Ventilator-associated pneumonia is common and is treated using nebulized antibiotics. Although adequate pulmonary biodistribution is important for antibiotic effect, there is a lack of data for both intravenous (IV) and nebulized antibiotic administration during mechanical ventilation. To describe the comparative pulmonary regional distribution of IV and nebulized technetium-99m-labeled tobramycin ( Tc-tobramycin) 400 mg in a mechanically-ventilated ovine model. The study was performed in a mechanically-ventilated ovine model. Tc-tobramycin 400 mg was obtained using a radiolabeling process. Computed tomography (CT) was performed. Ten sheep were given Tc-tobramycin 400mg via either an IV (five sheep) or nebulized (five sheep) route. Planar images (dorsal, ventral, left lateral and right lateral) were obtained using a gamma camera. Blood samples were obtained every 15 min for 1 h (4 time points) and lung, liver, both kidney, and urine samples were obtained post-mortem. Ten sheep were anesthetized ara-pulmonary organ concentrations. To describe the usefulness of electronic medical records (EMRs) and a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system to support and assess an antimicrobial stewardship programme (ASP). At the study hospital, infectious diseases specialists supervise antimicrobial prescription when solicited by physicians in charge of patients. From January to October 2015, treatment days of antibiotic prescription, supervised or unsupervised by infectious disease specialists (SAP or UAP, respectively) in all wards, except intensive care units emergency department, bone marrow transplantation units, and paediatric units, were calculated. Embedding recommendations on carbapenem indications as a checklist into the CPOE system, a self-administered ASP was implemented in 2017. EMRs were reviewed to determine global compliance with carbapenem prescription guidelines (combining introduction of therapy and 72-h assessment) bef