Triply-bridging bis-hydrido(borylene) and bis-borylene species of groups 6, 8 and 9 transition metals are reported. Mild thermolysis of [Fe2 (CO)9 ] with an in situ produced intermediate, generated from the low-temperature reaction of [Cp*WCl4 ] (Cp*=η5 -C5 Me5 ) and [LiBH4 ⋅THF] afforded triply-bridging bis-hydrido(borylene), [(μ3 -BH)2 H2 Cp*W(CO)2 2 Fe(CO)2 ] (1) and bis-borylene, [(μ3 -BH)2 Cp*W(CO)2 2 Fe(CO)3 ] (2). The chemical bonding analyses of 1 show that the B-H interactions in bis-hydrido (borylene) species is stronger as compared to the M-H ones. Frontier molecular orbital analysis shows a significantly larger energy gap between the HOMO-LUMO for 2 as compared to 1. In an attempt to synthesize the ruthenium analogue of 1, a similar reaction has been performed with [Ru3 (CO)12 ]. Although we failed to get the bis-hydrido(borylene) species, the reaction afforded triply-bridging bis-borylene species [(μ3 -BH)2 WCp*(CO)2 2 Ru(CO)3 ] (2'), an analogue of 2. In search for the isolation of bridging bis-borylene species of Rh, we have treated [Co2 (CO)8 ] with nido-[(RhCp*)2 (B3 H7 )], which afforded triply-bridging bis-borylene species [(μ3 -BH)2 (RhCp*)2 Co2 (CO)4 (μ-CO)] (3). All the compounds have been characterized by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction study; 1 H, 11 B, 13 C NMR spectroscopy; IR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Building framework materials with desirable properties and enhanced functionalities with nanocluster/superatom complexes as building blocks remains a challenge in the field of nanomaterials. In this study, the chiral [Au1 Ag22 (S-Adm)12 ]3+ nanocluster/superatom complex (SC, in which S-Adm=1-adamantanethiol) was employed as a building block to construct the three-dimensional (3D) superatom complex inorganic framework (SCIF) materials SCIF-1 and SCIF-2 through inorganic SbF6 - linkers. SCIF-1 is racemic due to the assembly of two SC enantiomers in a single crystal. In SCIF-2, the SC enantiomers are packed in separate crystals, thus producing larger channels and a circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) response. These two 3D SCIF materials exhibit unique sensitive photoluminescence (PL) in protic solvents. Our study provides a new pathway for creating novel open-framework materials with superatom complexes and a foundation for the further development of 3D framework materials for sensing and other applications. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.BACKGROUND Headache after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is frequent and persistent over the first year after injury. Providers may need to focus on different symptom presentations depending on their patient's TBI severity. OBJECTIVE We evaluated headache symptoms in patients with moderate-to-severe TBI compared to patients with mild TBI and examined our data from two perspectives (1) from providers who treat individuals after TBI and manage multiple postinjury symptoms including headache, and (2) from headache specialists who see individuals after TBI to manage headache. DESIGN Prospective enrollment of individuals after TBI with telephone follow-up at 1-year postinjury. SETTING Enrollment from hospital and then community followup. PARTICIPANTS Three hundred forty-six individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI were enrolled during acute inpatient rehabilitation across seven TBI Model System Centers. One hundred eighty-nine individuals with mild TBI were enrolled within 1 week of injury at a single center. INTERVEcs. Ongoing assessment of headache and depression over time is important following TBI of any severity. © 2020 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.When considered as a group, children with type 1 diabetes have subtle cognitive deficits relative to neurotypical controls. However, the neural correlates of these differences remain poorly understood. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we investigated the brain functional activations of young adolescents (19 individuals with type 1 diabetes, 18 healthy controls, ages 8-16 years) during a Go/No-Go response inhibition task. Both cohorts had the same performance on the task, but the individuals with type 1 diabetes subjects had higher activations in a frontal-parietal network including the bilateral supramarginal gyri and bilateral rostrolateral prefrontal cortices. The activations in these regions were positively correlated with fewer parent-reported conduct problems (ie, lower Conduct Problem scores) on the Behavioral Assessment System for Children, Second Edition. Lower Conduct Problem scores are characteristic of less rule-breaking behavior suggesting a link between this brain network and better self-control. These findings are consistent with a large functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of children with type 1 diabetes using completely different participants. Perhaps surprisingly, the between-group activation results from fNIRS were statistically stronger than the results using fMRI. This pilot study is the first fNIRS investigation of executive function for individuals with type 1 diabetes. The results suggest that fNIRS is a promising functional neuroimaging resource for detecting the brain correlates of behavior in the pediatric clinic. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND AND AIMS Research indicates that high consumers of alcohol exhibit attentional bias (AB) towards alcohol-related cues, suggestive of a cognitive mechanism that might drive substance seeking. Many tasks that measure AB (e.g. visual probe, addiction Stroop), however, are limited by their reliance on non-appetitive control cues, the serial presentation of stimuli and their poor internal reliability. The current study employed a visual conjunction search (VCS) task capable of presenting multiple alcoholic and non-alcoholic appetitive cues simultaneously to assess whether social drinkers attend selectively to alcoholic stimuli. To assess the construct validity of this task, we examined whether alcohol consumption and related problems, subjective craving and drinking motives predict alcohol-specific AB. DESIGN AND SETTING A VCS task was performed in a laboratory setting, which required participants to detect the presence of appetitive alcoholic (wine, beer) and non-alcoholic (cola, lemonade) targets within arrays of matching and non-matching distractors.