Increasing magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) application has aroused concern about its potential environmental toxicity. During acute and chronic exposure, key enzymes involved in phenol biodegradation were promoted at 0-600 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs, while were inhibited at 800 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs, correspondingly affected phenol degradation efficiency. Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) increased when Fe3O4 NPs exceeded 600 mg/L, indicated the more severe cell rupture at high Fe3O4 NPs concentration. At the same Fe3O4 NPs concentration, the removal of EPS further inhibited key enzymes, decreased phenol degradation, and increased LDH, indicating that the existence of EPS relieved the adverse effects on microorganisms. Spectroscopic analysis showed that protein and polysaccharide associated bonds in EPS decreased at 0-600 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs, while increased when Fe3O4 NPs exceeded 600 mg/L, which was in accordance with EPS content. Biopolymer-degrading and phenol-degrading genera increased at 0-600 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs, while decreased at Fe3O4 NPs exceeded 600 mg/L, which conformed to EPS content and phenol degradation efficiency.Arsenic (As), a non-biodegradable contaminant, is extremely toxic to plants and animals in its inorganic form. As negatively affects plant growth and development, primarily by inducing oxidative stress through redox imbalance. Here we characterized the Arabidopsis F-box protein gene AT2G16220 (Arsenic Stress-Related F-box (ASRF)) that we identified in the genome-wide association study. The asrf mutant seedlings showed high sensitivity to arsenate (AsV) stress. AsV significantly affected asrf seedling growth when germinated on or exposed to AsV-supplemented growth regimes. AsV stress significantly induced production of reactive oxygen species and proline accumulation in asrf, so the asrf maintained high proline content, possibly for cellular protection and redox homeostasis. Heterozygous seedlings (Col-0 x asrf, F1 progeny) were relatively less affected by AsV stress than asrf mutant but showed slightly reduced growth compared with the Col-0 wild type, which suggests that the homozygous ASRF locus is important for AsV stress resistance. Transcriptome analysis involving the mutant and wild type revealed altered phosphate homeostasis in asrf seedlings, which implies that ASRF is required for maintaining phosphate and cellular- homeostasis under excess AsV. Our findings confirm the roles of ASRF in As stress tolerance in plants, for a novel way to mitigate arsenic stress.Atmospheric ozone pollution receives worldwide concerns, and it is a big challenge to search for the practical ozone-decomposition catalyst with good moisture resistance. Herein, a light-weight and high-porosity MnO2-based hybrid aerogel was synthesized with cellulose nanofibers using a facile ice-template approach, followed by freeze-drying. In the three-dimensional framework, the cellulose nanofibers serve as the skeletons to disperse MnO2 particles, improving the exposure of active sites on MnO2. XPS, 1H NMR and ATR-FTIR demonstrate that MnO2 particles are effectively combined with cellulose nanofibers through hydrogen bonds, which originate from the abundant surface hydroxyl groups of both components. These consumed surface hydroxyl groups of MnO2 not only reduce the water adsorption but also avoid the generation of surface-adsorbed H2O via the reaction with ozone, thus alleviating the catalyst deactivation. In addition, the interconnected macroporous structure enables the rapid diffusion of ozone molecules and facilitates the passage of water molecules, which is conducive to the adsorption and decomposition of ozone on the active sites, i.e. surface oxygen vacancies. Thus, the high and stable ozone conversion was achieved for 150 ppb O3 under the relative humidity of 50% and the space velocity of 600 L·g-1·h-1 within 10 days at room temperature.Many neurons in the auditory midbrain are tuned to binaural cues. Two prominent binaural cues are the interaural level difference (ILD) and the interaural time difference (ITD). The ITD cue can further be subdivided into the ongoing envelope ITD cues and transient onset ITD cues. More is known about the sensitivity of single neurons to ongoing envelope ITDs compared to transient onset ITDs in the mammalian auditory system, particularly in bats. The current study examines the response properties of single neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, to onset ITDs in response to high frequency pure tones. Measures of neurons' dynamic ITD response revealed an average change of 36% of its maximum response within the behaviorally relevant range of ITDs (±50 µs). Across all IC neurons, we measured an average time-intensity trading ratio of 30 µs/dB in the sensitivity of the ITD response function to changing ILDs. Minimum and maximum ITD responses were clustered within a narrow range of ITDs. The average peak in the ITD response function was at 268 µs, a finding that is consistent with other non-echolocating mammals. Some ITD-sensitive neurons also showed weak facilitation of maximum response during binaural stimulation, compared to monaural stimulation. These results suggest that echolocating bats possess the potential to use onset ITD cues to assist in the azimuthal sound localization of ultrasonic frequencies.The global standing-wave model for generation of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) suggests that they are amplitude-stabilized standing waves and that the spacing between SOAEs corresponds to the interval over which the phase changes by one cycle as determined from the phase-gradient delays of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions (SFOAEs). Because data characterizing the relationship between spontaneous and evoked emissions in nonhuman mammals are limited, we examined SOAEs and SFOAEs in tectorial membrane (TM) mutants and their controls. Computations indicate that the spacing between adjacent SOAEs is predicted by the SFOAE phase-gradient delays for TM mutants lacking Ceacam16, where SOAE frequencies are greater than ~20 kHz and the mutants retain near-normal hearing when young. Mice with a missense mutation in Tecta (TectaY1870C/+), as well as mice lacking Otoancorin (Otoa-/-), were also examined. Although these mutants exhibit hearing loss, they generate SOAEs with average frequencies of 11 kHz in TectaY1870C/+ and 6 kHz in Otoa-/-.