The study of cancer cell metabolism has traditionally focused on glycolysis and glutaminolysis. However, lipidomic technologies have matured considerably over the last decade and broadened our understanding of how lipid metabolism is relevant to cancer biology [1-3]. Studies now suggest that the reprogramming of cellular lipid metabolism contributes directly to malignant transformation and progression [4, 5]. For example, de novo lipid synthesis can supply proliferating tumor cells with phospholipid components that comprise the plasma and organelle membranes of new daughter cells [6, 7]. Moreover, the upregulation of mitochondrial β-oxidation can support tumor cell energetics and redox homeostasis [8], while lipid-derived messengers can regulate major signaling pathways or coordinate immunosuppressive mechanisms [9-11]. Lipid metabolism has, therefore, become implicated in a variety of oncogenic processes, including metastatic colonization, drug resistance, and cell differentiation [10, 12-16]. However, whether we can safely and effectively modulate the underlying mechanisms of lipid metabolism for cancer therapy is still an open question.Metabolism is a fundamental process for all cellular functions. For decades, there has been growing evidence of a relationship between metabolism and malignant cell proliferation. Unlike normal differentiated cells, cancer cells have reprogrammed metabolism in order to fulfill their energy requirements. These cells display crucial modifications in many metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis and glutaminolysis, which include the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the electron transport chain (ETC), and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) [1]. Since the discovery of the Warburg effect, it has been shown that the metabolism of cancer cells plays a critical role in cancer survival and growth. More recent research suggests that the involvement of glutamine in cancer metabolism is more significant than previously thought. Glutamine, a nonessential amino acid with both amine and amide functional groups, is the most abundant amino acid circulating in the bloodstream [2]. This chapter discusses the characteristic features of glutamine metabolism in cancers and the therapeutic options to target glutamine metabolism for cancer treatment.Otto Warburg observed a peculiar phenomenon in 1924, unknowingly laying the foundation for the field of cancer metabolism. While his contemporaries hypothesized that tumor cells derived the energy required for uncontrolled replication from proteolysis and lipolysis, Warburg instead found them to rapidly consume glucose, converting it to lactate even in the presence of oxygen. The significance of this finding, later termed the Warburg effect, went unnoticed by the broader scientific community at that time. The field of cancer metabolism lay dormant for almost a century awaiting advances in molecular biology and genetics, which would later open the doors to new cancer therapies [2, 3].Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccination is essential to fight the pandemic. Health care workers (HCWs) are prioritized to get vaccinated, yet uptake of recommended vaccinations is known to be low in this group. In a tertiary care university hospital with a high number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care, 59.5% of surveyed staff (N = 2454) were willing to get vaccinated, 21.4% were unsure and 18.7% refused. Vaccine hesitancy was higher in female, younger and healthy employees without contact to Covid-19 patients; nurses (53.3%) were much less willing to get vaccinated compared to physicians (82.7%).Pain is a multidimensional experience that requires an appropriate assessment, and simple numbering may not be enough for the different components that are involved in the clinical expression. In consideration of the subjectivity of the symptom, each assessment should start from the way in which the patients perceive the pain and from how they deal with it. Some factors related to individual patient characteristics may make pain management difficult because of interference with the clinical pain expression. These factors may amplify the reporting of pain. Cognitive disorders and psychological distress seem to strongly influence pain expression and may render the analgesic treatment more difficult. Aberrant behaviors, such as alcoholism, smoking, and opioid misuse, may play a role, although geographic differences were found in terms of prevalence of the phenomenon, especially in some countries. Finally, the assessment of patients' expectation and the meaning of the personal feeling of changes in pain intensity provide new concepts in pain assessment, which may allow better personalization of the analgesic therapy. A modern pain assessment should include a multitude of factors influencing the phenotype of pain.PDZ domains, which belong to protein-protein interaction networks, are critical for regulating important biological processes such as scaffolding, trafficking, and signaling cascades. Interfering with PDZ-mediated interactions could affect these numerous biological processes. Thus, PDZ domains have emerged as promising targets to decipher biological phenomena and potentially treat cancer and neurological diseases. In this minireview, we focus on the discovery and design of small molecule inhibitors to modulate PDZ domains. These compounds interfere with endogenous protein partners from the PDZ domain by binding at the protein-protein interface. While peptides or peptidomimetic ligands were described to modulate PDZ domains, the focus of this review is on small organic compounds.Mechanical forces have emerged as essential regulators of cell organization, proliferation, migration, and polarity to regulate cellular and tissue homeostasis. Changes in forces or loss of the cellular response to them can result in abnormal embryonic development and diseases. Over the past two decades, many efforts have been put in deciphering the molecular mechanisms that convert forces into biochemical signals, allowing for the identification of many mechanotransducer proteins. Here we discuss how PDZ proteins are emerging as new mechanotransducer proteins by altering their conformations or localizations upon force loads, leading to the formation of macromolecular modules tethering the cell membrane to the actin cytoskeleton.