The mutation c.1550_1551del has not produced new splicing site, but there is a selective splicing in varying degree significantly after mutation. On the contrary, function validation assay showed that cells transfected with the mutant TSC1 plasmids expressed significantly lower TSC1 in mRNAs and proteins levels, compared with the wild-type TSC1 plasmid transfection. A translation inhibitor cycloheximide and small interfering RNA of UPF1 (siRNA-UPF1) increased mRNA or protein expression of TSC1 significantly in cells transfected with the mutant plasmids. Our study demonstrated that the novel TSC1 frameshift mutation (TSC1 c.1550_1551del) trigger aberrant splicing and NMD simultaneously, causing decrease of hamartin, then, leading to tuberous sclerosis complex formation. Our study demonstrated that the novel TSC1 frameshift mutation (TSC1 c.1550_1551del) trigger aberrant splicing and NMD simultaneously, causing decrease of hamartin, then, leading to tuberous sclerosis complex formation.Preclinical animal studies provide valuable opportunities to better understand human diseases and contribute to major advances in medicine. This review provides a comprehensive overview of ocular parameters in humans and selected animals, with a focus on the ocular surface, detailing species differences in ocular surface anatomy, physiology, tear film dynamics and tear film composition. We describe major pitfalls that tremendously limit the translational potential of traditional laboratory animals (i.e., rabbits, mice, and rats) in ophthalmic research, and highlight the benefits of integrating companion dogs with clinical analogues to human diseases into preclinical pharmacology studies. This One Health approach can help accelerate and improve the framework in which ophthalmic research is translated to the human clinic. Studies can be conducted in canine subjects with naturally occurring or noninvasively induced ocular surface disorders (e.g., dry eye disease, conjunctivitis), reviewed herein, and tear fluid can be easily retrieved from canine eyes for various bioanalytical purposes. In this review, we discuss common tear collection methods, including capillary tubes and Schirmer tear strips, and provide guidelines for tear sampling and extraction to improve the reliability of analyte quantification (drugs, proteins, others).Prediction, a prospective cognitive process, is increasingly believed to be crucial for adult cognition and learning. Despite decades of targeted research on prediction in adults, methodological limitations still exist for investigating prediction in infancy. In this article, we argue that pupillometry, or the measurement of pupil size, is an effective method to examine predictive processing in infants and will expand on existing methods (namely looking time and anticipatory eye movements). In particular, we argue that there are three specific features of pupillometry that make it particularly useful for augmenting the investigation of prediction in infancy. First, pupillometry has excellent temporal resolution that will facilitate the differentiation of prediction subcomponents. Second, pupillometry is highly continuous across the life span, allowing researchers to directly compare responses between infants and adults using an identical paradigm. Third, pupillometry can be used in conjunction with other behavioral measures, allowing for different yet complementary results. In addition, we review relevant adult and infant pupillometry studies that will facilitate infancy researchers to adopt this technique. Overall, pupillometry is particularly useful in investigating prediction in infancy and opens up several avenues for developmental research.This guideline is an update of the 2011 European Guideline for the Management of Anogenital Warts. It is intended to support best practice in the care of patients with anogenital warts by including evidence-based recommendations on diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and advice to patients. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals in sexual healthcare or dermato-venereology clinics in Europe but may be adapted for use in other settings where the management of anogenital warts is undertaken. As a European guideline, recommendations should be adapted according to national circumstances and healthcare systems. Despite the availability of vaccine to prevent HPV types 6 and 11, the cause of >95% anogenital warts, they remain an important and frequent health problem. The previous systematic review of randomized controlled trials for anogenital warts was updated. The changes in the present guideline include the following Updated background information on the prevalence, natural history and transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and anogenital warts. Key recommendations for diagnosis and treatment have been graded according to the strength of the recommendation and the quality of supporting evidence. 5-fluorouracil, local interferon and photodynamic therapy have been evaluated and included as potential second-line treatment options. Evidence of the impact of HPV vaccination on the incidence of anogenital warts has been updated. Impressive progress in new therapeutic options has been made for psoriasis. Treatments include topical steroids, phototherapy, conventional, synthetic disease-modifying drugs and an expanding list of biologics. The primary objective of this work was to collect evidence for the creation of practice guidelines for systemic treatment of psoriasis (BETA-PSO Belgian Evidence-based Treatment Advice in Psoriasis). Evidence-based recommendations were formulated using a quasi-Delphi methodology after a systematic search of the literature and a consensus procedure involving 8 psoriasis experts. In this part, the use of systemic treatment in different age groups, during pregnancy, in metabolic syndrome, in patients with mental health problems, in different psoriasis subtypes and in previously systemically treated patients treatment is discussed. Guidance on therapeutic choice in specific clinical situations in psoriasis is provided in order to facilitate the decision-making in clinical practice. Guidance on therapeutic choice in specific clinical situations in psoriasis is provided in order to facilitate the decision-making in clinical practice.