This study enriched our understanding of factors that shape the population's satisfaction with the health care system in different cultural and political environments. We recommend further exploration of public opinion about those system attributes that are not directly linked to patient experiences with care, but might be equally important for explaining the phenomenon of satisfaction. This study enriched our understanding of factors that shape the population's satisfaction with the health care system in different cultural and political environments. We recommend further exploration of public opinion about those system attributes that are not directly linked to patient experiences with care, but might be equally important for explaining the phenomenon of satisfaction. Two of the objectives of Universal Health Coverage are equity in access to health services and protection from financial risks. This paper seeks to examine whether the type of health insurance enrollment affects the utilization of health services, choice of provider and financial protection of households in Togo. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional, representative household survey involving 1180 insured households that had reported either illness in the household in the 4 weeks preceding the survey or hospitalization in the 12 months preceding the survey. A nested logit model was used to account for the utilization of health services and provider choice, and methods of assessing catastrophic health care expenditures were used to analyze the level of household financial protection. Policyholders of private health insurance use private health care facilities more than policyholders of public health insurance. The main reasons for not using health centers among households with public insurance were odures within the framework of public insurance and promoting specific health insurance mechanisms for elderly individuals. Careful attention should be paid to ensuring universal education and literacy as a means of improving access to and the use of health care. We found that a multiple health insurance system results in a multilevel health system that is not equitable for everyone. The capacity of the health insurance system to provide equitable health care services and protect its members from catastrophic health care expenditures should be at the core of health care reform. This study recommends raising awareness of the criteria for the reimbursement of medical procedures within the framework of public insurance and promoting specific health insurance mechanisms for elderly individuals. Careful attention should be paid to ensuring universal education and literacy as a means of improving access to and the use of health care. Primary nasopharyngeal lymphoma (NPL) is a very rare tumor of Waldeyer ring (WR) lymphoid tissue. It is challenging to differentiate lymphoma infiltration of pituitary from a pituitary adenoma, meningioma infiltration, and other sellar lesions to plan a suitable treatment strategy. We presented for the first time a unique case of NPL with an unusual presentation of oculomotor nerve palsy associated with pan-pituitary involvement in a diabetic patient. A 64-year old diabetic woman with no previous history of malignancy presented with intermittent diplopia for about the last nine months. Severe headache, left eye ptosis and hypoglycemic episodes were added to her symptoms after a while. Further complaints include generalized weakness, loss of appetite, generalized musculoskeletal pain, and 6-7 kg weight loss within six months. Her family history was unremarkable. Physical examinations of eyes indicated left eye 3rd, 4th, and 6th nerve palsy. But, she was not anisocoric, and the pupillary reflexes were normaral hypothyroidism have been resolved. To our best knowledge, we found 17 cases of NPL with cranial nerve palsy, 1 case of NPL with pan-hypopituitarism and no NPL case with both cranial nerve palsy and pituitary dysfunction. The incidence of cranial neuropathy in patients with diabetes should not merely be attributed to diabetic neuropathy without further evaluation. The incidence of cranial neuropathy in patients with diabetes should not merely be attributed to diabetic neuropathy without further evaluation. Recent studies have shown an increase in open defecation and slippage of open defecation-free certified villages in Ethiopia, despite significant progress the country made on sanitation programs. Hence, realizing of existing facts, this study was conducted aiming at a critical review of available literature and to provide consolidated data showing the level of slippage and its associated factors in Ethiopia. Systematic literature searches were performed from four international databases. The search involved articles published from December 1, 2013, up to June 4, 2019. The Cochran's Q and I test statistics were used to check heterogeneity among the studies. To negotiate heterogeneity from qualitative data, we used a mixed-method approach. The researchers also conducted a publication bias assessment and sensitivity analysis. A random effect meta-analysis was employed to determine the pooled estimates of open defecation free slippage rate with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The data analysis was performed6 Ethiopian households engaged in open defecation after they have certified open defecation-free status, implying the low possibility of achieving sustainable development goals of 2030, which aims to ensure sanitation for all. Therefore, the government of Ethiopia and donors should better give special attention to the following options (1) awareness for open defecation-free slippage, (2) launch a post-open defecation-free program, and (3) encourage research on pro-poor sustainable sanitation technologies. Therapeutic ineffectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) increases the risk of malaria-related morbidity and mortality, and raises healthcare costs. Yet, little has been done to promote the pharmacovigilance (PV) of ACT ineffectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Uganda. This study aimed to determine the extent and associated factors of the past 6months reporting of suspected or confirmed ACT therapeutic ineffectiveness by healthcare professionals (HCPs), and difficulties and potential solutions to the PV of ACT therapeutic ineffectiveness. Survey of 685 HCPs conducted using a self-administered questionnaire from June to July 2018 in a nationally representative sample of public and private health facilities in Uganda. HCPs disclosed if they had spontaneously reported ACT therapeutic ineffectiveness to appropriate authorities in the previous 6months. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify determinants of past 6-months, HCP-reported ACT therapeutic ineffectiveness.