However, there is no obvious targeting of the model RNA to stress granules or P bodies. Thus, accumulation of the model RNA and formation of constitutive stress granules occur independently and only some paths inducing formation of constitutive stress granules will stabilize mRNA as well.With recent rapid urbanization, sustainable development is required to prevent health risks associated with adverse environmental exposures from the unsustainable development of cities. Ambient air pollution is the greatest environmental risk factor for human health and is responsible for considerable levels of mortality worldwide. Burden of disease assessment (BoD) of air pollution in and across cities, and how these estimates vary according to socioeconomic status and exposure to road traffic, can help city planners and health practitioners to mitigate adverse exposures and promote public health. In this study, we quantified the health impacts of air pollution exposure (PM2.5 and NO2) at the census tract level in Houston, Texas, employing a standard BoD assessment framework to estimate the premature deaths (adults 30 to 78 years old) attributable to PM2.5 and NO2. We found that 631 (95% CI 366-809) premature deaths were attributable to PM2.5 in Houston, and 159 (95% CI 0-609) were attributable to NO2, in 2010. Complying with the World Health Organization air quality guidelines (annual mean 10 μg/m3 for PM2.5) and the US National Ambient Air Quality standard (annual mean 12 μg/m3 for PM2.5) could save 82 (95% CI 42-95) and 8 (95% CI 6-10) lives in Houston, respectively. PM2.5 was responsible for 7.3% of all-cause premature deaths in Houston, in 2010, which is higher than the death rate associated with diabetes mellites, Alzheimer's disease, or motor vehicle crashes in the US. Households with lower income had a higher risk of adverse exposure and attributable premature deaths. We also showed a positive relationship between health impacts attributable to air pollution and road traffic passing through census tracts, which was more prominent for NO2.Given the poor prognosis of ovarian cancer and limited population-level strategies for early detection and long-term treatment success, knowledge of modifiable risk factors for prevention and improved prognosis is important. Vitamin D has received wide scientific interest in cancer research as having the potential to be one such factor. We carried out a systematic narrative review of the literature on vitamin D and ovarian cancer risk and survival. We included 17 case-control and cohort studies on ovarian cancer incidence. Five analyses were of sun exposure, among which three reported an inverse association. Of 11 analyses of dietary vitamin D, two reported an inverse association. Among five studies of 25(OH)D levels, an inverse association was reported in two. Across all studies the findings were inconsistent, but some recent studies have suggested that vitamin D exposure at earlier ages may be important. Only three studies examining vitamin D exposure in relation to survival among ovarian cancer survivors were identified and the findings were inconsistent. The evidence to date supports a null influence of vitamin D on both ovarian cancer risk and survival. Future research should ensure that exposure assessment captures vitamin D exposure from all sources and for the etiologically or prognostically pertinent period.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a temporary form of diabetes during pregnancy which influences the health of both mother and child. Both inflammation and oxidative stress have been implicated in the pathophysiology of GDM. Apocynin, acetophenone with anti-oxidative and anti-inflammation activities, has been shown to protect against insulin resistance. In the current study, the effects of apocynin on GDM symptoms, productive outcomes, oxidative stress, and inflammation were evaluated and the underlying mechanisms were explored. We administrated apocynin to GDM mice and monitored the GDM symptoms including body weight, serum levels of glucose, insulin, lipid profile, and the fetal outcomes in GDM mice. We also evaluated the effects of apocynin on placental oxidative stress, inflammation, and activation of TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway in GDM mice. Here, we reported that apocynin treatment significantly reduced serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein in GDM mice, while significantly increased serum level of insulin and high-density lipoprotein. Apocynin improved fetal outcomes in GDM mice. Apocynin ameliorated placental oxidative stress and inflammation and inhibited TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway activation in GDM mice. We concluded that apocynin suppressed oxidative stress and inflammation in GDM by inhibiting the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway.We recently reported that human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection is frequently present in endometrial tissue of women with unexplained infertility, and that virus infection induces a profound remodulation of miRNA expression in human cells of different origin. Since specific miRNA patterns have been associated with specific pregnancy outcomes, we aimed to analyze the impact of HHV-6A infection on miRNAs expression and trophoblast receptivity in human endometrial cells. To this purpose, a human endometrial cell line (HEC-1A) was infected with HHV-6A and analyzed for alterations in the expression of miRNAs and for permissiveness to the attachment of a human choriocarcinoma trophoblast cell line (JEG-3). The results showed that HHV-6A infection of endometrial cells up-modulates miR22 (26-fold), miR15 (19.5-fold), and miR196-5p (12.1 fold), that are correlated with implant failure, and down-modulates miR18 (11.4 fold), miR101-3p (4.6 fold), miR181-5p (4.9 fold), miR92 (3.3 fold), and miR1207-5p (3.9 fold), characterized by a low expression in preeclampsia. Moreover, HHV-6A-infected endometrial cells infected resulted less permissive to the attachment of trophoblast cells. In conclusion, collected data suggest that HHV-6A infection could modify miRNA expression pattern and control of trophoblast cell adhesion of endometrial cells, undermining a correct trophoblast cell attachment on endometrial cells.