001). The proportion of dead bacteria was higher in biofilms exposed to DJK-5 than with 1018 or CHX for 8 weeks after the exposure (P < .001). The proportion of dead bacteria almost doubled to 46%-52% during the first 7 days after the 3-minute exposure to CHX and peptide 1018. The timeline of biofilm recovery was slow but similar after exposure to CHX and the 2 peptides. ecovery time after exposure to DJK-5 was longer than that after exposure to 1018 and CHX. Peptide 1018 showed a delayed, continued antibacterial effect similar to that of 2% CHX against the biofilm microbes. ecovery time after exposure to DJK-5 was longer than that after exposure to 1018 and CHX. Peptide 1018 showed a delayed, continued antibacterial effect similar to that of 2% CHX against the biofilm microbes. The impact of ECG presentations of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in cardiogenic shock is unknown. In myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock, is there a difference in the outcomes and effect of revascularization strategies between non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and left bundle branch block myocardial infarction (LBBBMI) vsST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)? Cardiogenic shock patients from the CULPRIT-SHOCK trial with NSTEMI or LBBBMI were compared with STEMI patients for 30-day and 1-year all-cause mortality. The interaction between ECG presentation and the effect of revascularization strategies on outcomes was evaluated. Of 665 cardiogenic shock patients analyzed, 55.9%demonstrated STEMI, 29.3%demonstrated NSTEMI, and 14.7%demonstrated LBBBMI. Patients differed in mean age (68.0 years in STEMI patients, 71.0 years in NSTEMI patients, and 73.5 years in LBBBMI patients; P= .015), cardiovascular risk factors, and angiographic severity. No difference was tegy across the AMI spectrum. In patients with cardiogenic shock, NSTEMI and LBBBMI presentations reflect higher-risk prof