Materials based on natural high molecular compounds are particularly interesting for biomedical applications. It is known that the cross-linking agent used for preparation of biomacromolecule-based materials is as important as used biopolymer. Therefore, natural cross-linkers containing reactive carbonyl groups are of great interest especially for modifying properties of natural polysaccharides. One of the most popular cross-linking agents is glutaraldehyde. Nevertheless, the unreacted particles can be released from the cross-linked material and cause cytotoxic effects. This can be eliminated when using a cross-linker based e.g., on polysaccharides. This article describes quick and efficient synthesis of dialdehyde chitosan (DACS) and its application for the preparation of chitosan films. Materials obtained with different amount of DACS were fully characterized in terms of structure and surface morphology. Thermal and mechanical properties as well as hydrophilic character were also examined. The results obtained were compared with the materials obtained by cross-linking chitosan with low molecular weight glutaraldehyde and high molecular weight cross-linking agent based on polysaccharide-dialdehyde starch. Toxicity of all obtained materials was tested using the Microtox® test. It has been shown that due to better mechanical, thermal and surface properties as well as lower toxicity, dialdehyde chitosan is a very promising crosslinking agent.Pancreatic cancer is malignant and the seventh leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are-at most-moderately effective, indicating the need for new and different kinds of therapies to manage this disease. It has been proposed that the biologic properties of pancreatic cancer cells are finely tuned by the dynamic microenvironment, which includes extracellular matrix, cancer-associated cells, and diverse immune cells. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an essential role in communication between heterogeneous subpopulations of cells by transmitting multiplex biomolecules. EV-mediated cell-cell communication ultimately contributes to several aspects of pancreatic cancer, such as growth, angiogenesis, metastasis and therapeutic resistance. In this review, we discuss the role of extracellular vesicles and their cargo molecules in pancreatic cancer. We also present the feasibility of the inhibition of extracellular biosynthesis and their itinerary (release and uptake) for a new attractive therapeutic strategy against pancreatic cancer.To meet the requirements for high-performance products, the aerospace industry increasingly needs to assess the behavior of new and advanced materials during manufacturing processes and to ensure they possess adequate machinability, as well as high performance and an extensive lifecycles. Over the years, industrial research works have focused on developing new alloys with an increased thermal conductivity as well as increased strength. High silicon content aluminum (Al-Si) alloys, due to their increased thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and low density, have been identified as suitable materials for space applications. Some of these applications require the use of intricate parts with tight tolerances and surface integrity. These challenges are often tied to the machining conditions and strategies, as well as to workpiece materials. In this study, experimental milling tests were performed on a rapidly solidified (RS) Al-Si alloy with a prominent silicon content (over 50%) to address challenges linked to material expansion in deep space applications. The tests were performed using a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) tool coated with amorphous diamond to reduce tool wear, material adhesion, surface oxidation, and particle diffusion. The effects of cutting parameters on part surface roughness and microstructure were analyzed. A comparative analysis of the surface with a conventionally utilized Al6061-T6 alloy showed an improvement in surface roughness measurements when using the RS Al-Si alloy. The results indicated that lower cutting speed and feed rate on both conventional and RS Al-Si alloys produced a better surface finish. Reduced vibrations were also identified in the RS Al-Si alloy, which possessed a stable cutting time at low cutting speeds but only displayed notable vibrations at cutting speeds above 120 m/min.We report the first case of COVID-19 pneumonia in a preterm neonate in Mayotte, an overseas department of France. The newborn developed an acute respiratory distress by 14 days of life with bilateral ground glass opacities on a chest CT scan and a 6-week-long stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This case report emphasizes the need for a cautious and close follow-up period for asymptomatic neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 infection. Vertical transmission cannot be excluded in this case. Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) are rare mesenchymal tumors. One of the most frequent localizations of PEComas is the female genitourinary tract, and the uterus is the most involved site after the kidney. Correct preoperative diagnosis is rarely achieved due to the presence of nonspecific imaging features. We report a case of a uterine PEComa with particular reference to ultrasound's role in characterizing this rare occurrence. a 45-year-old White woman came to our observation for cyclic abdominopelvic pain and chronic constipation. The pre-surgical ultrasound examination showed a heterogeneous tumor that was 4 cm in size, localized on the right anterolateral uterine wall. The mass had well-delimited borders and a central hypoechoic portion. The use of color Doppler showed a rich, irregular vasculature in the center with low impedance. The preoperative diagnostic hypothesis was of a smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential. After careful counseling, a surgical approach was decided upon, including a total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy. The histological and phenotypical features were consistent with a uterine PEComa. At the last follow-up, two years after surgery, the patient is alive and well. Uterine PEComa is a rare occurrence that should be included in the differential diagnosis of uterine wall tumors. It can appear as a small uterine mass with heterogeneous echogenicity and a rich vascular pattern during an ultrasound evaluation. This diagnostic suspicion may assist in better surgical planning. Uterine PEComa is a rare occurrence that should be included in the differential diagnosis of uterine wall tumors. It can appear as a small uterine mass with heterogeneous echogenicity and a rich vascular pattern during an ultrasound evaluation. This diagnostic suspicion may assist in better surgical planning.