydroxyacenapthene and 2-hydroxyfluorene presented the highest increments (ca. 23- and 6-fold increase, respectively), followed by 1-hydroxyphenanthrene (ca. 2.3 times) and 1-hydroxypyrene (ca. 1.8 times). Additionally, 1-hydroxypyrene levels were higher than the benchmark, 0.5 µmol/mol creatinine, in 5% of exposed workers. Moreover, 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene, biomarker of exposure to carcinogenic PAHs, was detected in 13% of exposed workers. Individual excretion profiles showed a cumulative increase in ∑OHPAHs during consecutive working days. A principal component analysis model partially discriminated workers' exposure during working and nonworking periods showing the impact of grilling activities. Urinary OHPAHs were increased in grill workers during working days.Drug development is a decades-long, multibillion dollar investment that often limits itself. To decrease the time to drug approval, efforts are focused on drug targets and drug formulation for optimal biocompatibility and efficacy. X-ray structural characterization approaches have catalyzed the drug discovery and design process. Single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) reveals important structural details and molecular interactions for the manifestation of a disease or for therapeutic effect. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) has provided a method to determine the different phases, purity, and stability of biological drug compounds that possess crystallinity. Recently, synchrotron sources have enabled wider access to the study of noncrystalline or amorphous solids. One valuable technique employed to determine atomic arrangements and local atom ordering of amorphous materials is the pair distribution function (PDF). PDF has been used in the study of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs). ASDs are made up of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) within a drug dispersed at the molecular level in an amorphous polymeric carrier. This information is vital for appropriate formulation of a drug for stability, administration, and efficacy purposes. Natural or biomimetic products are often used as the API or the formulation agent. This review profiles the deep insights that X-ray structural techniques and associated analytical methods can offer in the development of a drug.Among the Brassica oilseeds, canola (Brassica napus) is the most economically significant globally. However, its production can be limited by blackleg disease, caused by the fungal pathogen Lepstosphaeria maculans. The deployment of resistance genes has been implemented as one of the key strategies to manage the disease. Genetic resistance against blackleg comes in two forms qualitative resistance, controlled by a single, major resistance gene (R gene), and quantitative resistance (QR), controlled by numerous, small effect loci. R-gene-mediated blackleg resistance has been extensively studied, wherein several genomic regions harbouring R genes against L. maculans have been identified and three of these genes were cloned. These studies advance our understanding of the mechanism of R gene and pathogen avirulence (Avr) gene interaction. Notably, these studies revealed a more complex interaction than originally thought. Advances in genomics help unravel these complexities, providing insights into the genes and genetic factors towards improving blackleg resistance.